Obama, the Border Crisis and Your Taxpayer Dollars

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

So, the Biden administration via the Obama regime has announced that they are, “advancing our mission to collaboratively manage migration in the region, including by promoting access to protection and increasing the U.S. response to urgent humanitarian needs in Central America and Mexico.”

What in the hell does that mean?

It means that Obama, using Biden for cover, is throwing your money at a bunch of illegal aliens who will soon be voting democrat.

So far this fiscal year, $331 million dollars of YOUR tax money has been gifted to illegal aliens before they even break our laws by setting foot in our country. It’s not enough that we pay for their every want and need AFTER they get here, our government is cracking open YOUR wallet and giving wanna-be illegal aliens YOUR money before they even get here.

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Ghislaine Maxwell…A Canary In a Cage

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Ghislaine Maxwell.

The close associate and pimp of under aged girls of the now dead Jeffery Epstein was arrested last week, and is now being housed in a federal prison in Brooklyn New York.

If anyone knows the inside story behind Epstein, it’s Maxwell.

If anyone knows or has the list of high-powered clients that frequented Epstein’s private island, it’s Ghislaine Maxwell.

If there is anyone who knows the lurid details of what went on with regard to Epstein’s private island, his various other estates and/or on his private plane…all host to the political, industry, social and royal elite, it’s Maxwell, and if there are bodies buried anywhere…

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Jeffrey Epstein…Suicide or Suicided?

Investigative Report

By:Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

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“We will get to the bottom of what happened. There will be accountability.”

– Attorney General William Barr on heating of Jeffrey Epstein’s untimely death

The timing and the circumstances surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s death was perfect…Hollywood itself could not have staged it any better. And the Democrats are happily wallowing in that timing as it took the public’s attention off the much needed wall, the what is a “trade war” with China, mass shootings, as well as the circus that is the entirety of the Democrats presidential contenders…where by the way there is not a decent one in the bunch. And the timing put the spotlight back on sex…after all sex and sex scandals sells papers and bumps up media ratings better than any other news story can.

And Jeffrey Epstein’s story in itself would make a great movie if it wasn’t such a travesty from the get-go…if it wasn’t such an obvious case of “this guy needs to be permanently silenced” before he can squeal on those in high places in order to save his own sorry self.

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