SOTU – More of the Same Ol’ Socialist Song and Dance

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

coll 1In his State of the Disunion speech, Obama laid out his plan to further wreck the economy while trying to make us all believe that because of his policies, roundly slammed in the midterm election, our economy is so bright we have to wear shades.

Obama’s plan is to further the fundamental transformation of America into a socialist state and whatt he is promoting is abysmal and decidedly un-American.

Obama wants 7 days of paid sick leave for every employee. That SOUNDS reasonable until one gets to the reality faced by business owners who have to pay it. What any savvy business owner will do is simply make an adjustment in their pay scale. 7 days of paid sick leave adjusts to the equivalent of 7 days less pay per employee because business owners, at least those who intend on staying in business, won’t eat it…they will adjust FOR it and the workers will pay the price…not the business owners.

Obama wants to expand overtime.

Again…savvy business owners, should such a mandate be presented, will cut pay to compensate and once again, the workers lose.

Obama AGAIN went on the warpath for a hike in the minimum wage and again, until one recognizes the truth, it sounds good but…when the minimum wage gets hiked, it results in LOWER pay because business owners cut workers hours and hire fewer workers to keep their bottom line even.

Don’t think so?

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How to LOSE an Election in 10 Easy Steps

As we have an election in a short 8 ½ months, primaries in just 3 months and, since we haven’t done this sort of thing for the last 15 months or so…I thought now might be a good time for a refresher course in how to LOSE an election.

Somehow, we, as Conservatives, screwed it up back in 2010 and actually won the darn thing.

If memory serves…It was called a shellacking and, we certainly wouldn’t want to have THAT again.

Would we?

So…Let’s get started…

How to LOSE an election.


Don’t do your own.

It takes time…It’s hard and it simply isn’t necessary in this day and age. There are PLENTY of folks scattered about on social media that you don’t know a single thing about who will be more than happy to do your research for you.

By all means…TRUST them.

There are a lot of axes out there and more than enough people willing to grind them and, it really doesn’t matter whether or not THEY share YOUR values and ideology…THEY did the research and, according to them…PIGS can FLY.

Just go with it.


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From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.


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The Hostage Taker in Chief Issues His Demands

Let’s get something straight right off the bat here.

There is no reason…NO reason whatsoever to raise the debt ceiling.


We won’t “default” if we don’t raise it and, we SHOULDN’T raise it without some plan to deal, and I mean deal EFFECTIVELY with, the CURRENT, staggering, $17 TRILLION dollar debt.

In 5 years, Obama hasn’t submitted a budget that spends equal to or less than we take in and for most of those 5 years, his budget proposals have been SO absurd as to not garner a single vote in the senate.


So…Why raise the debt ceiling?

Essentially, raising the debt ceiling would be borrowing MORE money to SPEND without ANY attempt to pay back what has ALREADY been borrowed and providing absolutely NO assurance that SPENDING will be brought under control.

Try doing that with YOUR bank and see what happens.

Try DEMANDING that of your bank.

Walk into your bank and DEMAND that you be given a bigger line of credit with your bank manager KNOWING that you spend more than your income and DEMAND it without ANY strings attached.


You’ll be lucky if they don’t have you committed for a MENTAL examination.


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BUSH Lied and People Died? WHO’S LYING NOW???

The liberal “there were no WMD in Iraq” crowd is being suspiciously silent right now as their chosen one, Obama, is about to launch military strikes against Syria’s Assad.

There ARE WMD in Syria and I doubt anybody would deny that but, there are some very dire questions which must be posed.

First…Where did Syria GET the WMD?

Remember…the “There were no WMD in Iraq” crown has, for a decade, jeered at the idea that WMD were moved FROM Iraq TO Syria even though there were satellite images clearly showing caravans of heavy trucks moving SOMETHING out of Iraq and across the border into Syria.

Now, chemical weapons are being USED in Syria and that brings up the 2nd dire question.

WHO is using them?

Yesterday, Obama trotted out the Vietnam war traitor, John Kerry, to tell us all that, “What is before us today is real, and it is compelling.”

Kerry stated, “Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up.”


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Today, WE Choose and Obama Must Lose!!!

This is IT!!!

November 6th, 2012.

Today…WE choose.

Obama vs Romney.  Socialism vs Capitalism.  Free stuff vs Freedom.  Arrogance vs Humility.  Corruption vs Competence.   Bigger government vs Smaller government.  Community Organizer vs Successful Businessman.  Appeasement vs Strength.  Lies vs Integrity.

If you really want to boil it down…

Obama wants fewer rich people.

Romney wants fewer poor people.

Our economy is closer to the abyss today that it was 4 years ago. Then, we were in a recession and today, we face the fiscal cliff and Obama shouts…”Forward.”

With Obamacare, Obama engineered the largest single tax increase in American history with 21 NEW taxes…12 of which hit directly against the middle class he claims to embrace. Now, he wants to raise taxes again.

4 years ago, gas prices were $1.84/gallon. Today, it’s $3.50/gallon.

When Obama took office, he inherited a AAA credit rating and today, we’ve been downgraded twice.

Since Obama took office, the average income has dropped by more than $4000.00 and more people have completely dropped out of the workforce than have become employed.

When Obama took office, there were 32 million Americans on food stamps and today, that number has risen to 47 million Americans.

Obama says we’re moving in the right direction. He says things are getting better. Obama says we’re making progress and we shouldn’t stop now. “Forward” he says. “Forward.”

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Debate 1 – Here We Go!!!

Domestic Policy.

That’s the topic of tonight’s first debate between the contenders for the presidency.

Domestic Policy.

Obama will be spinning faster than the centrifuges in Iran. He’s tried NOT to talk about Domestic Policy as the economy continues to drag itself along, barely alive.

For weeks. If not months, Obama has preferred to talk about his FOREIGN policy because…he felt that was a much shinier ball than his domestic policy.

That all changed 3 weeks ago.


Now he’s pulled the cover-up covers up over his head.

4 Americans dead. A terrorist attack. Failed attempts to divert, as liberals are want to do, the attention to a stupid You Tube Video.

He dodged and ducked, did the View and Letterman…spoke at the U.N. and ran away from even having lunch there not to mention his snubbing of Netanyahu.

He hung with Beyonce and Jay-Z…did a radio show…Pimp with a Limp…The morning after the terrorist attack, he flew to Vegas for a fund raiser.

The foreign policy ain’t got that sparkle anymore does it?

So…Domestic Policy…

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The Empty Chair Convention Begins


Talk about your rough starts…

Obama and his minions are kicking off their 2012 Liberal/Socialist convention amid what is understatedly, a malaise.

Yesterday, the day before the Occupy Charlotte event gets under way, was “National Empty Chair Day,” an event which was born from Clint Eastwood’s Republican Convention appearance which will stretch until the end of the Liberal/Socialist convention on Thursday.

Bolstered by a grassroots effort on social media, “National Empty Chair Day” was replete with a never ending display of creative images of empty chairs posted from sea to shining sea.

Conservative Patriots placed empty chairs everywhere they could think of. In front of their homes, in parks, on streets, the bottoms of pools, stacked, in rows, in offices…everywhere.

We, at The National Patriot, added in our own take on it…seen here.

Over the weekend, on the eve of “National Empty Chair Day,” Mount  Suckmore…The giant sand sculpture of Obama outside the convention hall was damaged by heavy rain.

It’s a fitting tribute…

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Liberals in Full-On Meltdown Mode

There are a few things from the start of the Republican National Convention which should surprise nobody.

First, we had Chuck Todd from the Obama propaganda wing known as NBC, stating that, “There are folks with the Romney campaign who think, ‘Boy, Romney can’t catch a break ever since he named Paul Ryan. He got a little momentum after the Ryan pick and then he’s disrupted by two storms. One, a political storm in Todd Akin which we just brought up. But now an actual storm, and when you think when this storm moves to and closer to Louisiana, the specter, the sort of shadow of Bush and Katrina does hang over this convention.

Seriously? THIS is where the liberal media wants to go?

If there is ANY specter or shadow of Katrina it casts itself directly over liberals.

Louisiana had a liberal governor who did NOTHING in the face of the COMING storm and woefully dropped the ball in its wake. The liberal media has, since Katrina, blamed Bush for not sending in the National Guard to evacuate people when, in fact, it would have been illegal to do so without the request of the state’s Governor. She failed to make that request.

It was also the prevue of New Orleans’ Mayor, another liberal, who fled the city for higher ground…IN DALLAS.

And let’s not even get started on the 10s of MILLIONS of dollars given to New Orleans to shore up their levies over the decades which decades of liberal officials spent elsewhere.

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