A Question for the Anybody But Mitt Crowd

Over a considerable amount of time and through the ability to do copious amounts of research, I have become reasonably good at figuring out political quandaries.

I don’t always get it exactly right but, I honestly wish I weren’t right as often as I am.

Finding the answers to questions regarding political ideology, political history, how dots are connected and the end games of certain politicians have become a passion.

I’d like to think I’ve become pretty good at it.

Currently, however, the answer to a most perplexing political question eludes me.

I’m asking for your help.

There is no cash prize involved, like the sum given to the brilliant mind which created the $50.00 light bulb but rest assured, you’ll have my unending gratitude.

Please, somebody…Explain to me exactly how…

Splitting the 2012 presidential vote between Romney, Gingrich, Paul, Cain, Palin, Johnson, Dummett, Tittle and any other number of known or unknown candidates of personal choice will defeat Obama.

Conservatives agree, after all, that Obama needs to be defeated and that if he isn’t, the situation is dire.

In that, at least, there IS agreement.

Thus, the quandary…

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One Rick Drops Out…The Other Supports SOPA?

And then there were 4 in a 2-man race.

In South Carolina, tonight, 4 will stand on the debate stage as Rick Perry has officially dropped out of the GOP race for the nomination.

Yes, 4 – but in reality, at least in South Carolina this Saturday, it’s a 2-man race between Romney and Gingrich.

Rick Santorum will come in 3rd and Ron Paul will be emptying the trash cans after the polls close.

That’s just the way it is.

As Perry drops out and throws his support to Newt, Santorum is left trying to bolster support from evangelicals but, it’s just not going to be enough. Not enough as well is the news this morning that Santorum actually won in Iowa.

What the Iowa numbers do, though they will never be 100% confirmed, is to keep Mitt from wining the first 2 states. That is something which had never been done before and regardless of what Iowa officials are calling a tie, Santorum’s plus 34 makes HIM the winner there.

It’s a win with an * for Santorum and a loss with an * for Romney as there are 8 precincts which lost their ballots most likely never to be seen again.

While all eyes now focus like lasers on South Carolina, Iowa has managed to relegate themselves OUT of the picture maybe permanently. Iowa will probably make some adjustments to the way they cast, count and tally Caucus votes in the future, but they will be thought of for a long time as the Florida of the heartland.

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