The Epidemic of Liberalism and TYPHOID WHO???

pan 1Oh, for God’s sake…

KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY would ya? The wild Ebolas are not going to stampede through your town or neighborhood and get you.

Don’t get me wrong…there are precautions you should take to minimize any chance that you could be blindsided by a marauding Ebola and primarily among them is this carefully guarded bit of advice…

If you’re out and about, running errands or doing your daily business and you happen upon a puddle of someone’s bodily fluids…don’t…and I repeat…DO NOT frolic about in it….especially if it is a fresh puddle as the Ebola virus will only live for a matter of a quarter of a day or so in such conditions.

That, as I said, is the primary precaution one should take to avoid being attacked by a wild Ebola but there is one other very important and necessary precaution one should employ…

DO NOT WALLOW ABOUT IN LIBERAL BULLSHIT as THAT is a definitive carrier of the virus.

Good grief people…get a grip.

You want to worry about an epidemic? Worry about the epidemic of LIBERALISM which has been characterized by some as a MENTAL DISORDER. I however, see it differently. To ME…LIBERALISM is more like a brain eating amoeba and unlike the wild Ebola, liberalism is airborne.

Every time one of the infected opens its mouth, there’s a chance of it spreading and while you may THINK you’re immune to LIBERALISM, even a slight case can be deadly.

By spreading LIBERAL BULLSHIT across social media in regards to Ebola, you are, in fact, spreading LIBERALISM.

Here’s how it all works…

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The Dictator Says to Keep Quiet on Obamacare, Benghazi

The Dictator wants us to all shut the hell up and quit talking about Obamacare and Benghazi. Just hush. It’s not important enough to be part ofhush 1 the discussion going into the 2014 midterm elections.



Obama made his comments Tuesday to a gaggle of well-heeled donors at a fund raiser.

“Yes, we can have a legitimate debate about does every government program work … [but] the debate we’re having right now is about, what, Benghazi? Obamacare?  It’s not serious [and] is not speaking to the real concerns that people have.”


Obamacare, according to the Dictator, just doesn’t speak to the REAL concerns that people have…like how in the hell they can afford to pay more for their healthcare insurance…how they can’t see the doctors they’ve had for years…how in the hell they’ll ever come up with enough money to cover their newly sky high deductibles…why the cost of their prescriptions in many cases have gone into orbit up 700% over what they were paying just months ago and why they now have to make important and life altering decisions with a 15 member panel of bureaucrats rather than with their doctors.

You know…the thing is Obamacare just doesn’t “speak to the real concerns that people have.”

Given the more than a Mount Everest sized “smidgeon” of corruption over at the IRS…

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1, 2, 3 and 4

Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 1

By Craig Andresen on May 3, 2014 at 4:54 am

series 1Acute.

It’s a word one doesn’t hear often, and more often than not, it’s associated with some medical terminology. Acute nasal drip. Acute arthritis… something along those lines but the word acute has a specific definition.

Acute – adjective: acute; comparative adjective: acute; superlative adjective: acutest

  1. (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.

I want you to keep that definition front and center as you read what’s coming next and it will light your hair on fire. In fact, keep it in mind throughout this shocking 4 part series of articles regarding government land grabs as it becomes more than obvious the “problem” isn’t at all what the government wants you to believe.

The Obama regime, his DOI (Dept. of the Interior) and the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) are plotting behind closed doors to grab even more land in the western United States because, they are convinced there is an“acute” problem of private landholdings in BLM administered areas to the sum of 412,675 acres, and no, we’re not talking about Bunkerville here but, we might as well be.

So…of all the vast expanse of land out there, what’s a measly little 412,675 acres? In the great scheme of things, it’s only an inch on the scale.

Give em an inch…they’ll take a mile…right?

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Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 4

This article has been co-written by Diane Sori.

In Part 1 of our series, “Government Lanwestern 1d Grabs: The Truth Exposed,” my Right Side Patriots radio partner Diane Sori and I laid out the groundwork behind the federal government’s seizing of land in the western United States over decades of a take an inch…take a mile agenda used by administrations from both sides of the aisle and how the current regime has labeled PRIVATE landholdings in the west as an “ACUTE” problem.

We were able to convey that information thanks to congressman Rob Bishop’s discovery of long buried emails and documents which help expose NEW land grabs in progress along with this regime’s plans, via the BLM and the Department of the Interior pressuring Obama to use his pen and the Antiquities Act of 1906 to not only steal land from private landholders but, to move some 140 MILLION acres (an area the size of the states of Colorado and Wyoming…COMBINED) from “mixed use” to “TREASURED LANDS” status thus rendering it completely off limits to American citizens.

In “Government Land Grabs: Exposing The Truth Part 2,” we proved that the seizing of western lands has virtually NOTHING to do with the liberal call to “protect the environment” and virtually EVERYTHING to do with government control of natural resources in order to control the people.

The maps we show eliminate the possibility of coincidence in that those lands are rife with coal, oil shale and other fossil fuel deposits that the current regime wants to keep off limits to private landholders and we provided evidence of how Obama and his ilk want to keep us dependent on foreign sources for our energy needs.

In “Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed Part 3,” we took our investigation passed oil, gas and coal to provide clear evidence of where our nation’s reserves of URANIUM rest and…

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Screw the Propaganda…It’s SOCIALISMCARE

berg 1

Last week, Nancy Pelosi scolded some hapless reporter for using the term, “Obamacare.”

AFFORDABLE Care Act the old bat insisted.


Affordable…AFFORDABLE. The “Affordable” Care Act.”

She repeated it and repeated it in the face of all reality because, even SHE knew that linking such an abject disaster to the Dictator was and is a pariah to her party which gave me pause to coin a new and more accurate moniker for the wretched boil.

The boil being Obamacare and not Pelosi who is something more of a hemorrhoid than a boil but, I digress.


That is exactly what it is and what I shall now be calling it.

Socialismcare being only the tip of the Dictator’s iceberg.


About a week ago, Kathleen Sebelius was asked about the prospect of rising socialismcare premiums and her response was classic.

“The increases are far less significant than what they were prior to the Affordable Care Act.”

Ask her how many people have signed up for socialismcare and Sebelius will give you and exact number.

Ask Sebelius how many of THOSE dupes have actually PAID for their socialismcare premiums and she’ll tell you she has no way, at this time, of knowing.

How many YOUNG, HEALTHY people have signed up and paid THEIR money for those who are older and less healthy?

Surprise of all surprises…

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Friday Fume

Minute by minute…Day by day…Week in and week out…

Socialists just can’t help themselves and display their inane actions for the world to see.

Last week…Only 1 person showed up at an OBAMACARE event put on by Obama’s ORGANIZING FOR INACTION and if that wasn’t embarrassing enough…

On Wednesday, at Georgetown…NOBODY AT ALL SHOWED UP at the ORGANIZING FOR INACTION’S…CLIMATE CHANGE DAY OF ACTION RALLY…because, the unorganized organizers claimed…IT WAS RAINING!!!!!

Yep…The GLOBAL WARMING WEENIES were afraid they might…CATCH A COLD!!!


Just walk right up…Tell the border agent that YOU ARE SEEKING ASYLUM and PRESTO…YOU ARE A DREAMER…LET THE PILLAGING BEGIN!!!!!

DHS probably give em all a socialist voter registration card on the way in too.

And…The whiner in chief sniveled to reporters last week that Republicans just want to REPEAL Obamacare but, they NEVER OFFER UP ANYTHING TO REPLACE IT.


Anyway…We HAVE reached the end of another week. Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

In the name of tolerance…

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