Liberals Are Idiots…Can I Get an AMEN?

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Amen is commonly used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement. … It means “it is so” or “so it be.” Amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “certainty,” truth,” and “verily.” In English, the word has two primary pronunciations: ah-men or ay-men.

The word is not now, nor has it ever been a matter of gender but don’t tell that to “woke” liberals because they won’t believe you.

Last week, during the opening prayer in the House, a “woke” obviously liberal idiot Congressman Emanuel Cleaver from Missouri ended the prayer by saying, “Amen, or Awoman.”

Clearly, this was a glaring sign of two things.

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Censorship of the Press

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Conservatives have been saying it for years.

Social media has been censoring our ability to share our concerns, post our thoughts and opinions, and even throwing us into some sort of cyber jail for posting the facts when those facts are in opposition to the liberal agenda.

For years, social media has denied the practice.

Last week, the two biggest social media offenders screwed up big-time when they tried to squash the Biden story, and they screwed up on such a grand scale that now EVERYBODY knows that Conservatives have been 100% correct all along.

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Cancel Culture – Biting the Hand That Fed It

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The liberal left created the monster.

They raised it up, fed it, took it out for walks in the park, loved it and powdered its behind.

They embraced it, hugged, championed it and became attached to it.

Liberals claimed it as their own, and as they unleashed it on the general populous, they gave it a name…

“Cancel Culture.”

In reality, it isn’t new. It’s been around as long as people have been around. Back in the day, it took the form of banishment from a community, or the public shaming of someone deemed to have committed some social misdeed.

People used to be pilloried…

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A Verdict Desperately Searching For a Crime

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

First off, allow me to state the simply obvious…democrats have lost their socialist collective minds. There’s not a contained democrat or liberal marble to be found, the cheese has slipped from their crackers, they’re crazier than soup sandwiches…

And nuttier than a port­a ­potty at a peanut festival.

Democrats are so desperate to alter the results of the 2016 election before we get to the 2020 election, that they no longer give a happy damn that they’re acting like idiots who claim to be invisible.

While I’m not exactly sure from either a scientific, or medical standpoint what their affliction is called, I am willing to bet it’s really hard to pronounce.

Democrats are insisting that President Trump must be impeached, that much is clear by the amount of bellowing and bloviating they’re engaged in 24/7, but what neither we, nor they can quite figure out is…


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Democrats Pre-Planning Their Own Political Funeral

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If you were going to take a vote on making a witch hunt inquiry official, there couldn’t have been a more appropriate day to do so than on Halloween, and that is exactly what the wicked one of the west coast did on October, 31st.

Let me be staggeringly honest here…vodka-soaked Nancy Pelosi spent 7 months trying to gin up some sort of mandate to either move forward with such an official impeachment inquiry, fabricated though it may be, or get to work getting things done to fix real issues we face as a country, and the best she could do was prove that the liberal/socialist radicals that are leading her party are perpetrating a transparent sham.

Save 2 democrats who just couldn’t bring themselves to join the revenge-minded, sour-grapes line of pressured thinking, every democrat in the House voted for moving the impeachment inquiry to the next level, and every single Republican voted against it.

As Pelosi stated some 7 months ago…

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We Must Quit Making Fun of the Baboons

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I would like to enter my name, officially, on a dubious list of America’s most wanted, as an offender of the highest order. I will gladly surrender myself, and I am more than prepared to take full responsibility for my actions.

Please make sure, when issuing my arrest warrant, to spell my name correctly.

It’s Craig…not Greg…and the last name is Andresen…not Anderson.

Last week, Florida nincompoop Frederica Wilson, a liberal loon of a congresswoman, said those who are “making fun” of members of Congress online should be “prosecuted.”

For the record, and let there be no doubt regarding this very important and relevant point…

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For Liberals…Truth is the New Hate Speech

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Hate speech…that is what liberals call any opinion, whether spoken or written with which they do not agree. Hate speech…and liberals are going to grand lengths to be the sole arbiters of what constitutes hate speech.

If you write something that offends the delicate sensibilities of liberals on social media…which is controlled by liberals…you are summarily banned for a period of time, or you are ushered off the platform altogether.

Your hate speech has bruised someone’s little feelings. Maybe it hasn’t bruised anyone’s feelings, really, but even if someone pretends to be offended, either personally or on some else’s behalf…you are in trouble.

Hate speech can also trigger liberals to demand you be removed from your ability to earn a living. Don’t think so…ask Rosanne Barr…who tweeted something that supposedly hurt the feelings of Valerie Jarrett…and Rosanne was immediately fired by the liberals who ran her show, and her industry.

Hate speech doesn’t just pertain to the spoken or written word either…

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Freedom of Speech – The Bane Liberal Existence

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The 1st Amendment is clear…

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

While the first part of the 1st Amendment is the stuff of another article altogether, it is the second part of it that I want to deal with today…the part regarding our right to freedom of speech…one of the premier foundation stones of this Constitutional Republic.

You will notice that the language fails to put upon that right any stipulations, although certain stipulations have been placed on it by the Supreme Court over the years…

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Facebook: The Truth Exposed…Part 2 of 2

Investigative Report

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Authors Note: The information we are about to disclose is based on our research and reflects our opinions and beliefs alone.

In Part 1 of Facebook: The Truth Exposed, we told you about who Facebook’s partners are and which companies and countries they are connected to, and which companies Facebook bought up or into and why.

So, given everything we have told you thus far, you’re probably wondering how this all applies in the real world, to real world, here and now events, and why this is all so dangerous. For the answer to that, to provide you with the end result of the big picture, allow us to bring in to this investigative report, what we refer to as the Hillary/Russia trifecta.

Over the past couple of years, we have both written, sometimes together, and at other times separately, about Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One sale of American uranium to Russia. We have also written, both together and separately with regard to Hillary Clinton’s deep involvement in the Steele dossier which was pieced together in large part from bogus information culled from Russian agents.

It’s the third leg of the Hillary/Russia/Facebook trifecta that is perhaps the most disturbing however, and it relates directly to Facebook, and the key players we mentioned earlier.

To begin with, the name Brett Sinclair Armitage should ring a bell.

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Facebook: The Truth Exposed…Part 1

Investigative Report

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Authors Note: The information we are about to disclose is based on our research and reflects our opinions and beliefs alone.

What we about to tell you might surprise some while affirming what others have suspected for quite some time but either way it needs to be told. And why…because ‘Big Brother’ is indeed watching us, but in a far more devious and sinister way than those two words usually imply for the simple fact is that he who controls the media, social networks, and the internet controls not just the flow of information but controls exactly what information is disseminated.

‘Fake news’ has become a buzz word for conservatives since the early days of the Trump campaign, but ‘fake news’ doesn’t really even begin to explain the depth and breadth of the situation we now face. It is becoming harder and harder to believe anything you see or hear from Twitter, newspapers, magazines, the mainstream media or on the internet, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for conservatives to express or share their ideas, thoughts, support, or concerns on Facebook.

There is a reason for all of this, and by the time you’re finished reading this investigative report, you will have a much better understanding of the dire situation we are all facing. You won’t feel any better about it, but you will see the big picture.

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