A Party Without a Platform

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“Because of them, Congress was able to defeat the insurrection.”

That’s what Nancy Pelosi said on January 6th regarding the Capitol Police and the so-called “insurrection” that took place a year ago. It was clearly a case of a horse’s ass spewing bullshit.

First of all, it was the Capitol Police who by many accounts of those who were there that day that removed the barricades and opened the Capitol doors FOR the supposed “insurrectionists” and allowed them to enter the Capitol. It was also the Capitol Police who in many cases were photographed and videotaped holding open the doors and calmly watching as the “insurrectionists” made their way through the Capitol that day.

Second of all…CONGRESS was able to defeat the “insurrection?”

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Obama, the Border Crisis and Your Taxpayer Dollars

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So, the Biden administration via the Obama regime has announced that they are, “advancing our mission to collaboratively manage migration in the region, including by promoting access to protection and increasing the U.S. response to urgent humanitarian needs in Central America and Mexico.”

What in the hell does that mean?

It means that Obama, using Biden for cover, is throwing your money at a bunch of illegal aliens who will soon be voting democrat.

So far this fiscal year, $331 million dollars of YOUR tax money has been gifted to illegal aliens before they even break our laws by setting foot in our country. It’s not enough that we pay for their every want and need AFTER they get here, our government is cracking open YOUR wallet and giving wanna-be illegal aliens YOUR money before they even get here.

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Biden – Obama’s Puppet and Useful Idiot

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

While what I’m about to relate may be a bit difficult to follow, all I ask is that you read this through to the end. If you do, then what’s happening in our country right now will make a good deal more sense in that the picture will become much clearer.

Let’s go all the way back to May 8th, 1986.

On that date, at the Harris Auditorium on the campus of the City College of New York, a forum was held. The forum’s panel consisted of Joyce Weinstein, Legislative Coordinator for the NYC Office of Management and Budget, somebody from Charlie Rangel’s staff, and one other person I’ll name in a moment.

The billing for the forum was, “A Community Forum on Federal Budget Cuts ‘85–‘86.” That’s important given who our nation’s president was at the time. It was President Reagan, and Reagan was proposing a reduction in government spending. Those on the forum’s panel were against those budget cuts and against Reagan’s proposed reductions in government spending.

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The Great Reparation Revelation

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Lately, there has been a good deal of talk amongst the liberal Marxist crowd of paying reparations to the descendants of slaves. I used to think the notion was rubbish, but I’ve changed my mind.

That’s me in the photo on the left.

By all appearances, I’m a white guy…except…

I’m not.

There has also been a lot of prattle in liberal Marxist circles regarding how one identifies one’s self. Some men identify as women. Some women identify as men. Bruce Jenner identifies as a woman who wants to date women so I suppose he identifies as a man who likes to make believe he’s a woman who is a lesbian.

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There’s a Storm Coming

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

There is a storm coming, and the clock is ticking.

The clock is no ordinary timepiece. It’s special. The longer it ticks, the faster it ticks, and it’s counting down.


The liberal Marxists in Washington, those in the halls of congress, and those behind the curtain know that time is limited, and of the essence. They are trying to beat the clock, and it’s getting harder by the day.

So much destruction to cause, and so little time to destroy.

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Bernie Sanders – Common Core to His Communist Core

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The implosion, and imminent demise of Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race is epic, but it has now gone beyond funny gaffes and nonsense to outright scary.

While he’s long been the butt of jokes for saying the wrong things at inappropriate times, and rightly so, Biden’s mental state now seems to be descending rapidly into what could be dementia, or some form of it.

For years, he’s had a great deal of trouble remembering where he is at any given time, and just a little more than a week ago, on the day of the New Hampshire primary at a final campaign stop, he actually thought he was in Nevada.

But just a couple of days ago, what I believe to be the true nature of whatever it is that Biden is suffering from became so glaringly clear that even his dwindling numbers of supporters were left wondering about their candidate’s mental state.

Biden was in South Carolina campaigning, giving a speech when he said, and I quote…

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The Best Reason Yet to Vote For Trump

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Over the past 5 years, we’ve heard and seen all sorts of histrionic behavior from the liberal/socialist left regarding Donald Trump, first as a candidate, and since his election.

The collective panty-wadding has been obnoxious, violent, silly, diametrically opposed to the pretend mantra of liberal tolerance, and in some cases, quite entertaining.

There were the safe space liberals who curled up in the fetal position on college campuses with their coloring books, Crayons, bottles of bubbles and their therapy puppies, but sadly, the supply chain for such items ran out when other like-minded socialists refused to continue to use their money for the collective good, and the puppies ran away.

Those were good times.

ANTIFA, which employed Nazi tactics in their effort to label Trump, and Trump supporters as Nazis ran out of steam for the most part when the socialist bus fuel pool also ran out of the support of other people’s money.

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Free Vaseline and Other Empty Promises

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Russian collusion is over.

The Mueller report is over.

The Trump/Zelensky phone call with its quid pro quo, it’s extortion, and its bribery along with its “abuse of power,” and its “obstruction of congress” is over.

And impeachment is over too.

All of those things ended with liberals wadding up their collective panties, and with President Trump standing tall, still in the White House, and still their president, but all of those things had one thing in common…

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Barbarians Have Breached The Gate

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Despite the claims of liberals today, the United States is the greatest nation on Earth, and one could well argue, perhaps one of the most civilized nations in all of history.

That’s not to say that our great nation is perfect. It isn’t, and frankly, it never has been, but unlike all other countries, this country, thanks to the wisdom and foresight of its Founders and Framers, has built-in mechanisms designed for self-correction without the need to utterly destroy it in the process.

Over nearly 244 years, the United States has utilized such mechanisms countless times to right itself when at various tipping points that would lay waste to most other nations.

The very foundation of our greatness comes from our founding documents, specifically the Constitution, and its incorporated Bill of Rights, both of which are the envy of the world.

Ben Franklin once said, “What you have, is a Republic if you can keep it.”

Ronald Reagan said,

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Hey, It’s Only Money…Right?

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Alright, it is now 2020, and while others look ahead trying to predict what will happen this year, I will usher in this brand spanking New Year by spanking those who have wasted our hard-earned taxpayer dollars last year.

Now before I get into that, allow me to make a couple of predictions.

Liberals in congress will fail in their attempted coup against President Trump.

Liberals, while adhering to that failure, will raise more money for President Trump’s reelection campaign than they will raise for their own candidates, and before this new year become the year that was, President Trump will be reelected, the Senate will remain in Republican hands, and the House will flip to red.

Oh, it won’t be the end of liberal attempts to overthrow President Trump, or to overturn the 2016 election, and they, along with their partners in crime, the mainstream media, will continue to spread their propaganda to a diminishing voter bloc while wondering why more and more people are tuning them out.

I also predict that before the end of this year…

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