Today’s One and Only Convention Speech

Today, at the Convention, not much is going to happen. They’ll gavel in…Go into recess…And hit the cocktail parties because of the big storm.

All the speaker who were scheduled to orate today from the podium, have had their slots shifted and some, like the Governors of the gulf states, have far more important thing to attend to.

ALL the speeches set for today…ALL of them, ar postponed.

All but one.

I figured that, since the podium was open…

Why not?


Greetings to…well…nobody in particular.

I saw on NBC News a couple of days ago, where Neil Young died. This came as quite a shock to me and, I’m reasonable sure, to Neil Young.

It was Neil Armstrong who passed away but, to NBC…Really…What’s the difference? One was an American Hero who became the first man to walk on the Moon and the other is a guy who horned his way into somebody else’s band.

I’m sure NBC’s coverage of this convention will be filled with the same attention to fact as their announcement of the passing of Neil Young.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the National Debt

You know all those statistics thrown about where…If you take all of something nobody gives a rip about, and laid them end to end, they’d stretch from point A to point B?

As an example: If you took all the women George Clooney has dated, and laid them end to end…

(Go ahead and make your own jokes about how tired you’d be)

They would reach from Malibu to Manhattan…Give or take a Stacy Keibler.

I hate those kinds of statistics but, it’s not going to stop me from using one in this article.

We’re talking about our national debt.

Staggering? Is that how you would describe it?

Maybe you have heard that our national debt is skyrocketing. It is you know. Maybe MORE than you know. Alarming? That’s another term you’ve probably heard.

No doubt you’ve heard something about a “fiscal cliff” during national debt discussions.

Oh…If ONLY that were the extent of it. It’s not of course but, we can dream can’t we?

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W. – The Measure of the Man

By now, you’ve seen the image.

President George W. Bush, hugging a little boy.

The image is making the rounds on social media, forwarded, tweeted and shared by conservatives.

To say it’s a compelling image is a gross understatement.

President Bush has been on a week long trip to Africa. Not for photo ops but to work. He’s been in Zambia helping to restore a clinic as part of the Pink Ribbon/Red Ribbon Project, getting dirty and covered with paint.

The clinic serves Zambian women being treated for cervical cancer.

The press won’t leave him alone though I rather believe he wishes they would. He’d get more work done if they did but, he’s the former President and wherever he goes, cameras and microphones will follow.

Zambia’s First Lady, Christine Kaseba stated, “It was really amazing seeing a former president getting involved in physical work for the love of saving women’s lives. It made me feel proud to be a Zambian woman, knowing that Americans are getting down to do dirty and laborious work like paint, not minding the dust, the surroundings but focusing on helping the Zambian women.”

The First Lady said that President Bush’s, “project has the capacity of not only changing the face of cervical cancer in Zambia but in Africa as a whole.”

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Presidential Portraits Unveiled…

Today, in the White House, the official portraits of George W. Bush and Laura Bush were unveiled.

In attendance were friends and family of President Bush including his parents and daughters as well as many members of the White House staff. It was a lighthearted and respectful ceremony.

Official Presidential portraits always try to capture the true essence of the President and First Lady and the images revealed today certainly did just that.

While watching the televised unveiling, one could not help but wonder how the true essence of Barack and Michelle Obama would be captured in a few short years.

First, an artist will be commissioned and that artist will then take input from the Obama’s.

The official Obama portraits will attempt to show them, their personalities and their true character.

May we humbly suggest…

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Indoctrination Propagandist Suspended With Pay

North Rowan High School teacher, Tonya Dixon-Neely, has been suspended…WITH PAY…for her misinformed tirade against one of her students.

Misinformed? No…not misinformed.

Flat out wrong.

Tirade? No again.


Here, in North Caroline, in a high school, we have a classic example of liberal indoctrination caught live on tape. It’s pathetic.

In a class room which this teacher, Neely, obviously has no control over, she starts a topic by bringing up Romney’s alleged “bullying” prank in high school. A student, Gunner Rogers, asks a simple question. “Didn’t Obama bully a girl in high school?”

The correct answer would have been that yes, Obama, by his own admission, while in high school, bullied a girl. That is NOT the response garnered from Neely. It’s not even close.

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Obama’s Port in a Storm?

For days now, the news has been full of predictions…Hurricane predictions. Irene has been bearing down on our east coast as it crossed the Bahamas. You never really know with a hurricane…category 3, category 4, category 2…as they move they gain and lose power but, all the computer models showed this one WAS going to hit the coast at SOME strength.

This storm was so immense that when it hit and as it rolled up the coast, it would affect nearly 20% of all Americans. There would be flooding, wind damage, coastal erosion and mass power outages from North Carolina to Boston.

We have known of this storm and its potential for damage for nearly a week. Emergency officials in those areas expected to be hit and hit hard, ordered mandatory evacuations, ordered extra body bags, issued stern warnings that if you stayed, and then needed help, it would not be coming to you because you were told to leave and you didn’t.

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Deal vs Solution…The Great Debt Debate

Over the last several months we have seen continued battles over the debt. There have been possible government shutdowns, bailouts, proposed bailouts, calls for cutting spending, calls for higher taxes, a gang of 6, those who believe we have a revenue problem, those who believe we have a spending problem and a President who believes the best way OUT of the hole is to make the hole even DEEPER.

Obama wants to scare everyone into capitulation with liberal tax and spend ideologies and stonewalling while those who set our nation’s credit ratings seem set to sweep away our liberty in a tsunami of default.

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The Wrong Side of the Right Thing

By Craig Andresen on May 5, 2011

After the 2008 election and in fact before it, one by one by one, liberals both in and out of government stepped up and decried that enhanced interrogation techniques were wrong, would not lead to useful information and should never be employed.

Obama, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and on and on all made such statements and made them emphatically. They all called for the shuttering of Gitmo…PROMISED it in fact.

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By John Brewer on April 12, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way to serenity the other night: I dropped by for a quick look at my Facebook page to see what was up, to see if anything was new, to discover that some of my friends–propelled by the offal-slinging rotors of ever-mounting and oscillating media coverage about a looming campaign season–were engaged in wall-to-wall combat. At first, I was pulled in as a spectator and nothing else; that is to say, there are moments when I truly believe I’ve had my fill of contentious political slingery, moments when I’d rather just sink back into my settee, pull the plugs (earplugs, that is!), and let the steam whistle from my drums…moments when I’d much rather think of something else, something else like the health and happiness of my parents and siblings, something else like the wonderfulness of my daughter, something else like the well-being of a dear friend up North, something else like the probability of my beloved Cubbies ever managing to win a World Series before my time on this Earth is through.

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Concrete vs. Foundationless Answers

Conservative Answers “Concrete”; Liberals Answers “Foundationless”

By Margaret Smith on April 6, 2011

In the past 30 years of politics, liberals have had the bullhorn of the Media; whether it is local or national television, liberal political headlines have been favorable for all Democrat politicians. I know many people today have taken the blinders off seeing for the first time the media bias against Conservative values. I am amongst those fellow Americans.

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