Is It Time to Water the Tree of Liberty?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

So, Marcel Lehel Lazar, aka Guccifer, the Romanian hacker is in FBI custody, he has been tree 1speaking at length with agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account and private server which we now know contained 2,100 classified documents and he has told Fox News that hacking Hillary’s emails was…easy.

For their part, the FBI is not commenting either on their conversations with the hacker or about any evidence they have regarding whether or not he actually managed to hack Hillary but there is evidence that he was in there.

tree 15Apparently, this Guccifer has revealed “doodles” drawn by Bill Clinton which were stored on the Clinton Foundation site and here’s why that is significant…Hillary’s server, the private server in question, has the exact same IP address as and is the email of the Clinton Foundation.

And from Hillary herself…the server used at the Clinton Foundation is the exact same server she used during her reign of espionage as the Secretary of State.

Some reports are suggesting that there is no evidence that the server has or had been hacked but there could be a very good reason for that lack of evidence and that is where Hillary’s, now protected by immunity IT guy, Bryan Pagliano comes in. You see, Pagliano was an IT guy but NOT a cyber-security guy and from what I’ve been told…if Pagliano didn’t employ a slew of security measures to capture and track threats or hack attempts…the server could easily have been hacked without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

The fact is, Pagliano didn’t put anywhere near adequate security on Hillary’s server as it lacked a intrusion prevention system, which means, there was no way for her system to track or identify hacking attempts and the way Guccifer got in was one of the most basic ways one could do it…

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Hillary’s Strawman Aided by an Inside Man

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

rats 1Remember back when Hillary Clinton spent a full day and into the night facing Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi committee last fall…most of it with a smug look of boredom on her face because she thought she was untouchable? Remember how the questioning seemed to always revert back to Hillary’s emails?

We may now have a somewhat clearer insight into that.

As I have previously posted, here in The National Patriot, the two investigations, Benghazi and the email investigations have converged. It is growing increasingly difficult to separate one from the other and things aren’t looking good for Hillary as a result.

During that Benghazi hearing, one of the key components seemed to be one Sidney Blumenthal and his emails both sent to and received from Hillary Clinton regarding Benghazi. Many people, our readers included, were somewhat and rightfully curious as to why Hillary’s emails and those of Blumenthal seemed to be of such importance to the Congressional committee investigating Benghazi.

Well…another piece of the puzzle seems to have fallen into place.

Regarding the email investigation…

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NO INDICTMENT!! Ferguson Lynch Mob Riots!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on                                                                                                                     riot 1The decision of the Grand Jury in Ferguson has been delivered.

There will be NO indictment of Officer Darrin Wilson on ANY of the possible charges in the shooting of thug and thief Mike Brown.

Now…Ferguson becomes the scene of mass rioting, looting, arson and, most likely, death as

thousands, most of whom don’t even live there, most of whom have no connection other than a shared thug mentality with Mike Brown take to the streets and go on the rampage.

From sources on the ground in Ferguson, my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner Diane Sori and I understand that nearly half a BILLION dollars has been funneled into Ferguson by those wishing the total destruction of the city based on false allegations of racism.

Agitators, the leaders of these mobs, have been paid in the six figures to whip up a combination of hate and white guilt that will incite the violence we are about to see and don’t be one bit surprised if that violence, that ugly mob mentality doesn’t spill over into urban centers around the country.

The lie having been perpetuated for the past three months is this…

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The Formal Indictment of Barack Hussein Obama

As Conservatives and Tea Party faithful, we are constantly preaching adherence to that great document, beginning with the words, We the People…

Our Constitution is that document meant to limit the scope of government and to protect We the People FROM government.

We cite the Constitution, we hold it up as THE law of the land and we strongly disagree with those, whether within our own party of the opposition who seek to circumvent or ignore it.

Our Founders and Framers were far-sighted enough to know that such a document was necessary and arguably, for the exact reason with which we now face…A president who sees himself more as a King or a Dictator, a congress complacent to maintain status quo and the abuses of power against the people that go with those things.


Today is the 4th of July.

Our Independence Day.

In past years, I have provided historical perspectives and behind the scenes essays regarding our starting point as a nation.

Well and fine however, this year, on Independence Day, we need something stronger. Something more pointed and something that rises to a call to action.

Today, we need…We REQUIRE…

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