The Land of Oz – A Cautionary Tale

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Let’s be honest, you would have an easier time finding Atlantis, or whatever happened to the bits and pieces of whatever crashed near Roswell in 1947 than you would have finding the Land of Oz.

“The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by Frank Baum, was a tale of the downfall of the populist movement of the late 1800s. It was a satire regarding the political, economic, and social situation that existed in this country at the dawn of a new century. Oz is the abbreviation for an ounce, which happens to be how we measure gold. The yellow brick road was the gold you followed to get whatever you desired.

To Frank Baum, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” wasn’t a children’s fairy tale, it was political satire, and that becomes more than evident when you read from the stage production penned by Baum himself in 1902, in which the Tin Woodsman wonders about his fate should he run out of oil, to which the scarecrow responds, “You wouldn’t be as badly off as John D. Rockefeller. He’d lose six thousand dollars a minute if that happened.”

Another line of thought has been that “the cyclone that carried Dorothy to the Land of Oz represents the economic and political upheaval.”

According to some, the scarecrow represented the American farmer and their troubles at the turn of that century, the tin man represented American industry and their struggle to survive international competition, while the cowardly lion was a metaphor for our military during the Spanish-American war.

Do we have a cyclone of political and economic upheaval today? You bet. Are the American farmers having trouble today? Indeed. How’s our industry doing today stacked up against global competition? How did our military leave Afghanistan?

When it comes to the cowardly lion, think General Mark Milley – the woke Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is far more concerned with indoctrinating our military in Critical Race Theory than he is with training them to fight.

Is today’s Tin Woodsman worried about running out of oil, or is he trying to ban oil? Clearly the Woodsman wouldn’t be as bad off as the oil companies if oil were to be banned.

Here, think John Kerrey, the United States special presidential envoy for climate who jet-sets around the world on a private jet lecturing people on the evils of using fossil fuels.

Is today’s yellow brick road paved with freebies handed out by the liberal government and all you need to do to get what you desire is follow THAT road?

And what of the Land of Oz itself? Back then, in 1900, it represented the utopia that everyone was looking for and all you had to do was stay on the path and do whatever the Wizard told you to do.

It’s no different today. Just stay on the road paved with free money and do what liberals tell you to do or they’ll unleash their flying monkeys…FBI and IRS agents to get you.

I suggest to you that the story is as accurate today as it was when it was first published in 1900, and the 1939 movie version could be easily retooled for today’s political landscape.

Let me explain…

There’s Dorothy, the average American representing what’s best about our nation. She had empathy for farmers and ranchers, and knew that industry had to overcome global competition in order to make our nation great. Dorothy also knew that in order to have a great nation, our nation needed a bold, confident and proud military, but all were trapped in a senseless nightmare of political malfeasance. She missed the way things used to be when we were free, self-reliant and independent.

Dorothy, and we just want to get back to that place, but there were and are perils that had to be navigated on the journey.

Today, there’s Nancy Pelosi, the Wicked Witch of the West, representing the political elite whose financial interests are above their sense of the people.

Then we have those flying monkeys I mentioned earlier, and the Munchkins…common folks in uncommon times.

The Land of Oz? Well, that’s a representation of the government itself…the power over the people. In the original story the only way for the people to get what they needed was to follow the yellow brick road to the government and beg the government to care for them. In today’s version of the story, that path is being paved with other people’s money…gold stolen from the pockets of the common folks.

Today’s Munchkins, the common people, the middle class, are working two or three jobs to make ends meet so they can live paycheck to paycheck while inflation takes away their life savings, and the Lollipop Guild, which in the original story represented child labor, is digging lithium out of the ground in China, making clothes in India and Indonesia, and setting up shop in other foreign lands to keep from being taxed into oblivion.

In the original story, Dorothy faced many dire situations including the tornado, deadly poppy fields, the wicked witch, the flying monkeys, a roaring river and more, and she used her wits to overcome each obstacle no matter how dire it seemed in the moment but she didn’t do it alone. It was field mice, perhaps the forgotten Americans today who helped Dorothy out of the field of poppies, and it was the Munchkins who gave Dorothy the slippers she needed to get back home.

Ah, yes…the slippers…a representation of personal financial independence and perhaps the American dream itself. The slippers were originally silver…an option to the gold standard but were changed to ruby for the 1939 movie. Either way, the slippers were an embodiment of opportunity and exceptionalism by which every American can prosper.

The Munchkins? They were the everyman and everywoman…the American working class and the backbone of the nation. Perhaps we should think of them in today’s version as the MAGA-Munchkins.

In today’s version of the story, Dorothy, a representation of what’s best about America could be replaced by the likes of Donald Trump, who has been fighting the swamp since 2016, or Ron DeSantis, who is poised to step-up his leadership. Dorothy can also be found in the likes of Jim Jordan, or Tim Scott, or John Kennedy, or Rand Paul and many others who know that the way back home is not along a path paved with other people’s money.

The silver slippers, that became ruby slippers in the 1939 movie? Well, those are the vote we Munchkins must give our true leaders to enable them to fight the good fight.

The deadly poppy fields then, are the drug trade today. The roaring river then would be the illegal aliens today. The flying monkeys from the original story now are played by the politicization of our Department of Justice, the FBI and the IRS…all hell bent on maintaining the Wizard’s power.

I believe that now would be the time to remind you that the original story had a moral, and so too does this updated version of the story. We’re not likely to notice how fragile our existence is until we are on the verge of losing it, but we can’t get back to the safety of home, the prosperity of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness if we just sit around waiting for others to restore what we’re losing. We must take action. We must work to get it back, and work harder to keep it.

For far too long we have allowed the government to take more and more of our power of the people away from us, and exert more control over us, but we cannot afford that sort of complacency for one more day. We can’t wish it away, and we sure as hell can’t pray it away. It’s time to get off our knees and DO what is necessary to TAKE control of our OWN destiny.

We can click our heels together all we want, but that’s not going to solve our problems. We must engage in the process, at every level, and with our votes we must TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK from the fraud masquerading as a wizard from behind a curtain.

Oh, yes Dorothy, there IS a wizard behind the curtain. It’s Barack Hussein Obama, and he’s not a real wizard at all. He’s pulling the strings, moving the dials and adjusting the levers while his puppet gives speeches deriding half of America…condemning those want to Make America Great Again and those who dare to pull back the curtain and expose the fraud behind it. .

Frank Baum didn’t write a children’s fantasy in 1900, and it was way more than a political commentary on the times. What Baum penned was a cautionary tale of what can happen if We The People let down our guard and take for granted what is promised to us in the Constitution. Baum knew that the real power is in the people, not in the government, and that complacency is all it takes for the government to take over.

Let’s be honest, you would have an easier time finding Atlantis, or whatever happened to the bits and pieces of whatever crashed near Roswell in 1947 than you would have finding the Land of Oz.

Be careful it doesn’t find you.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Who’s Really Running The Show.



Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20th, from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘Who’s Really Running The Show’; ‘The Land of Oz – A Cautionary Tale’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.


5 thoughts on “The Land of Oz – A Cautionary Tale

  1. Failed to mention others behind the curtain like one of Hitlers right hand men billionaire George Soros called the puppet master whom it has been said funds campaigns on the left and right.All traitors perhaps seeking lifetime positions and millionaire status. that includes elitist medical care like no other.

    • The BIG miss…..Dorothy wore SILVER SHOES. Not the red ruby ones in the movie. The people’s freedom is SILVER MONEY.

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