Have You Hugged a Terrorist Today?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Mark Zuckerberg had this to say regarding Islamic terrorists and Islamic terrorism…hug 1

“I believe the only sustainable way to fight back against those who seek to divide us is to create a world where understanding and empathy can spread faster than hate. Where every single person in every country feels connected and cared for and loved. That’s the world we can and must build together.”

In 2014, Hillary Clinton said this on the same topic…

“This is what we call smart power. Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. That is what we believe in the 21st century will change — change the prospects for peace.”

Last year, in 2015, Obama spewed out this line…

“Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies.”

And it was Marie Harf, the propagandist for John Kerry’s State Department who offered up this take on Islamic terrorists…

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Little Lyin’ Donny’s Liberal Distraction Tactic Noted, and Exposed

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Obviously, Little Lyin’ Donny needed a distraction from his shortcomings…both on the lld 1campaign trail and from his baffoonish, knot-headed foreign policy statements.

Trump was on the verge of having his Chinese made hat handed to him in Utah, which Cruz won on Tuesday night with 69% of the vote and Little Lyin’ Donny, on Monday night, made what now has to be THE dumbest foreign policy statement ever uttered on a campaign trail when he advocated shaking down NATO for money or pulling out of the compact altogether.

Then, Tuesday morning happened and Islamic pigs attacked the home city OF NATO with bombings at the airport and a metro station killing more than 30 and wounding more than 300 innocent civilians.

So…Little Lyin’ Donny did what all liberals do…he launched a distraction by tweeting out a threat regarding Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

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Europe Surrenders, NATO Nation Attacked

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Earlier this week, the mastermind and on-the-loose gunman from last November’s Islamic bru 1terrorist attacks in Paris was captured in Brussels where information showed that he was in the process of planning more attacks to be carried out by 7th century barbaric pigs against innocent, civilized people.

Early Tuesday morning, those planned attacks became reality as bombs were detonated at an airport and metro station in Brussels resulting in the deaths, so far, of more than 30 and the wounding of more than 200.

According to Belgian Prime Minister, Charles Michel… “What we feared has happened, we were hit by blind attacks.”

While the events in Brussels are horrible, and while my heart goes out to the families and friends murdered or wounded in the attacks, I cannot bring myself to agree with the Prime Minister.

These were not blind attacks.

You should have seen them coming…

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More Anti-Gun Laws? To Combat TERRORISM???

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

ft 1Illinois Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky was doing a radio interview a few days ago and she tried to make a case that was devoid of logic and any aspect of intelligence.

Before I continue, allow me to point out that Schakowsky is a congresswoman, from ILLINOIS and that IS important to this article.

Schakowsky’s inane point was this…because of the recent terrorist, the recent ISLAMIC terrorist attacks in Paris…we should adopt stricter GUN CONTROL laws in OUR country.

Here’s what she had to say on the matter…

“Obviously it is frightening for every western country, but I do want to remind you that before we killed a jihadist named Awlaki, he did a video that said to Americans, ‘Join the jihad and get guns,’ because it’s so easy in the United States of America to get a weapon. And that ought to be a chilling reminder because, aside from blowing themselves up, which is of course is not about small weapons. These people used the kinds of weapons that are still available in the United States of America. I think it ought cause us to have another consideration of sensible gun safety laws.”

You have got to be kidding me…

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Regarding Islam…It’s Time for the Broad Brush

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

brush 1According to Hillary Clinton, whose closest aide…Huma Abedin…is directly linked to the Muslim Sisterhood… “We are at war with violent extremism. I don’t think we’re at war with Islam. I don’t think we’re at war with all Muslims. I think we’re at war with jihadists.”

“I think that you can talk about Islamists, who clearly are also jihadists, but I think it’s not particularly helpful, to make the case that Senator Sanders was just making, that I agree with, that we’ve got to reach out to Muslim countries. we’ve got to have them be part of our coalition. if they hear people running for president who basically shortcut it to say we are somehow against Islam, that was one of the real contributions, despite all the other problems, that George W. Bush made after 9/11, when he basically said, after going to a mosque in Washington, we are not at war with Islam or Muslims. We are at war with violent extremism. We are at war with people who use their religion for purposes of power and oppression. And, yes, we are at war with those people, but I don’t want us to be painting with too broad a brush.”

At no time in her comments during last weekend’s democrat debate, less than 24 hours after the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris did Hillary Clinton ever utter the phrase “Islamic terrorism.”

According to Obama, last Friday morning just 12 hours before the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris…who once called ISIS the “junior varsity” and another time stated that, “ISIS is not Islamic,”…

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Paris – The Final Alarm Has Sounded

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

The horrific nature of the events, as they unfolded in Paris a couple of nights ago, havehell 1 shed the glaring light of truth on the absurdity under which we live. The real questions are these…at what point will we finally open our eyes and how much of this must be endured before we wake the hell up?

Islamic terrorist attack after Islamic terrorist attack takes place. They take place in our country, in France, in Spain, in England, in Bali and around the globe and for a few, brief moments, we open one eye, decry the acts and then…then we roll over and go back to sleep.

Yes…we have fought wars but it is how we have been forced to fight those wars that raise more questions then they answer.

We have the strongest military on earth but…

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