Ending ISIS Starts With REAL Leadership

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

is 1“For more than a year, America has led a coalition of more than 60 countries to cut off ISIL’s financing, disrupt their plots, stop the flow of terrorist fighters, and stamp out their vicious ideology. With nearly 10,000 air strikes, we are taking out their leadership, their oil, their training camps, and their weapons. We are training, arming, and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming territory in Iraq and Syria.”

That is just some of the nonsense Obama spewed forth a week ago in what was his last State of Fabrication address but that’s not all he had to say on the topic of ISIS.

“Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped. But they do not threaten our national existence.”

“We don’t need to build them up to show that we’re serious, nor do we need to push away vital allies in this fight by echoing the lie that ISIL is representative of one of the world’s largest religions. We just need to call them what they are  —  killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed.”

Let’s start right there, shall we…with calling them what they are.

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Obama’s Oral Orifice Manure Spreading

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

oral 1On Sunday night, Barack Hussein Obama stood in the Oval Office spreading manure from his oral orifice regarding how great his strategy of combating Islamic terrorism has been working and how, if we just stay the course, doing what he says, doing more of the same…everything will be okay.

That strategy, by the way, has been in place from the moment a 7th century Islamic barbarian shot up a U.S. military recruiting station in Littlerock Arkansas in June of 2009. That strategy has been in place through the Navy Shipyard Islamic terrorist attack, the one in Chattanooga, the one at the Boston Marathon, it was in place when an Islamic barbarian attacked four NYC police officers with a hatchet, and in place when another Islamic barbarian, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, assassinated two NYC police offices as they sat in their squad car.

It’s the exact same strategy that was in place when two Islamic barbarians tried to attack an art exhibit in Garland Texas…and it was exactly the same strategy, the strategy Obama says is the only way to keep us safe that was in place last week when yet two more Islamic terrorists…barbarians…shot and killed 14 while leaving 21 wounded in San Bernardino California and to be clear, those two had designs on killing many, many more.

Oh, Obama did have a new wrinkle to toss into his manure spreader…

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Paris – The Final Alarm Has Sounded

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

The horrific nature of the events, as they unfolded in Paris a couple of nights ago, havehell 1 shed the glaring light of truth on the absurdity under which we live. The real questions are these…at what point will we finally open our eyes and how much of this must be endured before we wake the hell up?

Islamic terrorist attack after Islamic terrorist attack takes place. They take place in our country, in France, in Spain, in England, in Bali and around the globe and for a few, brief moments, we open one eye, decry the acts and then…then we roll over and go back to sleep.

Yes…we have fought wars but it is how we have been forced to fight those wars that raise more questions then they answer.

We have the strongest military on earth but…

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Obama – Man on a Muslim Mission

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

muzz 1Last week, Donald Trump made headlines from something he didn’t say…he didn’t correct someone who called Obama a Muslim…and Hillary Clinton, along with several politically correct “see no evil” monkeys on the right, including Republican presidential candidates Lindsey Graham, who called on Trump to apologize for not correcting the man and Chris Christi who said, “If somebody at one of my town hall meetings said that, I would correct them and I would say, ‘The president’s a Christian and he was born in this country. Those two things are self-evident.'”

First of all, I am nauseated by all the “toleration” talk when it comes to Islam being preached at us by the politically correct crowd from the left AND the right side of the aisle and second, what is self-evident is that Obama IS a Muslim and no apology from Trump for not correcting the man or from those who simply state the glaringly obvious is necessary.

Ben Carson took heat over HIS comment that he, “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation,” and again, the baboons of political correctness had a case of red-ass over it.

Here are the facts the terminally politically correct just can’t admit to or simply deny.

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Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 3 of 3

 By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

JIH 1The man who toasts himself as a citizen of the world did NOT go to the Paris Unity March because NO one asked him to go or so he says…truth is he chose to watch the NFL playoffs instead.

And so as France continues to deal with the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist attack that has set the world’s consciousness on fire…and while up to six Islamic terrorists from the same cell that carried out last Wednesday’s targeted assassinations at the offices of Charlie Hebdo are running loose in Paris (with two others having been captured…one in Belgium and one in Turkey)…Twitter and other social media are exploding with calls to ban Islam across Europe and here in the United States.

Social media is also ablaze with support for Islamic terrorism and the Islamic terrorists who carried out last week’s attack…NO big surprise there.

However, there are some clear certainties of which the truth must be told…Islam is the enemy and Islamic terror is on the rise. On the rise with NO terrorist organization being decimated regardless of what name they are going by this week and…most importantly…Islam is a clear and present danger to these United States.

Sorry Obama…sorry liberals…but those are the simple facts and NO amount of sniveling…NO amount of appeasement…and NO amount of political correctness can alter those facts.

Islam is Islam and…

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Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 2 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

eno 1Yesterday, in “Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 1 of 3” my Right Side Patriots partner and friend Diane Sori outlined the awakening in France and across Europe to the clear and present, deadly scourge of Islam and how, despite the threat we face in our country, we, as a nation, continue to hit the snooze button.

It was beyond shameful that, while the world’s leaders, nearly 50 of them and even the likes of Abbas and the King of Jordan…wolves in sheep’s clothing…attended the march against Islam in Paris…OUR so-called leader…did not.

While the French press and the European press spoke out against Islam…OUR press continued to shill FOR Islam by coddling the ideology of death and destruction, to cover Obama’s ass and by playing a dangerous and fatal game of political correctness.

I am sick and tired of being told the lie by our mainstream media that the threat posed by Islam is somehow not dire and that, at the drop of a hat, how the majority OF Islam is…a peaceful…”religion.”

NOTHING could be further from the truth.

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Defeating Islam Starts With the Truth

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

heb 1Let’s start with the bottom line…what happened in Paris will happen here we just do NOT know exactly when and where. And it will happen because we have a president who caters to, acquiesces to, and condones the actions of those out to kill us all. Remember, Barack HUSSEIN Obama while sometimes using the word ‘terrorism’ refuses to call the majority of the vast acts of terrorism what they are… Islamic terrorism…because he dare NOT offend his own chosen ideology.

Now lets cut to the chase and tell a truth that few want to hear…Islam wants war with the West so lets give it to them and end this once and for all. Remember, Islam is NOT a religion so perish the thought that we are waging war on the religion of Islam for Islam is an ideology, a political cult if you will, and has NOTHING to do with God for Allah is but a made-up deity of a perverted pedophile called Mohammed.

Simply, this would be a war of civilization against the barbaric.

And this is key because one must understand that NO matter how some want you to believe that radical Islam and Islam itself are two totally different entities NOTHING could be further from the truth. In fact, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, a Muslim leader in his own right, said, “Islam cannot be classified as moderate or not…These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult o our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”

In other words…

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Midterm 2014 REAL Issues Spotlight – The Border

ISS 1We are now just two short months away from an election which will set the course for the next two years. Midterm elections historically have much lower voter turnout than do general elections and that is exactly why, in this particular election, we need to come out to the polls.

Numbers are everything.

If your chosen candidate didn’t win his or her primary…get over it and vote for whoever is on the ballot with an “R” behind their name. It may be a RINO, an establishment GOP candidate or someone with whom you don’t agree 50% of the time but believe me, we can hold them accountable much more easily than we can a liberal.

Today, in a nutshell, we’ll be looking at yet another of the REAL issues upon which we MUST focus if we have any hope whatsoever of starting to turn this ship around…

The border and our national security.

Right now…not because of any social issue…not because of any particular religious affiliation…we have neither a southern border not national security because of it.

It is directly because of the policies of the current LIBERAL regime and the liberal ideology…

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Would SOMEBODY please potty train the Dictator…

AC 1Someone needs to tell it like it is…may as well be me.

Yesterday, after spending the last five days being repeatedly slapped in the face with a wet Supreme Court of the United States fish, the Dictator stepped up to a Rose Garden microphone with GRUMPY the ASS CLOWN, Joe Biden, standing behind him in the lamest attempt I’ve even seen at adding some absurd sense of gravitas to his wilting poll numbers.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…pass a bill.”

That’s what the occupier of our oval office said yesterday regarding immigration reform. That is exactly what he said.

Now, let’s look to that statement without the ass hat filter and using our double top secret liberal ideology decoder ring, we can discern the real meaning of his words.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…just let me have my way…officially…by passing amnesty and allowing my party to register as many illegal aliens as is humanly possible.”

Oh, he tried to spin his pleading and whining as some sort of humanitarian effort and something which would solve every problem we, as a borderless nation face…amnesty would solve unemployment…cut the national debt and I THOUGHT I heard something between the blah, blah, blah and the yada, yada, yada about how allowing our country to be overrun by law breaking pillagers would cure athletes foot too but in reality, it was little more than a pity party.

What little more it was had to do with his taking more executive actions.

Where’s that particular wet fish again…the one the SCOTUS whacked him with a few days ago? Apparently, somebody needs to take another swing and this time, with meaningful intentions.

Apparently, Boehner’s pending lawsuit holds all the impact of a trout.

The real question here is…

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Weekend Edition: Obama – American Agent of Islam (Part 2)

tnp eagleYesterday, in part 1 of this 2 part series, I clearly defined Obama as a Muslim and the meaning of his coded message, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

If you missed that article, I would advise you to read it by clicking here before proceeding with THIS article.

Currently, we are aghast at what is transpiring in Iraq as ISIS, runs with brutal barbarism through a country that 4500 members of our military died to liberate and thousands more were wounded in as Obama raises money for the DNC and plays rounds of golf in California and while aghast, we should not be at all surprised.

What we are witnessing is what I have called before…the Obama doctrine and make no mistake; his true legacy will not be compiled in the annals of America rather, in the annals of Islam.

ISIS is the ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’ and they wouldn’t be in any position today to expand their barbaric reach from their roots in Turkey were it not for their AAI…’AMERICAN AGENT of ISLAM’…Barack Hussein Obama and his six year doctrine.

From the time Obama set up shop in our white house, he has categorically aided this caliphate scenario and to hold any hope of change in “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”  as I outlined yesterday, he MUST have a caliphate in place in the Middle East.

Obama told our enemies from his first days in office exactly when he would remove all traces of the United States military from Iraq.

He has done the exact same for our enemies in Afghanistan.

He said Qaddafi must go from Libya and to aid that occurrence, Obama supplied al-Qaeda terrorist “rebels” with weapons.

Obama said Mubarak must go from Egypt and backed the Arab Spring to see that it happened. Once gone from power, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood and as their defacto agent…AAI (American Agent of Islam) placed THEM into power.

Obama has said that Assad must go from Syria and to help that take place, he has been arming al-Qaeda “rebels” there.

The Obama doctrine has a singular purpose on the world stage…

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