College Chaos – We Should NOT Be Surprised

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I’m willing to bet good money that six months ago, very few if any of the indoctrinated idiots marching about on the campus of Columbia today, could have picked a “Palestinian” flag out of a four flag lineup.

That would have been the easy part. Far more difficult for today’s Ivy-League “scholars” would have been answering questions regarding Hamas, like how they came to power, who they are, who backs them, what is in their charter, or where they hide their weapons and from where do they fire their rockets.

Today, tomorrow’s doctors, attorneys, and future elected “leaders” are showing the world just how butt-stupid they really are, and exactly what their diplomas are worth.

Last week, the NY Times ran a headline that stated, “At Columbia, the Protests Continued, With Dancing and Pizza.”

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Why Soleimani Had To Die

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Nancy Pelosi has a brand new catch phrase that she’s been stammering and slurring at every opportunity. “He’ll be impeached forever.”

At best, it’s a rhetorical catch phrase, and to be completely honest, it’s a meaningless slogan. President Trump’s accomplishments will far and away overshadow the coup attempts. He’s set our economy on the path to greatness, he’s reset our position to the front and center of the world stage, he’s taken on the worst trade agreements in history and reversed the playing field to our advantage, he’s cut burdensome regulations, and he has stuck it to the United Nations of thugs, thieves and despots, while pushing NATO allies to do their fair share.

Those are the things that will be reflected favorably by history, but impeachment? That will go down in history as quite possibly the dumbest thing a political party has ever engaged in.

Pelosi knows impeachment is drawing its last gasps, and that her engineered and manufactured failed impeachment coup attempt will be her legacy, and hence the desperate slogan or catch phrase, as she, and her party of wadded panties now prepare to move to the next manufactured attempted coup…

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Liberals Say the Dumbest Things

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has long been said that kids say the darndest things, and while that may well be true, it can also be said with certainty, that liberals say the dumbest things.

When it comes to the dumb things liberals say, one particular liberal just can’t help herself, and despite being called out over her abjectly stupid musings time and time again, Alexandria Common Core-tez just won’t shut up.

It seems that she is blissfully unaware of just how moronic she sounds nearly every time she opens her yap and spews forth her nonsense, but in the grand scheme of things, we need to let her continue unabated because with every utterance, she is galvanizing Republicans to vote against liberals in 2020.

Over the past couple of weeks, AOC has made a series of inane and idiotic comments, some of which have even left the left doing face-palms.

Common Core-tez, who has often taken to video selfies to air her deepest thoughts to liberal idiots who follow her social media accounts the way that blue bottle flies follow the aroma of horse apples, did so again last week with this stunningly absurd bit of liberal wisdom…

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An Apology to John…A Legend in His Own Mind

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It was only a matter of time before celebrities started weighing in on what happened in New Zealand., and it didn’t take long.

Last Monday, singer John Legend opened his pie-hole and told us that President Trump, “needs to apologize for demonizing Muslims.”

Legend had more to say…“He needs to apologize for demonizing brown people who have tried to come here and have a better life. He characterizes their desire to come here and work and feed their family as an invasion.”

On the off chance that you thought this was it…that his diatribe ended there…think again…

“When people of such influence and such stature are endorsing such a hateful, evil ideology, it emboldens those who will go out and do something really evil and nasty, like what happened in New Zealand. We need the president to speak out against it.”

Oh…there’s more…

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Fake News Takes Aim at RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS

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By: Diane Sori and Craig Andresen / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, liberals, the fake news mainstream media and a proscribed terrorist organization decided to use RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS, myself and Diane Sori and our respective bolgs, The National Patriot and The Patriot Factor as weapons with which to attempt to assassinate the character of a very, very good man…Congressman Brian Mast of Florida.

On Tuesday night, Congressman Mast was our special guest on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS, where we spoke to the Congressman about his bid for a second term in the House, his campaign, how he connects with his constituents, working his way through the swamp and a number of other things.

We did not talk to Congressman Mast about Islam…and even the fake news mainstream media, the Hill, and even CAIR acknowledged that as a fact, but it didn’t stop them from doing what they do best…

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Syria…A War In The Shadows

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Misinformation is a key strategic component of any battle plan. George Washington knew this as being the nature of war in regards to the public and the press.

The war in Syria has for many years been classified by both the mainstream media and by politicians at large as the Syrian Civil War, but nothing could be further from the truth for the fact is that the civil war in Syria is a proxy war being waged by just about everybody except the Syrians themselves.

To fully understand this concept one must first know the players involved in what’s happening inside Syria and why they are so engaged.

And while we hear daily about the “rebels” who are trying to oust duly-electd Bashar al-Assad from power, know that for the most part those “rebels” are not all Syrians per se but are outsiders being driven and financed by entities outside of Syria.

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Syria…Beyond the Red Line

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

War is a dirty game replete with casualties. Collateral damage…as in civilian deaths…is part of the nature of war, but when it’s children who die only then does the world mourn. And when those children are gassed and die gasping for breath only then does it seem that the world get a conscience and a will to fight back.

“The evil and the despicable attack left mothers and fathers, infants and children, thrashing in pain and gasping for air. These are not the actions of a man; they are crimes of a monster instead,” President Trump said upon hearing that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had once again (allegedly) used chemical weapons against innocent civilians.

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Turning “Radical” Upside Down

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Just for the record…

“Allahu Akbar” is NOT Arabic for…”Oops…My bad.”

I just wanted to get that out of the way in the shadow of inane statements from NYC Mayor, Bill deBla-Bla-Bla who rushed to the nearest microphone after the Islamic terrorist attack last week in Lower Manhattan.

Mayor deBla-Bla-Bla wanted to let the entire world know that just because some Allahu Akbarbarian jumps out of a rental pickup truck after plowing through a crowd of bicyclists and pedestrians, killing 8 and injuring several more…screaming in his native tongue that his misogynistic, pedophile prophet was wonderful…is no reason whatsoever to leap to a rushed conclusion that it was a terrorist attack.

Not that it hasn’t been done before…

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Built Upon a Lie

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Albert Einstein once said, “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”and how right he is but not for the reason you might think.

Both modern Jewish and Christian beliefs still hold to traditions from the Old Testament in regards to creation with both great faiths believing that Adam was created from the dust and dirt by the hand of God. Also, Jews believe the place where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac to God the Father and where Christians believe that Jesus was crucified is holy and sacred ground. And built upon this holiest of grounds is also where the First and Second Temples of the Jews were built, and where certain denominations of Christians believe the that Third Temple will arise and be the site of Jesus’ Second Coming and where Jews believe the messiah will first appear.

But what do these varied beliefs have as a common point of reference…simply…the land itself upon which these events did occur and which might possibly see holy events again occur in the future. And that land itself is known as The Temple Mount…an area of only thirty-five acres in the southwest corner of Jerusalem’s ‘Old City’…yet it is the most contested piece of land on Earth. And that contested land sits under…yes under…the Al-Asqa mosque (Masjid Al-Aqsa)…which in Arabic simply means the ‘farthest mosque.’

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Presidential Advisor or Manipulator?

Investigative Report by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots

Syria is a country at war with itself now replete with chemical weapons being used on civilians with each side blaming the other. A war that is not and must not be our war but a war drawing us in via some calculatingly clever and evil men on both sides of our political aisle…men working in tandem to force us into not just that war…but men who actually relish in starting a war with Russia. A hoped for war that will not only see the islamists being able to takeover Syria while we are kept busy fighting an enemy we have been manipulated into believing is such, but a war so that the Trump presidency will fail and fall as will our country as well, thus allowing for the ‘One World Government’ sorts to move in and take over.

A war of politics actually both in Syria and here in these United States for while Syria sees the physical bloodshed and horrors of war there is a man here within our own ranks…within the Trump administration itself…who we Right Side Patriots believe is giving our president tainted, misplaced, and partial at best information leaving our president to make decisions that are truly not in America’s best interests but done with a heart believing that they are.

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