Ferguson – Too Much PC…Not Enough Ranch Dressing

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on cprworldwidemedia.com     

ranch 1We have always said that political correctness will get people killed and that political correctness will obscure the truth…and obscuring the truth is something RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS will NEVER do. And our newest case in point…the ‘ground zero’ known as Ferguson Missouri. Taking the old saying ‘boys will be boys’ to a heightened new level, the bussed-in, bought and paid for agitators prove that while you can take the boy out of the ghetto most times you CANNOT take the ghetto out of the boy.

Ferguson is on fire and that fire is now spreading into major cities from coast to coast. Feeding upon the frenzy of those who will loot, steal, and riot at the drop of a hat, the newest excuse de-jour is that their actions are based upon the fact that they simply did NOT like that a now proven innocent police officer will NOT be charged in the justifiable shooting death of one of their own…a thug solely responsible for his own demise.

Burning to the ground black owned businesses along with businesses that employed blacks is the epitome of stupidity, because they are destroying the economic life-blood of their own community. The profound ingenuity of the ‘marauding morons’ can be seen in their targets during the early hours of the rioting. These ‘geniuses’ burned to the ground Ferguson’s O’Reilly Auto Parts store and the Auto Zone…now one has to wonder wherever will they find parts to repair the ‘rides’ they carjacked after the verdict was announced.


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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s been quite the week in the land of liberal loons and at the end of every week, we try to tie it all up in one snarky package…WITH AN ATTITUDE!!!

Let’s not dally and dive right in.

Patriots and Friends…It’s FRIDAY and you KNOW what THAT means…

I’m fuming.

Remember when we told you, years ago, that Obama violated the law by placing the Fast and Furious documents he didn’t want Eric Holder to turn over to the House committee under lock and Executive Privilege key?

Sorry liberals…WE WERE RIGHT!!!

Yesterday, a FEDERAL JUDGE…one U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to be exact…set the fast and furiously approaching date of OCT 1ST as the date by which Eric WITHHOLDER must…drum roll please…TURN OVER ALL THOSE DOCUMENTS TO DARRELL ISSA AND THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE!!!

Does anyone but me smell an impending hard drive crash in the offing?

Now I KNOW that Holder just told the assembled mob in Ferguson that he TOO was a black man but…I do declare…he looks as white as sheet right now.

What’s the matter Holder? Did you just see the ghost of Brian Terry???

By October 1st, Holder has been ordered by the judge to turn over all unprivileged documents AND…all PRIVILEGED documents as well and Issa has until Oct 17th to register any objection regarding any documents that AREN’T turned over.

Why…That’s just a couple of weeks before the…

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Rick Perry Indicted for Having Integrity

fart 1Everything is bigger in Texas…even the brain farts.

Honestly, I don’t quite know how else to explain what is happening in Texas with the indictment of Governor Rick Perry.

It’s nothing short of a MASSIVE liberal brain fart.

They have indicted Perry for what? A VETO? He vetoed a bill which would have funded the Texas ethics watchdog, the Public Integrity Unit under the “leadership” of one Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.

According to the Travis County Texas grand jury, Perry ABUSED his power as the Governor by first THREATENING to use his veto to defund the unit and then…by actually DOING what he SAID he would do.

Here’s the crux of it all…

Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg, a liberal elected official was in charge of the INTEGRITY unit when she got pulled over for…DRIVING DRUNK last year. That’s right…the very person who was in charge of making sure that the INTEGRITY of Texas politics was up to par was driving drunk. She got arrested and tossed into the drunk tank to dry out where she, Rosemary Lehmberg, got belligerent with the local law enforcement folks.

She pitched quite the fit because, it seems, Lehmberg didn’t seem to think SHE should be treated just like every OTHER drunk on the road.

SHE, in what little was left of her mind, figured SHE was SPECIAL. Well, here…see for yourself…

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It’s Time for Comprehensive Regime Reform

If you are planning to board a plane anytime soon, for vacation or business, to fly to any U.S. destination, there is something very important youtsa 5 should be aware of and I mean…VERY important.

There is a good chance that there will be passengers on your flight who boarded without any identification whatsoever.

These are people granted immunity from the TSA goon squads at any U.S. airport and their free pass has been authorized by none other than the Obama regime.

While YOU, as an American citizen are NOT allowed to board WITHOUT proper identification…OTHERS are and they are NOT U.S. citizens.

According to NBPC (National Border Protection Council) Local 2455 Spokesman Hector Garza, “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms.”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, ILLEGAL ALIENS who have set foot in OUR country having NO documentation OR ID are being allowed to board ANY commercial flight to ANYWHERE in the country by simply showing their ‘Notice to Appear’ form at the gate.

We all know that along with Mexican and Central American ILLEGAL INVADERS we have members of Mexican drug cartels pouring across our now non existent borders. We also know that gang members from Mexico and Central American countries are escorting many of the illegal invader unaccompanied children across the border as well.

Folks…we are well aware as well that terrorists, sent from Islamic organizations are in the border crossing mix.

NONE of them are illegally INVADING our nation with ID’s or documentation.

NONE of them and yet, all they must show to board our planes at our airports is show their ‘Notice to Appear’ form. All that means is they have been ordered to appear at a deportation hearing. That’s all. And most of them will simply disperse across our nation, from sea to shining sea and take up a below the radar existence in our cities and towns.

It gets worse…

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