The Cause, Effect and Ripple Effects of Globalism

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Since August 24th, 1991, Ukraine has been an independent country, and in those 31 years, Ukraine has done nothing to Russia. Yes, since its inception, Ukraine has been corrupt. That should go without saying, but that has been their problem and nobody else’s.

The corruption in Ukraine has been part and parcel of the government there. It has not been the agenda of the Ukrainian people although the people there have been taken advantage of by their government, and they have not enjoyed the sort of freedoms they expected when their nation became an independent state.

To be clear, the government, through several changes in leadership has been corrupt, a level of corruption that has eased somewhat under the current leadership of Volodymye Zelensky, but because of their version of the swamp, corruption continues to exist in Ukraine.

That’s all a commentary for another day. What’s pressing right now is the situation at hand, and the response to all of it from liberal Marxists in our own swamp.

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SPAZ Is For SPAZtics

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

CHOP…the republic formerly as CHAZ…which I now lovingly refer to as…SPAZ…is having more trouble getting itself up and running than a 3rd world African craphole country, but it sure is getting more entertaining by the day.

It all started during the Riots in Seattle, when ANTIFA commandeered a 6 block section of downtown and claimed it not only as their own, but as an independent nation unto itself. They named it CHAZ for Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

That lasted about a week until some ANTIFA yahoos got the bright idea to rename it CHOP, for Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, or Capitol Hill Organized Protest. They’re not really sure what it stands for but they sure know what it means.

It means…

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