Insurrection, Lies and Video Tape

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

An insurrection is an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects meant to overthrow said government. A protest is a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something.

What happened on January, 6th, 2021 was the latter, not the former.

Elected members of the liberal “elite” have been telling us for better than two years that what happened on January 6th, 2021, was an armed insurrection. They have told us that it was worse than the British sacking of the Capitol in the War of 1812. They have been telling us that it was on par, or worse than the bombing of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

The mainstream media, being good little propagandist minions echoed those talking points non-stop for the past two plus years and if you dared to disagree in posts on social media, you were censored, put in social media jail or simply banned from social media platforms.

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The Religion of Race-Baiting

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

“We don’t live by bread alone but by our giving we provide a voice, we provide funding to the voice of change. And so when we don’t give particularly to African American churches, or churches that believe the gospel is justification by faith and social justice, when I don’t give to those environments, I’m perpetuating the Tyre Nichols situations of our society. So don’t be angry about it if you’re not going to fund the voice of change. That’s what giving is about.”

Those were the words of a James D. Gailliard, Senior “Pastor” of Word Tabernacle in Rocky Mount, North Carolina a couple of weeks ago from his pulpit.

I put “pastor” in quotes because I believe a more accurate title for this clown would be “Senior Race-Baiter and Shake-Down Hustler.”

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The ONLY DePape Theory That Makes Sense…So Far

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last Friday, October 28th, somewhere between 2:00 and 2:30 in the morning, Paul Pelosi was attacked by a man with a hammer inside the Pelosi home in San Francisco. It was a shocking, totally undeserved attack against an 82 year old man in his own home.

Immediately, after the news of that attack broke, wild conspiracy theories began to emerge, mostly from Conservatives, and they spread like a wind-driven wildfire on social media. I resisted and even tried to quell those rumor mill posts as there simply wasn’t any evidence to support them, and dare I say in those early hours of the story going public, the investigation into it was just beginning.

San Francisco police said they had the suspect in custody, Paul Pelosi had been injured and taken to the hospital, and that the weapon used was a hammer. That was all we knew before the conspiracy theories started, and I was cautioning people, including my Right Side Patriot partner, Diane Sori, to not jump to conclusions and wait for the evidence and police reports to come out. Granted, she wasn’t engaging in the wild conspiracy theories we’ve all seen on social media, but she was quick to say the attack wasn’t what it was being made out to be.

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Gaslighting America – Part 2

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Gaslighting is the practice of manipulating an individual or group, by psychological means, into questioning their own sanity. Another commonly known term is, “projecting” which is the tactic of attributing one’s own unacceptable urges or behavior to another.

Projecting or gaslighting as described is the first line of defense for your average 3 year old who has just broken a vase by throwing a ball in the house, and it’s the last resort of a political party under the leadership of a daft old coot who knows that he and his party are about to lose an election because they’ve done everything wrong, and even their own once solid voting base is crumbling away.

Little Joey didn’t break the vase…little Donny did it.

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Wake Up and Speak Freely

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

DHS has created a Disinformation Governance Board to combat online disinformation. That should scare the ever living crap out of any American who has at a minimum, two working brain cells. It flies in the face of our 1st Amendment which sates in VERY clear language, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

A disinformation governance board directly violates our 1st Amendment as it is specifically designed to abridge the freedom of speech and the press.

Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the agency he heads up had created a division that will be monitoring what people post online to seek out lies because, as he put it before a congressional hearing, “The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat.”

Oh really, and what threat IS that exactly?

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What Liberals Say and What it Means

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Just a week ago or so, California’s liberal Marxist Governor, Gavin Newsom was addressing the crisis of train robberies taking place around Los Angeles.

Newsom stood in front of a microphone and said, “This is not one-off. This is organized theft. These are organized gangs of people that are coming out.”

At that point, the liberal Marxist Governor felt the sudden need to correct himself by stating, “Forgive me for saying ‘gangs,’ that’s a pejorative. They’re organized groups of folks that move from site to site.”

A perjorative is defined as “expressing contempt or disapproval.” That’s an important definition to know because what Newsom said in his immediate self-correction was that he did not intend to show or express “contempt or disapproval” toward those who are breaking into trains, looting those trains and trashing the area around the tracks in Los Angeles. In other words, Gavin Newsom, the liberal Marxist Governor of California APPROVES of the actions of “organized groups of folks” moving from site to site that BREAK INTO TRAINS full of goods that other people have paid for, LOOTING those trains and leaving in their wake TONS of trash which can then easily be infested with rats and other disease-ridden vermin.

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Biden – Obama’s Puppet and Useful Idiot

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

While what I’m about to relate may be a bit difficult to follow, all I ask is that you read this through to the end. If you do, then what’s happening in our country right now will make a good deal more sense in that the picture will become much clearer.

Let’s go all the way back to May 8th, 1986.

On that date, at the Harris Auditorium on the campus of the City College of New York, a forum was held. The forum’s panel consisted of Joyce Weinstein, Legislative Coordinator for the NYC Office of Management and Budget, somebody from Charlie Rangel’s staff, and one other person I’ll name in a moment.

The billing for the forum was, “A Community Forum on Federal Budget Cuts ‘85–‘86.” That’s important given who our nation’s president was at the time. It was President Reagan, and Reagan was proposing a reduction in government spending. Those on the forum’s panel were against those budget cuts and against Reagan’s proposed reductions in government spending.

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Purveyors of Lies Are NOT Guardians of Truth

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

In this commentary, I intend to present a case so profound, so rife with evidence and so airtight that it cannot be refuted with a straight face. All that is necessary to win this case is proof beyond a REASONABLE doubt, but I intend to prove this case beyond ALL doubt.

You, the jury, have borne witness to all that has transpired for the past several years, and what follows is my closing argument.

Over the past several years, liberal Marxists have been telling all of us a lot of things that seem to be fairly…questionable.

So…let me just see if I have this all straight…

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Wokeism – Dividing America

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Last week, I wrote a commentary with the title, “Systemic Wokeism and I knew there was more to the story than I was able to find quickly. There usually is when it comes to the devious nature of the liberal Marxist agenda.

Before I bring you more of the story, allow me to first explain why systemic wokeism is so high on the liberal Marxist agenda, and why they’re going all in on it at such an accelerated pace. More often than not, liberals have been patient with their adverse and abjectly anti-American agenda. For decades they’ve implemented bits and pieces of it slowly into the nation’s subconscious before building those bits and pieces into something that becomes very difficult to reverse.

That is no longer the case, and I believe it lends credence to the notion that Obama is behind the curtain pulling all the strings while Biden and Harris dance like puppets.

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Let the Lion of Israel Roar

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So, Hamas, from inside of Gaza, had been firing rockets into Israel nonstop for two weeks, and for the better part of those two weeks, Israel had been both intercepting the vast majority of those rockets, and pounding Hamas installations in Gaza in return.

Let me be very clear on a couple of key points here…Israel didn’t start this, Hamas did, and Hamas is being supplied and funded by Iran.

Those are just the facts, and no amount of panty wadding propaganda by liberals and the international community can change that. Facts are facts and propaganda is pure crap.

Israel has every right to defend itself against such overt attacks by terrorist organizations and the rogue regimes that prop them up financially. In my mind, part of that defense includes going on the offensive to put an end to the rabid swine that is Hamas. If opening a can of Israeli whoop-ass on Iran is necessary to put a definitive end to such attacks as Hamas has been waging against the Jewish State of Israel, then so be it, and I’d be happy to lend them my can opener.

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