Deep State vs Dark State…Part 2

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots

In part one of ‘Deep State vs. Dark State’ we explain why what is referred to as Deep State United Nations cannot ever be the winner in the battle for control of what is actually Dark State, and why it’s simply but one of the many political entities buried deep within the abyss of what is generally considered to be Deep State. And that leaves only one possible entity as the driving force behind what is actually a global Dark State, but it’s a driving force that must be separated into two parts…the first part being a religious front and the second part being its all-important political operation.

And here we’re not talking about the death cult that is islam, but about the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church…the political Catholic church as opposed to the religious Catholic church…a truly faith based church existing whether knowingly or unknowingly within a politically secular church. And why the Catholic Church…because both the religious and political Catholic church whether taken as one entity or as two separate entities is indeed the world’s largest financial power, compiler of wealth (including cash, property, artwork, gemstones, etc.), and surprisingly is the owner of one fourth of the world’s gold supply. Today’s Catholic Church has more material riches than any government, state, institution, corporation, bank, or trust currently in existence with an estimated net worth of anywhere between 400 billion U.S. dollars to two trillion U.S. dollars when all components are broken down and then added up. The Vatican alone is estimated to be worth at least $16 billion U.S. dollars.

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Deep State vs Dark State…Part 1

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots

“Deep State”…a phrase most alluded to in regards to political fodder when the reality is that Deep State is not really political in nature…not political in the most common sense of the word…but political only in its manufactured misconceptions fed to the masses for general consumption.

And with that said, in this two-part investigative series we, Diane Sori and Craig Andresen writing together as Right Side Patriots, will attempt to expose with all-important documented facts what we believe to be the true nature and ultimate objective of Deep State. And by doing so we hope we can lay to rest some of the more popular, albeit unknowingly, manipulated thoughts in regards to who or what Deep State actually is.

So as our investigation into Deep State started to unfold several absolutes became indisputable truths with the first being that Deep State is not confined to these United States. Simply, this means that the term Deep State itself is a misnomer for Deep State’s reach is indeed global in nature. And it’s global to such a degree that it has but one specific objective in mind…to create a single governmental body that would preside over every man, woman, and child but not in the way we have been led…or should we say forcibly directed…to believe. And with our acceptance of Deep State being global in nature, we felt that a better way to describe the one true entity hovering over us all would be to call that entity alone Dark State for said entity has existed both in the sunlight and in the shadows long before it became the object of wild conspiracy theories.

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Bernie Sanders – Common Core to His Communist Core

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The implosion, and imminent demise of Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race is epic, but it has now gone beyond funny gaffes and nonsense to outright scary.

While he’s long been the butt of jokes for saying the wrong things at inappropriate times, and rightly so, Biden’s mental state now seems to be descending rapidly into what could be dementia, or some form of it.

For years, he’s had a great deal of trouble remembering where he is at any given time, and just a little more than a week ago, on the day of the New Hampshire primary at a final campaign stop, he actually thought he was in Nevada.

But just a couple of days ago, what I believe to be the true nature of whatever it is that Biden is suffering from became so glaringly clear that even his dwindling numbers of supporters were left wondering about their candidate’s mental state.

Biden was in South Carolina campaigning, giving a speech when he said, and I quote…

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Barbarians Have Breached The Gate

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Despite the claims of liberals today, the United States is the greatest nation on Earth, and one could well argue, perhaps one of the most civilized nations in all of history.

That’s not to say that our great nation is perfect. It isn’t, and frankly, it never has been, but unlike all other countries, this country, thanks to the wisdom and foresight of its Founders and Framers, has built-in mechanisms designed for self-correction without the need to utterly destroy it in the process.

Over nearly 244 years, the United States has utilized such mechanisms countless times to right itself when at various tipping points that would lay waste to most other nations.

The very foundation of our greatness comes from our founding documents, specifically the Constitution, and its incorporated Bill of Rights, both of which are the envy of the world.

Ben Franklin once said, “What you have, is a Republic if you can keep it.”

Ronald Reagan said,

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Why Soleimani Had To Die

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Nancy Pelosi has a brand new catch phrase that she’s been stammering and slurring at every opportunity. “He’ll be impeached forever.”

At best, it’s a rhetorical catch phrase, and to be completely honest, it’s a meaningless slogan. President Trump’s accomplishments will far and away overshadow the coup attempts. He’s set our economy on the path to greatness, he’s reset our position to the front and center of the world stage, he’s taken on the worst trade agreements in history and reversed the playing field to our advantage, he’s cut burdensome regulations, and he has stuck it to the United Nations of thugs, thieves and despots, while pushing NATO allies to do their fair share.

Those are the things that will be reflected favorably by history, but impeachment? That will go down in history as quite possibly the dumbest thing a political party has ever engaged in.

Pelosi knows impeachment is drawing its last gasps, and that her engineered and manufactured failed impeachment coup attempt will be her legacy, and hence the desperate slogan or catch phrase, as she, and her party of wadded panties now prepare to move to the next manufactured attempted coup…

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Trump’s Only Crime…Exposed

By:Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

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Let’s start with the fact that the impeachment inquiry is not a real event, it’s an Adam Schiff orchestrated and scripted duplicitous abuse of power…with behind closed doors depositions being but a dress rehearsal for public hearings that are simply a man and a party on a phishing expedition looking for a crime to fit their ultimate agenda of impeaching the man they know they simply can’t beat come 2020.

And while Democrats are now foolishly reveling in what they think are “big wins” for their side regarding what in reality is a “political coup” masquerading as an “impeachment inquiry,” President Trump in the end will have the last laugh for second and third-hand hearsay will not make for a strong legal case where it matters most…as in the U.S. Senate…no matter that Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), foolishly stated that hearsay evidence is better than direct evidence. And while hearsay might make for good soundbites on the six o’clock news and make for eye-catching headlines in mainstream and online media rags, there remains certain truths as to the why we’re at the point we’re at now what with Nancy Pelosi claiming that the House will impeach President Trump before Congress begins its Christmas recess.

And as expected the media is again downplaying the Democrats faux-pas just like they continue to downplay the “Clinton body count list”...just like they downplay the fact that neither U.S. ambassadors nor House members themselves were ever meant to set foreign policy directives. And if one thinks in those terms it also starts one thinking that maybe the trouble President Trump now finds himself in was possibly set into motion decades ago…decades ago when Bill Clinton was president…decades ago when Clinton’s foreign policy directives or lack thereof saw the first World Trade Center bombing morphing into Mogadishu which morphed into the USS Cole, which in turn morphed into Obama’s foreign policy directive of overtly and callously “leading from behind.”

Let us explain.

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The Insanity at CNN Continues

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There are so many unknown things in our world, it’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Why do whales beach themselves? Where do elephants go to die? How were the pyramids built? What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

Why can’t Hillary just shut the hell up and go away?

There is a very long list of things we may never find the answers to, but there are some things we do know as fact, and one of those things is that…

Liberals are bat-crap crazy.

There is no end to the insanity from the left side of our political aisle, and seemingly no end to the lies the liberal mainstream media will tell to bolster that insanity.

Take CNN as a prime example…

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He Died Like a Dog

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Kayla Mueller, 26, was a humanitarian worker from Prescott, Ariz., who was captured by al Baghdadi’s ISIS forces while leaving a hospital in Aleppo, Syria, in 2013. It is believed that she was tortured until she died some 18 months later.

Mueller’s father, Carl, said on Sunday, “She was held in solitary confinement. She was tortured.  She was intimidated. She was ultimately raped by al-Baghdadi himself.”

Mueller’s mother, Marsha Mueller, praised President Trump and the Special Ops commandos who raided the al Baghdadi compound over the weekend and stated that “if Obama had been as decisive as Trump,” Kayla may still be alive.

To be fair, al Baghdadi ordered the murders of thousands, including American journalists James Foley, and Steven Sotlof, Kayla Mueller, and Jordanian pilot Muath Al-Kaseasbeh who was burned alive in a cage.

Sunday morning…

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Alinsky’s Rules for Rhetorical Radicals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, the political party tolerance, peace, free speech and equality was at it again as they sent their ambassadors and moral guardians into the streets of Minneapolis to welcome Republicans and Conservatives who were arriving, and departing a Trump rally in the Target Center.

Typically, things got ugly, as they often do when democrats gather, and the hateful mob of liberals attacked Trump supporters as they arrived, and again as they left after the rally.

Reports stated that there was the customary pushing and shoving, the requisite punching of Trump supporters, arson…always a must at any given democrat-led protest, the throwing of urine at Trump supporters, and of course, the always relied upon shouts calling individual Trump supporters…Nazis.

Congressional Republican, Mark Meadows from North Carolina immediately called the typical display of hatred by democrats lawlessness.

Meadows said…

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Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton: The Untold Truths -Part 2

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, in the wake of mass murders in Gilroy, California, El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump said, “Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.” Naturally, that had liberals, especially those running for their party’s 2020 presidential nomination boiling mad.

Liberals were fit to be tied because they know he’s right, and because that line of thinking is in direct opposition to the liberal agenda of relieving law abiding American citizens of their rights under the 2nd Amendment, and of their decades of preaching that the guns themselves, or other factors opposed to their agenda are the problem.

Liberals don’t want to address the real issue where such acts of violence are concerned, and there’s a damn good reason why they don’t want to address those things. Doing so would produce a two-fold detriment to the liberal agenda…fund raising would suffer, and such introspection would expose and destroy a major plank in their platform.

Let’s look at fundraising first.

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