Cell phones for “free,” well not really !

Currently there are mailings going to people from Assurance Wireless. Headline from this mailing offers a free cell phone to the addressee at no cost to the addressee. The cost is covered by the Universal Service Fund, FCC. Well actually by the citizens who own cell phones, use cable, or even the internet. Imagine that! You work and pay for your cell phone, or your cable and internet, all the while you are supporting someone else, so they can have a cell phone.

Take a close look at your cable bill and your phone bill. I am being billed over 2 dollars a month for this Universal Service Fund. That adds up to a lot of money when you consider how many citizens have cable and cell phone or even house phone. So the FCC receives this money monthly. Who is in charge of the money? Where is it spent? Since the FCC receives this money, why then must they also receive tax dollars from the budget? Questions I intend to look into.

Regulation costs are passed onto the consumer!

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EPA’s Choke Hold On Economic Growth! by Margaret Smith

My last posting was an eye opener to the chains which our government places on business via “helping” with Regulations. After spending numerous hours on research and reading about Regulations, I realized I was a new born in the world of Government Regulations. I decided it was time to skip the first steps of walking, grow up, ascertain as much information I could to the affects this government has placed on our economic prosperity. I was shocked to find there are many who would place the life cycle of a fish ahead of the life of a human. I was shocked to discover that there are people in our country who would rather support an environmental department that is funded by taxpayers instead of supporting a business that would create more revenue. The most distressing discovery to this date is our (including mine) lack of knowledge for which the Environmental Government Agency known as the EPA has been responsible in destroying American jobs. I offer the following tidbits of information. I hope the citizens who are reading this take the time to get fired up and start firing back at this department; for surly it will be the demise of any industry surviving in America.

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Cut the Shackles of Government Regulation!

By Margaret Smith on May 23, 2011

We have so many Federal regulations affecting businesses that small and large companies had to create positions just to deal with the “shackles of government”; now that is job creation!

Consider how the US EPA started, officially it is stated as December 1970, yet was truly revolutionized in 1962. This time frame is when Rachel Carson wrote “Silent Spring” in serial form in the New Yorker. The article was about pesticides and its effect on the bird population. Because of its popularity from readers the book was published and started a grass roots movement of environmentalist. Today, because of his books influence we have, ” 14,000 scientists, lawyers, managers, and other employees across the country to fight the good fight for “environmental protection.” Many of us probably would not be so concerned about the USEPA if it was only fighting pesticide companies.

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Who Defines Your “Needs”?

By Margaret Smith on April 18, 2011

Many of you have heard the quote,” the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”; and recently you heard the President in a speech say this; “You can afford to pay a little more”. My question to Americans is. Who defines what the needs of the many are? Who defines what you can afford?

Ponder these scenarios.  I need a car. So does it mean my neighbor that owns 3 cars should give me one? I need a cell phone. Does that mean that the guy at the store who has a brand new cell phone should hand it over to me? I need clothing for my kids. Does that mean that the store at the mall should give me clothes for my kids? You are now paying from your hard earned taxes, the needs for those items to those who are not working or not seeking to take care of those needs on their own. But, did you want too?

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Rules Change for Paying Military During Shutdown

By Margaret Smith on April 8, 2011

Military Momma Grizzly reporting

Tell the truth to all your friends, spread the word to all your Military families, the Commander In Chief, Pres Obama, changed the way Military is paid during a government shutdown. In 1995 during the shutdown the Military was paid they were considered Essential Personnel as they should be. But last year then Speaker Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid along with approval from Pres Obama, they made the decision to not pass the 2011 fiscal budget. It became political for them; this was an opportunity to use this against the Republicans as a majority of military do vote Republican. So the Commander in Chief stabbed his men and women in the back for political gain… Then in 2010 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi failed to produce a budget, she let the process go into continuing resolutions during the election time frame. Once again this action was all for politics.

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Concrete vs. Foundationless Answers

Conservative Answers “Concrete”; Liberals Answers “Foundationless”

By Margaret Smith on April 6, 2011

In the past 30 years of politics, liberals have had the bullhorn of the Media; whether it is local or national television, liberal political headlines have been favorable for all Democrat politicians. I know many people today have taken the blinders off seeing for the first time the media bias against Conservative values. I am amongst those fellow Americans.

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Moochers Not Producers Protest for Collective Bargaining

By Margaret Smith on March 14, 2011

Private sector workers had a loss of 8 million jobs between 2008 and 2010, but public sector workers, a net gain of 590,000 jobs during that time period. This disparaging difference is not your headline news on MSM, local television, or even your newspapers. Why?  I know, some of you already answered that with – liberals and hypocrisy- or progressives agenda to make this a Nanny country. I will take the answer a step further for you. Unions, because there are TV unions, newspaper unions, you get the picture.

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Health Care and the Constitution

By Margaret Smith , March 11, 2011

Majority of Americans new that Obama Care was not constitutional. Common sense alone tells you that our government cannot compel its citizens to purchase a product. Yet, it did not stop the progressive Congress from passing Health care Act (Obama Care) into law. Americans marched and their voices were not being heard. So the legal battles started. The states took to the federal courts requesting a ruling regarding the constitutionality of ObamaCare. The federal courts are even in their decisions, 2-2.  One of those decisions is causing uproar in the Department of Justice in Washington. A multi-state lawsuit that was filed with the state of Florid in search of a ruling on the Constitutionality of Obama Care or some may refer it to Health Care Act.  Judge Roger Vinson declared that the whole Obama Care was unconstitutional.6 Americans were elated. Finally some common sense was appearing. What happens now?

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