Friday Fume

fume 1In a week that just defies common sense and DEFINES liberal nonsense…We find THIS little gem.


According to Yale University…an asylum of higher indoctrination… ‘Robots Helping Kids,’ will ultimately “deploy” robots into homes and schools to teach English as a second language, and encourage kids to exercise.

Says nerd Brian Scassellati of the asylum, “What we want to do is move these robots out of the laboratory and into schools and homes and clinics, places where we can directly help children on a day-to-day basis. Just like a good personal trainer, we want the robots to be able to guide the child toward a behavior that we desire.”

So…it takes a village to raise a child huh? Now it’s gonna take ROBOTS to raise a VILLAGE of IDIOTS but that’s exactly what liberals want, and as if dumbing down kids wasn’t bad enough…NOW they’re going to start turning out MIND-NUMBED CHILDREN by letting MIND-NUMBED ROBOTS TEACH THEM HOW TO BEHAVE!!!

Patriots and friends…It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

When it comes to border security…do you think that maybe…JUST MAYBE…the Obama regime has their priorities a little SCREWED UP???

Just MAYBE???

While tens of THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL ALIEN minors…INCLUDING GANG MEMBERS…pour across our southern border and get everything from FREE TRANSPORTATION to states and cities from sea to shining sea to A FREE EDUCATION without so much as a second glance…

A troop of two dozen BOY SCOUTS from IOWA had a somewhat DIFFERENT experience last week as they traveled from Canada into ALASKA!!!

That’s when one of the Scouts took a photo of the border station upon which…

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Israel – Fighting Mad, Fighting Back, Fighting to Win

hamas 1Hamas’ charter, Article 7, calls directly for the killing of all Jews on a global scale and, in Article 15, the Hamas charter directly calls for the destruction of Israel.

Both the United States and the European Union recognize Hamas as a terror organization.

Last month, in June of 2014, Hamas and the ‘Palestinian’ Authority entered into a “unity agreement” meaning that the Palestinian Authority is now the defacto “government’ of the terrorist organization, Hamas.

The “unity agreement” was carefully crafted to barely meet certain requirements that will ensure continued financial support from…the United States and among those requirements are that the PA continue to recognize the state of Israel, renounce violence and honor past agreements with Israel.

As those criteria are diametrically opposed to the charter of Hamas…the “promises” briefly outlined above…are not worth the toilet paper upon which they have been written.

Need proof?

Hamas has launched more than 1700 rockets into Israel from Gaza and the West Bank.

Hamas has NOT altered their charter ONE BIT to remove the calls for the murder of Jews or the destruction of Israel…

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Friday Fume

fume 1What a week it’s been as liberal absurdity has reached a new high.

First, the Dictator goes down to Texas but REFUSES to visit the border where ILLEGALS are POURING in.

Then, yesterday, as the world burned…our greatest ally, Israel, began their ground war against the Gaza terrorists AND a Malaysian PASSENGER jet was BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY BY RUSSIAN REBELS…There was Obama…FUND RAISISING AGAIN…This time in NY…telling jokes and posing for photo ops…NOT SEEMING TO GIVE A DAMN that 23 Americans might be among the dead…

And in between it all…his town liar, Josh Earnest told the press that BECAUSE of Obama…”THE WORLD IS MORE…TRANQUIL!!!”

If, by “more tranquil” he means that “THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET” then yeah…I suppose the world IS more tranquil.

We could all use a few laughs about now…don’t you think?

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Well isn’t this convenient?

The Dictator’s Department of Injustice is now investigating how the Dictator’s minions in the IRS “lost” all those emails and hard drives that could well have provided direct evidence of the Dictator’s direct involvement in the targeting scandal.

Now what do you suppose they’re gonna find?

I’M sure…after a complete and thorough investigation…the derpwads at DOJ will conclude there was “NOT A SMIDGEON OF CORRUPTION” at the IRS GESTAPO!!!

What else should we expect…after all…

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It’s Time for Comprehensive Regime Reform

If you are planning to board a plane anytime soon, for vacation or business, to fly to any U.S. destination, there is something very important youtsa 5 should be aware of and I mean…VERY important.

There is a good chance that there will be passengers on your flight who boarded without any identification whatsoever.

These are people granted immunity from the TSA goon squads at any U.S. airport and their free pass has been authorized by none other than the Obama regime.

While YOU, as an American citizen are NOT allowed to board WITHOUT proper identification…OTHERS are and they are NOT U.S. citizens.

According to NBPC (National Border Protection Council) Local 2455 Spokesman Hector Garza, “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms.”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, ILLEGAL ALIENS who have set foot in OUR country having NO documentation OR ID are being allowed to board ANY commercial flight to ANYWHERE in the country by simply showing their ‘Notice to Appear’ form at the gate.

We all know that along with Mexican and Central American ILLEGAL INVADERS we have members of Mexican drug cartels pouring across our now non existent borders. We also know that gang members from Mexico and Central American countries are escorting many of the illegal invader unaccompanied children across the border as well.

Folks…we are well aware as well that terrorists, sent from Islamic organizations are in the border crossing mix.

NONE of them are illegally INVADING our nation with ID’s or documentation.

NONE of them and yet, all they must show to board our planes at our airports is show their ‘Notice to Appear’ form. All that means is they have been ordered to appear at a deportation hearing. That’s all. And most of them will simply disperse across our nation, from sea to shining sea and take up a below the radar existence in our cities and towns.

It gets worse…

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Beware of Liberal Wolves Dressed as Shepherds

real 1When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…

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Would SOMEBODY please potty train the Dictator…

AC 1Someone needs to tell it like it is…may as well be me.

Yesterday, after spending the last five days being repeatedly slapped in the face with a wet Supreme Court of the United States fish, the Dictator stepped up to a Rose Garden microphone with GRUMPY the ASS CLOWN, Joe Biden, standing behind him in the lamest attempt I’ve even seen at adding some absurd sense of gravitas to his wilting poll numbers.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…pass a bill.”

That’s what the occupier of our oval office said yesterday regarding immigration reform. That is exactly what he said.

Now, let’s look to that statement without the ass hat filter and using our double top secret liberal ideology decoder ring, we can discern the real meaning of his words.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…just let me have my way…officially…by passing amnesty and allowing my party to register as many illegal aliens as is humanly possible.”

Oh, he tried to spin his pleading and whining as some sort of humanitarian effort and something which would solve every problem we, as a borderless nation face…amnesty would solve unemployment…cut the national debt and I THOUGHT I heard something between the blah, blah, blah and the yada, yada, yada about how allowing our country to be overrun by law breaking pillagers would cure athletes foot too but in reality, it was little more than a pity party.

What little more it was had to do with his taking more executive actions.

Where’s that particular wet fish again…the one the SCOTUS whacked him with a few days ago? Apparently, somebody needs to take another swing and this time, with meaningful intentions.

Apparently, Boehner’s pending lawsuit holds all the impact of a trout.

The real question here is…

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The Scandals are Real – Obama’s the Phony

scan 1Remember the good ol’ days of the Obama regime?

Me either but there WERE days when things were not as they are today. Mainly because they were the earliest days of the regime and the Dictator hadn’t the time yet to extend his special brand of Muslim and socialist corruption far and wide.

Before he was even elected back in 2008, there were those of us who were wondering exactly who this guy was?

Barack Hussein Obama…there were plenty of indications back THEN that he wasn’t who he said he was…an American citizen. Old book jackets said he was born in Kenya. The Kenyan GOVERNMENT said he was born in Kenya.

There were no college records we were allowed to see…no thesis we were allowed to read…nobody knew who financed his upper class education, and where-oh-where was his BIRTH CERTIFICATE???

Well…he cleared it all up by RELEASING his birth certificate didn’t he? You know…the one that was proven to be a fake by people who understood exactly how to fake that sort of thing and then by a law enforcement investigation that also proved his social security number is fraudulent and so is his selective service registration but…those were the good ol’ days of the regime.

What followed has been nothing short of a cascade of corruption flowing down from what was purported to be the “most transparent administration in history.”

Fast and Furious…

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Amnesty – Alinsky’s Rules, Obama’s Game

distractor 1 Obama and his regime continue to attempt to distract us from the myriad of swirling scandals by making statements regarding the trade of terrorists for a deserter…like John Kerry’s absolutely inane utterance yesterday about the fact that putting those five terrorists back in business will put renewed targets on our military personnel’s backs; “I just think that’s a lot of baloney because, to whatever degree it may be true, they will wind up putting themselves at the mercy of those people who are very effective (at) who are there, who will deal with those guys.”

“I am not telling you that they don’t have some ability at some point to go back and get involved, but they also have an ability to get killed if they do that.”

If that’s not meant as a distraction, I don’t know what is as not even John Kerry, our defacto Sectary of State is so bone-crushingly dumb not to know that the GITMO 5 are the Taliban  equivalent to our Joint Chiefs of Staff. They’re the terrorists who strategize, plot and plan the attacks…not the terrorists who carry them out and as is always true for terrorists leaders…they don’t care who gets killed as long as it’s not them. Battlefield terrorists are nothing more than martyr fodder and the GITMO 5 are not battlefield terrorists.

We have many fish to fry when it comes to this regime and their lawlessness. Not necessarily bigger fish…just other fish.

Case in point…

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Meet the REAL Extortionists

Liberals and socialists have a habit of ignoring the real situations that plague them and an overwhelming desire to blame others for their own shortfalls.

There are 2 very telling quotes that provide a basis for this article.


Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

How true for, everywhere socialism has been tried, it has failed and it fails because, once other people’s money runs out, the entire framework for it collapses.

The second quote comes from Albert Einstein.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Feel free to argue with Einstein over this premise but, you will lose the debate.

Okay, keep both those sage and spot on quotes in mind as we proceed as they will ring even more true for any with common sense.

Let’s take the case that Karen Lewis tried to make earlier this year.

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Weekend Edition: The Root Cause of Gun Violence

Liberals, liberal politicians, liberal media and liberal talking heads would like you to believe that a “gun culture” in our country is responsible for gun violence and that, if guns were outlawed, that source of violence would simply disappear.

This is, perhaps, one of the most idiotic beliefs in a boat load of idiotic beliefs held by liberals.

“If guns weren’t sold, gun violence would not be a problem” is what they want you to believe. The GOVERNMENT…Banning guns is their solution to the problem.

At the same time, liberals will go to great lengths to tell you that our prisons are overcrowded because we keep putting drug users, who pose no “real” threat to society, behind bars and we must let them out.

The last time I checked, one cannot buy meth or cocaine, or any number of illegal or, “banned” narcotics in stores .

The drugs being used that send their users to prison have been banned and yet, the users still get them just as those bent on using guns for violence would get then should THEY be banned but liberal logic can’t be bothered with facts or common sense.

Liberals will tell you that should abortions be banned, people will simply get them from unreliable sources in back alleys.

Where, exactly, do they think people will get guns should guns be banned?

Chicago has the strictest gun bans in the nation and their gun murder rate is the HIGHEST in the nation but, liberals will tell you that one city doesn’t mean squat in the grand scheme of things.

I give you…

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