It’s Time to Investigate the Investigators

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…now let me just see if I have this all straight…

Deputy Attorney General, Rod J. Rosenstein penned a memo to President Trump outlining why James Comey should be dismissed from his position as the Director of the FBI.

President Trump acted upon that memo from Rosenstein and fired Comey.

Liberals came unhinged and demanded that Rosenstein appoint a Special Prosecutor to handle the whole “Russian meddling” thing.

Rosenstein, under pressure from the MINORITY members of congress appointed Robert Mueller as that Special Prosecutor.

Mueller and Comey are more than acquaintances…they are old friends.

Mueller has enlisted the assistance of several high dollar attorneys for the purposes of his investigation…and many of those attorneys are directly attached to Hillary Clinton.

Interesting, but it gets better…

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James Comey’s Kathy Griffin Moment

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Oh, the week that was…

The liberals haven’t had a week that bad since early last November, and it all culminated last Thursday with the testimony of James Comey.

Let’s take a look at last week’s liberal low-lights…shall we?

It all started with Megyn Kelly, the big liberal score who left Fox News for the friendlier liberal confines of CNN, whose debut show on the fake news network garnered FEWER viewers than a RERUN of 60 Minutes…stuff that people had already seen.

And her interview with Vladimir Putin? Kelly was nothing more than Putin’s punching bag…at one point, he even told her that SHE should be arrested.

Then, there was Reality Winner…

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Ice Creamgate…2 Scoops of Liberal Hypocrisy

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Somewhere in a swirl of depression, delusion and desperation, exists the liberal/socialist party formerly known as democrats. They are unhinged, and more frenzied than a spastic poodle in a room full of ADHD squirrels.

The MINORITY in both halls of congress seems to think they have the power to impeach the president…because they apparently weren’t paying attention to School House Rock as children, and last week, their desperation manifested itself in epic fits of irrelevance.

Just a couple of years ago, Barack Hussein Obama traded 5 Taliban war council members for 1 U.S. traitor, thus releasing the Islamists back into the wild, and theaters of war…and the liberal/socialists said nothing.

No stink was raised by a single liberal anywhere…

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Comey Go Homey

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…it’s been an interesting week.

France, more than half a century after the end of WWII finally surrendered to Germany and President Trump finally fired FBI Director, James Comey.

The former has Islamists dancing on the Champs Elysées and Angela Merkel now running two countries without borders…while the latter has Hillary Clinton sweating like Britney Spears on Jeopardy.

Liberals, being the socialists that they are, are overjoyed at the prospect of an even more socialistic France crawling with assorted, but unvetted Islamists, but their heads are exploding over the firing of James Comey.

It’s the difference between Moulin le Boom…

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Tapping Trump…The Plot Thickens

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Obama says it never happened. He says that President Trump’s claim of having been wiretapped is completely false.

Once again…Obama is flat-out lying.

Somebody apparently got wiretap permits from a FISA court…and reportedly, six different intel organizations  engaged in wiretapping and cyber surveillance of Donald Trump and his advisors since late last October…and those six agencies sought, and received permission to SHARE any information they gleaned with SIXTEEN intel agencies.

Obama had to know all about it and furthermore…it’s a damn good bet that he, himself, ordered it from start to finish.

In fact, the federally filed surveillance requests…FISA court requests…

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The Snowflake’s Blame Game Epic Fail

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Well, the time has come to update folks regarding the Jill Stein/Hillary Clinton recounts in three states…Michigexc-1an, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Hillary Stein-Clinton was looking for voter fraud in those states…and she, or they, found it.

There was, indeed, voter fraud…on behalf of Hillary Clinton…of which those of us who pay attention to such things knew would happen well in advance of last month’s election…and the recount efforts have now exposed it for all to see.

First…let’s have a look at Michigan.

In Michigan…which was “to close to call” on election night, although in our election night coverage, Diane Sori and I officially, and as it turned out, rightfully called Michigan for Donald Trump days before it was made official…the Hillary Stein-Clinton recount focused the bright light of reality directly where Hillary didn’t want it.

In 50% of Detroit’s precincts, no recount could be done because…the numbers of the votes counted by machines was decisively higher than the number of votes cast by those who signed in at those precincts.

Oddly, if not predictably…

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Corrupt Intentions…Dire Implications – Part 2 of 2

Earlier, in “Corrupt Intentions…Dire Implications – Part 1,” I outlined how FBI imp-1Director, James Comey, ignored a mountain of evidence that showed clear intent on the part of Hillary Clinton to break the laws of our land and how, whether or not she knew she was violating our laws, it should not have absolved her from prosecution.

I also stated that the implications of this ongoing situation were dire.

Let me jump right in and outline those implications and I’ll start where nobody else is going…with James Comey himself.

If, as some reports are stating, Comey and the FBI had all of Hillary’s emails well before last week’s announcement and reopening of the investigation into her illegal private server and illegal private email account…and by well before, it has been reported that Comey may well have had access to what is now being characterized as the new discovery of 650,000 emails on the computer belonging to Anthony Weiner and his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, before last July when Comey himself testified to Congress that he lacked evidence of “intent” on Hillary’s part and therefore declined to indict her…the implications are indeed dire.

If that is shown to be the case…

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Corrupt Intentions…Dire Implications – Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

di-1“I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. That I could establish. What we can’t establish is that she acted with the necessary criminal intent.”

Those were the words of FBI Director, James Comey, last July, as he told Congress and the American people that he was not going to indict Hillary Clinton due to what he called a direct lack of evidence that showed “intent,” and I believe nobody was less surprised by that inaction than was Hillary Clinton herself.

On Tuesday…in yet another document dump by WikiLeaks…

Intent shown.

“On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails.”

Those were the words of Hillary’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, written in an email exchange with Hillary’s close aide, Cheryl Mills, just as news of Hillary’s private email account and private server…both illegal…was breaking in the NY times.

If, as Hillary has steadfastly claimed, the emails she erased or deleted…were nothing but her personal emails regarding yoga classes and Chelsea’s wedding…

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