Liberals in Full-On Meltdown Mode

There are a few things from the start of the Republican National Convention which should surprise nobody.

First, we had Chuck Todd from the Obama propaganda wing known as NBC, stating that, “There are folks with the Romney campaign who think, ‘Boy, Romney can’t catch a break ever since he named Paul Ryan. He got a little momentum after the Ryan pick and then he’s disrupted by two storms. One, a political storm in Todd Akin which we just brought up. But now an actual storm, and when you think when this storm moves to and closer to Louisiana, the specter, the sort of shadow of Bush and Katrina does hang over this convention.

Seriously? THIS is where the liberal media wants to go?

If there is ANY specter or shadow of Katrina it casts itself directly over liberals.

Louisiana had a liberal governor who did NOTHING in the face of the COMING storm and woefully dropped the ball in its wake. The liberal media has, since Katrina, blamed Bush for not sending in the National Guard to evacuate people when, in fact, it would have been illegal to do so without the request of the state’s Governor. She failed to make that request.

It was also the prevue of New Orleans’ Mayor, another liberal, who fled the city for higher ground…IN DALLAS.

And let’s not even get started on the 10s of MILLIONS of dollars given to New Orleans to shore up their levies over the decades which decades of liberal officials spent elsewhere.

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The Weekend Edition: Tea Party Roots and the Convention

This weekend, we stand on the doorstep of the 2012 Republican Convention.

That convention will begin on Monday, come rain or shine…Hurricane or not In Tampa and just like the expected weather, the event itself will be somewhat stormy.

Not every Republican is happy with the event because not every Republican is happy that Mitt Romney will officially become the GOP Nominee.

Various factions of the Tea Party are holding out hope that their choice, somehow, will become the nominee.

Such is the nature of the Tea Party with which I am proud to identify.

In those early months of the Tea Party, liberals tried, in vein, to label us as everything from racists to angry mobs, to ready for the padded rooms at Bellevue.

But, do you remember the first label? The very first one so falsely attributed to the Tea Party?


It was April 15th, 2009. TAX DAY. That’s when Nancy Pelosi stepped to a microphone and stated, “This [tea party] initiative is funded by the high end — we call call it astroturf, it’s not really a grassroots movement. It’s astroturf by some of the wealthiest people in America to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich instead of for the great middle class. “

Astroturf.  NOT a real grassroots movement.

Some of the wealthiest people in America trying to keep the focus on tax cuts for the rich.

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