We, As Conservatives, Deserve Better Than Trump

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

tru 2If Donald Trump is the best we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers or Teapublicans can up with as a candidate for the presidency…we have set the bar far, FAR too low…in fact…we have made that bar subterranean as that is where moles reside.

As Conservatives, we have for years demanded a candidate that has a long record OF conservatism but does Trump possess such a record?

No, he does not.

Donald Trump has changed his voter registration, from one political party to another, over and over again. When asked, point blank in last Thursday’s prime time debate, “When exactly did you become a Republican?” Trump responded by NOT responding at all. He gave a shrug and a smirk and changed the subject, refusing to answer a direct question.

Is that what we want from a candidate for president?

No…no it is not.

As Conservatives, we have always vetted a candidate’s voting record. We have always looked for a candidate who consistently votes Conservative.

Is THAT what we find in Donald Trump’s voting record?

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A Bridge Too Far or…Revenge of the Turds?

Regardless of WHO was behind it and, regardless of WHY…

The great New Jersey Bridge Scandal of 2013-2014 was meant to do one thing and one thing only.

Ruin Chris Christie.

Let’s get one thing straight…I am not a fan of the RINO. No fan at all and, regardless of what I believe about Christie and his support of things liberal, Muslim and borderline socialistic…His love affair with the GOP and the way the GOP has embraced him and all but bestowed upon him the 2016 nomination…

There is something I do NOT believe and that, is that Chris Christie had any prior knowledge of the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge last September and I have even less belief that those closures had one single thing to do with “revenge” over a Mayor who wouldn’t endorse him in his second campaign for the Governorship of New Jersey.

The guy won and won in a landslide.

Chris Christie had no need of the endorsement from the Mayor of Ft. Lee.

None whatsoever.

If one is seeking “revenge” for the lack of a political endorsement…

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