Setting Personal Ideals Aside

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

dead 1We still have a 2 party system in this country, but they are no longer the democrat and Republican parties. What we have now is the party of treason, free crap and socialism vs the party of complete capitulation.

As I suspected, the GOP has rolled over and gone hooves up, capitulating to the Trumpers rather than taking a stand based on our Constitution and instead of finding a way to nominate a true Conservative, one who stands for what the Grand Dead Party USED to believe in, they have succumbed to being ready to nominate a liberal as their candidate for the highest office in the land.

As for the party of treason and all that comes with it…they have managed to find their perfect candidate…one who has committed treason, will advocate stealing from those who have worked long and hard for what they have in order to give it to those who have done everything but, yet feel entitled to other people’s station in life…one who has committed espionage and yet, because of HER station in life, is immune from the sort of consequences the rest of us would face for such actions…and one who will do absolutely nothing but continue the failed and miserable policies of her predecessor.

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Is It Time to Water the Tree of Liberty?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

So, Marcel Lehel Lazar, aka Guccifer, the Romanian hacker is in FBI custody, he has been tree 1speaking at length with agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account and private server which we now know contained 2,100 classified documents and he has told Fox News that hacking Hillary’s emails was…easy.

For their part, the FBI is not commenting either on their conversations with the hacker or about any evidence they have regarding whether or not he actually managed to hack Hillary but there is evidence that he was in there.

tree 15Apparently, this Guccifer has revealed “doodles” drawn by Bill Clinton which were stored on the Clinton Foundation site and here’s why that is significant…Hillary’s server, the private server in question, has the exact same IP address as and is the email of the Clinton Foundation.

And from Hillary herself…the server used at the Clinton Foundation is the exact same server she used during her reign of espionage as the Secretary of State.

Some reports are suggesting that there is no evidence that the server has or had been hacked but there could be a very good reason for that lack of evidence and that is where Hillary’s, now protected by immunity IT guy, Bryan Pagliano comes in. You see, Pagliano was an IT guy but NOT a cyber-security guy and from what I’ve been told…if Pagliano didn’t employ a slew of security measures to capture and track threats or hack attempts…the server could easily have been hacked without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

The fact is, Pagliano didn’t put anywhere near adequate security on Hillary’s server as it lacked a intrusion prevention system, which means, there was no way for her system to track or identify hacking attempts and the way Guccifer got in was one of the most basic ways one could do it…

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Bugs Bunny Was Right…What a Maroon


By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

As bugs bunny would say…mor 1

“What a maroon…”

The man who would be POTUS…the loon followed by blind, low-information voters…Donald J. Trump…is now bordering on displaying the collective intelligence of a sack of potatoes.

My apologies to spuds everywhere.

Given that whoever the next POTUS is, that person will be tasked with appointing at least one, if not several Supreme Court Justices and one would think…no…one would HOPE that whoever that is has, at the very least, an inkling of what the job of a Supreme Court Justice actually is.

Now we KNOW that Ted Cruz knows exactly what the duties of the SCOTUS are. After all, Cruz has argued several cases before the nation’s highest court and as a Constitutional expert, Cruz knows full well that the SCOTUS interprets the Constitution were our laws are concerned. It is the job of the SCOTUS to determine whether or not our laws meet Constitutional muster.

But moron Don?

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Lacking Substance, Trump Resorts to Sleaze

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Nearly as soon as Donald Trump announced his candidacy, with the presumptive front sle 1runner being heralded as Jeb Bush…the National Enquirer ran a hit piece aimed directly at Bush, accusing him of being involved in some drug-running thing back in the 80’s and followed it up with some nonsense regarding a supposed sex scandal between Jeb Bush and a Playboy bunny.

It was all pretty unnecessary as Bush never got his campaign off to even a slow roll but it was the Enquirer’s first foray into the 2016 race.

Then, last Fall, when it looked like there might be a growing grassroots movement behind Dr. Ben Carson, the National Enquirer ran a salacious story alleging that Carson, in the course of an operation, left a sponge in a patient’s brain.

The article went on and on making outlandish and rhetorical statements about Carson, calling him a “White House wannabe,” and accusing him of using his scalpel like “a meat cleaver,” among other things.

For his part, Carson dismissed the Enquirer telling reporters that, “It is true that we put a certain type of sponge in to pad things away and sometimes there is a reaction to that sponge and that’s what happened.” Carson also related the fact that he has performed more than 15,000 operations and after digging through every ditch they could find, the Enquirer managed to find 5 or 6 patients with an axe to grind but, according to Carson, “many of those cases never went anywhere, because the legal system said, ‘Are you kidding me?’ and threw it out.”

The facts proved Carson to be correct and the story was short-lived but it accomplished one very important thing…

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Snakes, Weasels and Wise Guys

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

One of the most oft repeated things I hear from Trumpoholics is that their candidate will sww 1clean up the lobbyist corruption in Washington because he, Trump, can’t be bought.

I find it quite interesting that someone who has literally financed the corruption in Washington for decades is the one the Trumpoholics say can end it. In fact, Trumpoholics also often spout off regarding their opinion that Ted Cruz is part of the Washington establishment which would put Cruz in league with the ilk of Mitch McConnell and John McCain and the Trumpoholics pin their blind following to the guy they say is the anti-establishment candidate.

Oh really?

The fact is, Donald Trump has, as recently as 2014, financed the establishment ilk of McConnell and McCain in the attempt to end the Tea Party.

While the Trumpoholics condemn the establishment and the corruption of bought and paid for politicians in Washington…they, for some unfathomable reason, blindly follow a candidate who has personally bought and paid for political favors from Washington’s political cartel as well as financed attempts to squash the very movement designed to rid the Washington’s cartel like hold over We the People.

But let me get back to the lobbyist thing…

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A Canary Sings – A Goose Gets Cooked

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

jg 1Hillary Clinton must be sweating like a Kardashian on Jeopardy right about now.

Just a couple of days ago, it was revealed that Bryan Pagliano has an immunity deal with the Obama regime’s Department of Justice to provide testimony regarding Hillary’s private server, private email set up at the Department of State.

This is huge, but before I get into all that, a quick refresher on Pagliano is in order.

Bryan Pagliano is the guy from Platte River Networks who was Hillary’s personal IT specialist. Pagliano had worked for Hillary’s failed 2008 campaign as its IT Director, who had installed a private server at the Clinton’s Chappaqua home and then, in 2009, was hired by Hillary to serve as a “Special Advisor” to her at State where he also became a State Department IT Specialist.

Naturally, while an IT Spec for State, Pagliano also maintained Hillary’s private server at her home which was a rather cozy arrangement.

Okay…here’s why Hillary is sweating bullets…

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