Remember When…Obama Was the Biggest Problem?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

remem 1Ummmm…Hello???

Remember Isis? You know…that merry band of 7th century barbarians with 21st century weapons that has been marauding their way across the Middle East and North Africa on their mission to form a caliphate?

Remember them?

How about Iran…the Islamic Republic headed up by the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola that wants to wipe Israel from the map? You know…where they prance through the streets chanting DEATH TO AMERICA and WITH whom Obama capitulated so the ever-so-peaceful tribe could obtain nuclear weapons?

You DO remember THEM…don’t you?

Al-Qaeda…surely you remember al-Qaeda.

They didn’t REALLY go away the way Obama claimed in 2012 you know. They’re still out there, gaining strength.

Syria…THERE’S a little happy place for you what with their “rebels” armed with American weapons they got from Libyan “rebels” in Hillary Clinton and Obama’s Islamic version of Fast and Furious.

What about Benghazi?

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We, As Conservatives, Deserve Better Than Trump

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tru 2If Donald Trump is the best we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers or Teapublicans can up with as a candidate for the presidency…we have set the bar far, FAR too low…in fact…we have made that bar subterranean as that is where moles reside.

As Conservatives, we have for years demanded a candidate that has a long record OF conservatism but does Trump possess such a record?

No, he does not.

Donald Trump has changed his voter registration, from one political party to another, over and over again. When asked, point blank in last Thursday’s prime time debate, “When exactly did you become a Republican?” Trump responded by NOT responding at all. He gave a shrug and a smirk and changed the subject, refusing to answer a direct question.

Is that what we want from a candidate for president?

No…no it is not.

As Conservatives, we have always vetted a candidate’s voting record. We have always looked for a candidate who consistently votes Conservative.

Is THAT what we find in Donald Trump’s voting record?

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Aiding and Abetting al Qaeda in Sryia is TREASON!!!

Today is September 10th.

Or, to be more precise…9/11 eve.

On the eve of the day we were attacked by al Qaeda, not once but TWICE, I find it beyond disgraceful that our current occupier of the oval office is trying to gin up SUPPORT for bombing Syria and, thus ASSISTING…


We are at war with al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda is our enemy.

Obama is trying, in desperation, to find enough votes from congress to launch an attack on Syria to aid and abet al Qaeda in taking control of yet another country.

It is, in no uncertain terms…


Obama says it will not be another Iraq or another Afghanistan.

Is he sure?

I’ll tell you what it WILL be…

It will be the same situation as it was the last time our government interfered in another country’s civil war.

It will be another VIETNAM.

Has John McCain slipped so far that HE doesn’t remember VIETNAM???

He was held captive there for more than 5 years. He was tortured there.

To this day, McCain is unable to raise his arms above his chest because of his injuries and yet, there is John McCain, willing to start the NEXT Vietnam…

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Is Gun Control a Distraction? LOOK, a SQUIRREL!!!

There are signs that the socialist bed wetters are becoming even more desperate and the “gun control” debate is fast becoming their barometer.

The pressure is rising.

In the wake of Newtown, the Dictator vowed to use all the power of his office not to let the crisis go to waste and, with pint-sized props standing behind him, he signed 23 Empirical Orders to decree some “measure” of “gun control.”

Nearly all of his “orders” were feckless.

Since then, he has taken every opportunity to stand on various stages, complete with human props, to extoll “gun control” and demand passage of unconstitutional measures. He even made it a key focus of his Hate of the Union speech and yes, he had props in the gallery for that too.

Sandy Hook Children…The Sandy Hook Children’s Choir,…Sandy Hook Parents…Aurora survivors…Cops…You name em and they’ve been useful puppets for the regime.

Now, little by little, the message has been changing.

Sure, the Dictator continues to criss-cross the country at $180,000/ hour but now he’s just PRETENDING to demand passage of a “gun control” bill.

Even HE knows it’s not gonna happen despite flying 11 Newtown parents back to DC on Air FARCE One to lobby senators.

So…Why all the push?

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Obama’s Desperate Debate Falls Short

“In nowhere in the world is America’s influence greater today than it was four years ago.”

That was the allegation leveled bt Mitt Romney toward Obama last night in he was 100% correct.

It was clear that both candidates entered the debate with their own strategy.

For Obama, the strategy was to of goad Romney, debase Romney and try to lure Romney into being a pro war president.

For Romney, the strategy was to be presidential, diplomatic, knowledgeable, show that his administration would project strength at every turn on the world stage and turn the debate back to economic policy.

Obama left the debate frustrated that Romney would not take the bait, not be goaded in the directions Obama wanted and stood strong against Obama’s debasing tactics countering them with facts.

Romney left the debate having accomplished each and every one of his strategic goals.

Obama clearly had the edge in the number of “one liners” but, they were snarky, patronizing and intentionally meant to be belittling. Frankly, anything but presidential. Obama’s presentation of those one liners came across as frustrated and petty.

Romney dismissed them all with one simple line: “Attacking me is not an agenda.”

Without say it, that line summed up Obama’s entire campaign.

Regarding the foreign policy portions of the debate, Obama continually reduced his points to the smallest denominator.

I, me, me, me, I and on and “we killed bin Laden…

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Romney Wins Tonight’s Debate by Showing Up

Tonight…The final debate.

Foreign policy.

How exactly will Obama defend his foreign policy?

We’re talking about a foreign policy which has garnered him the endorsements of Vladimir Putin…Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro.

Well, he killed bin Laden.

Killing bin Laden is NOT a foreign policy. It’s a military strategic strike…Unless of course Obama intends to drop the whole Seal Team Six thing and assert tonight that the raid was carried out by a bunch of pencil pushing diplomats who took the al Qaeda leader down with political correctness.

Of course, we know better don’t we?

Diplomatic political correctness doesn’t take out our enemies…Political correctness only gets OUR people killed.

No matter…Obama WILL try to make the case that killing bin Laden and other assorted terrorists IS a strong foreign policy and reason enough to reelect him.

No matter that he’s snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu…Suggested TO Netanyahu that Israel return to their pre 1967 borders and that he’s told Sarkosy he doesn’t think much of dealing with the Prime Minister…

He killed bin Laden.

Obama’s foreign policy of appeasement has been a real success…

In Egypt, Obama started his world apology tour back in 2009 and invited the Muslim Brotherhood to be his special guests at the Cairo speech. Obama, back at the beginning of the Arab Spring, when the homicide bombers were starting to bloom…ummm…boom…and the smell of gunpowder filled the air, said Mubarak must go and, go he did. Obama said his special guests from the Cairo speech should have a seat at the table in forming a new Egyptian government. They did.

Obama said the Brotherhood would NOT run for office. They did anyway and NOW, the Muslim Brotherhood CONTROLS Egypt AND they want to shred the Israel/Egypt peace accord.

Well DONE…..

But…He killed bin Laden.


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Weekend Edition: Liberal Lies and Kryptonite

In this presidential race, arguably the most important since 1860, Mitt Romney is gaining momentum and Obama is starting to fade.

We are but 16 days from casting ballots in a race that has easily encompassed the last 16 months.

The question is…Why? Why is Romney gaining the momentum? Why is Obama fading?

Liberals, as the hours and days go by, are getting more and more desperate.


Liberals have nobody but themselves to blame for their own desperation and their candidate’s fading numbers.

From the very beginning, from the day of his nomination, Obama has been shielded from reality by the media. At least, that is the conventional wisdom. To some extent, it’s true but, I contend that it goes much, MUCH deeper than that.

Obama has rarely, very rarely, face tough questions its true. The media, a liberal lap dog media, has seen to that. They have steadfastly refused to challenge Obama and they have been quick to label those who might, as racists either by saying it themselves via their liberal media pundits or by allowing the narrative of racism itself to go unchallenged.

Think back to December 10th, 2010. That was the day that Obama held a press conference to talk about a new tax plan compromise.

As the questions got detailed, suddenly, Obama stepped aside and left the questions to be answered by…Bill Clinton. The liberal lap dog media was all too happy to have Clinton at the podium and even peppered the formally impeached president with foreign policy questions in Obama’s absence.

On June 15th of THIS year, Obama made public his Dream Act decree from the Rose Garden. This was a speech, not a press conference but, one reporter, Neil Munro, dared ask a question.

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Weekend Edition: Slamming the Door On a AAA Policy

On Monday night, Mitt Romney has the opportunity to slam the door on Obama’s failed presidency in a most pronounced way.

The old conventional wisdom has always been that debates don’t make all that much difference but, that’s all out the window now.

The first debate swung things solidly in Romney’s direction.

Joe Biden, in the even MORE traditionally ignored Vice Presidential debate, was so widely disdained for his tremendously disturbed behavior that the hole became deeper for liberals.

In the second Presidential debate, Obama’s attack mode of desperation was glaring but, as the singular question regarding Libya was fact checked, Obama came out on the short end and the first of the polls from AFTER that debate are showing that Romney’s momentum remains strong.

So…Monday night…The 3rd and final debate between the tops of the tickets.

In a campaign and an election that’s supposed to be all about the economy…Foreign Policy will take center stage and it is Foreign Policy which stands the greatest chance of obliterating Obama’s presidency in much the same way as it is thought an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.

Libya is just the tip of the asteroid.

The cosmic forces that set it in motion and put it on a collision course with planet Obama are the combined absurdity of 4 years of Obama’s foreign policies.

From the day Obama occupied the oval office, he embarked on foreign policy failure which can best be described as a Triple A policy.

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Obama, Like a Fart in a Phone Booth…

“Yesterday, four of these extraordinary Americans were killed in an attack on our diplomatic post in Benghazi.”

“The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack.”

“Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths.  We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.”

“But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence.  None.  The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts.”

“And then last night, we learned the news of this attack in Benghazi.”

“Libyan security personnel fought back against the attackers alongside Americans.”

“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for.  Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America.”

“But we also know that the lives these Americans led stand in stark contrast to those of their attackers.”

The above quotes are directly from the transcript of Obama’s Rose Garden Speech on Wednesday September 12th regarding the attack in Benghazi the night before and the quotes are in the order in which they were spoken.

The quotes are a complete listing of anything he said directly pertaining to any attacks.

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Debate 2: Obama’s Desperation is Showing

I lost count last night, during the debate, of how many times Obama asked Moderator Candy Crowley to either change the topic or how many times she cut off Mitt Romney to change the topic.

Each time Romney cornered Obama with facts to which Obama clearly didn’t want to respond, one of those two things happened.

Neither Crowley nor Obama however, could stave Romney off for the entire 90 minutes.

Romney shredded Obama on the economy and buried Obama under the record of his presidency. That moment came after a man who had voted Obama in 2008 asked him, essentially, why should I vote for you in 2012?

Obama responded with the talking points conjured up by his campaign, trying to highlight a dismal 4 years. It came across like a guy putting lipstick on a pig.

Romney showed the pig for what it has been over the past 4 years by simply quoting facts.

“I think you know better. I think you know that these last four years haven’t been so good as the president just described and that you don’t feel like your confident that the next four years are going to be much better either.

I can tell you that if you were to elect President Obama, you know what you’re going to get. You’re going to get a repeat of the last four years. We just can’t afford four more years like the last four years.”

From there, Romney literally listed the litany of Obama failures over the last 4 years and Obama, for one of the few times during the debate, sat quietly.

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