We’ll Keep Our Guns…THEY Can Go to Hell

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

So…now Hillary Clinton has joined Obama in the exploitation circus of liberals calling for more gun gth 1control measures…measures meant to do nothing but strip law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights.

Here was her quote from Saturday…

“Regulations can be passed while still respecting the Second Amendment and “respecting responsible gun owners.”

“The politics on this issue have been poisoned, but we can’t give up. The stakes are too high. The costs are too dear.”

First of all…we already HAVE laws that respect LAW ABIDING gun owners in this country and ONLY the LAW ABIDING gun owners are ABIDING by them…and second…Well, I’ll get to my second point in a minute but first…let’s have another look at OBAMA’S insipid exploitation of this tragedy.

“We don’t know all the facts but…once again…someone who wanted to inflict harm…had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. Let’s be clear…at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency and it IS in our power to do something about it.”

Okay…before my head explodes…let me now get to that second point.

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The Epidemic of Liberalism and TYPHOID WHO???

pan 1Oh, for God’s sake…

KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY would ya? The wild Ebolas are not going to stampede through your town or neighborhood and get you.

Don’t get me wrong…there are precautions you should take to minimize any chance that you could be blindsided by a marauding Ebola and primarily among them is this carefully guarded bit of advice…

If you’re out and about, running errands or doing your daily business and you happen upon a puddle of someone’s bodily fluids…don’t…and I repeat…DO NOT frolic about in it….especially if it is a fresh puddle as the Ebola virus will only live for a matter of a quarter of a day or so in such conditions.

That, as I said, is the primary precaution one should take to avoid being attacked by a wild Ebola but there is one other very important and necessary precaution one should employ…

DO NOT WALLOW ABOUT IN LIBERAL BULLSHIT as THAT is a definitive carrier of the virus.

Good grief people…get a grip.

You want to worry about an epidemic? Worry about the epidemic of LIBERALISM which has been characterized by some as a MENTAL DISORDER. I however, see it differently. To ME…LIBERALISM is more like a brain eating amoeba and unlike the wild Ebola, liberalism is airborne.

Every time one of the infected opens its mouth, there’s a chance of it spreading and while you may THINK you’re immune to LIBERALISM, even a slight case can be deadly.

By spreading LIBERAL BULLSHIT across social media in regards to Ebola, you are, in fact, spreading LIBERALISM.

Here’s how it all works…

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Socialists Want Women to Pee Themselves in Combat

Exhibit A

According to Leon Panetta, “It’s clear to all of us that women are contributing in unprecedented ways to the military’s mission of defending the nation.”

Said the Dictator: “Today, by moving to open more military positions — including ground combat units — to women, our armed forces have taken another historic step toward harnessing the talents and skills of all our citizens.”

“I congratulate our military, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for the rigor that they have brought to this process. As Commander in Chief, I am absolutely confident that — as with the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ — the professionalism of our armed forces will ensure a smooth transition and keep our military the very best in the world. ‘

“Today, every American can be proud that our military will grow even stronger with our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters playing a greater role in protecting this country we love.”

Above, you see this administration’s position on placing American women in combat situations as part of our United States Military.

While I don’t share their enthusiasm, they certainly do sound confident in making their pronouncements. Don’t they?

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