20 Questions with Congressman Allen West

Yesterday, The National Patriot spent some quality time with Congressman Allen West.

We cannot thank the Congressman enough for taking the time from his always busy schedule to speak with us regarding a wide range of issues. We would also like to thank Communications Director, Angela Sachitano,  in Congressman West’s office for all her help in arranging this exclusive interview.

In part 2, I ask Congressman West about the National Defense Authorization Act and, as always, Congressman West answers in a straight forward manner and quotes from the bill itself. This has become one of the most contentious issues of the last several weeks and one on which many have been misinformed.

Once again, we Thank Congressman Allen West.

Please enjoy, “20 Questions” with Congressman Allen West!!

Part 1

Part 2

As always, please feel free to leave comments below!

Allen West…20 Questions with The National Patriot

We, at The National Patriot, cannot thank Congressman Allen West enough for taking time today for this exclusive interview!

In my conversation with Congressman West, we covered a great deal of ground from Israel to Fast and Furious…His military service, a possible VP nod and today’s vote on the much criticized National Defense Authorization Act.

We hope you enjoy Part 1 of “20 Questions” with Congressman Allen West!!

The remainder of this exclusive interview will be published tomorrow!!

Hey Allen West…Time for Show and Tell

Solyndra and all the emails, subpoenas, hearings and cover ups, Fast and Furious with its memos, emails, who knew what and when along with its subpoenas and testimony, GOP campaign polls changing daily, the whole Occupy Wall Street drama, Penn State and on and on and on…


The real story is the Super Committee and what is happening, or not happening, between 12 members of congress.

With less than a week to go before triggers kick in and drastic cuts are made to Medicare and our Defense Department, there just doesn’t seem to be any movement. Or is there?

Obama and the liberals have been trying to make a living on, and or campaigning against, what they have, for some time now, labeled a “Do Nothing Congress” and therein rests the issue.

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The Case For Newt Gingrich

Taking this country back, saving this country, turning it around and restoring its place in the world cannot be done through legislation alone. It cannot rely solely on the repeal of unwanted prior legislation nor can it be accomplished only by the excising of useless government waste.

Yes, these things are necessary but if that is to be the end game, we shall remain lost.

As a nation we need something more.

We need a leader which is something we frankly are missing right now. We need a leader with experience but that experience can’t be found only in a board room or, for that matter, only in elected office. The leadership we need to correct the course is a combination of those things but to stop there would leave us short of the goal.

This nation, to right the ship, correct the wrongs and climb back into prosperity must find a leader with the X factor.

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2012…Win It or Lose It…It’s Up To Conservatives

Ron Paul followers believe that ONLY Ron Paul can save the country. They are wrong. Sarah Palin’s supporters believe that only Sarah Palin can save this country. They are wrong. The same can be said of almost all of the supporters of the individuals in the GOP field, and they are wrong.

The sooner conservatives come to this realization, the sooner we can start saving this nation; but in order to reach this realization, conservatives must come to grips with a few things.

1)     NO One Candidate Can Save This Nation.

It’s a simple premise – which will probably have some conservatives up in arms – but it’s true. No ONE single candidate can do it because no ONE single candidate is capable of doing it alone no matter who it is and no matter how hard that candidate’s followers or supporters are clinging to them.

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Quitters Never Win…Winners Will Stay Involved

Across social media, from Facebook to Twitter and many other venues, I have seen some very disturbing posts, comments, tweets and sentiments over the last two days. To say I am disappointed in what I am seeing and hearing is an understatement.

Within two days, both Chris Christie and Sarah Palin have made it official that neither will be running in 2012. No ifs, ands or buts – they are not going to run.

They did NOT quit as they WILL be more involved than ever before! It’s being INVOLVED that counts!!

After each announcement, from their respective supporters, the fallout was immediate.

These two potential candidates were light years apart within the republican party, and it’s safe to say they didn’t share many supporters which makes the whole of the sum even more disturbing.

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Smell the Coffee and Ignore the Shoes

Conservatives need to start paying attention. Maybe this article will serve as a slap in the back of the head for some – but by and large, from coast to coast, right now, with 14 months to go before the 2012 election…

Liberals have conservatives right where they want them.

Conservatives are either mesmerized by the GOP debates and the ever revolving door of potential nominees. Who’s in, who’s out, who MIGHT get in, who MIGHT get out? How did Perry do in the last debate? Why doesn’t Huntsman just get out? Ron Paul can’t win. Ron Paul is the ONLY one who can win. Mitt’s a RINO…so is NEWT. Mitt’s leading and Newt’s the smartest guy in the room. Bachmann scored big. Bachmann screwed up.

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Islam IS the Enemy!

Yesterday we looked back with an article, “9-11, We Remember” as many readers shared their memories of that day of unbelievable shock.

Today is September 12th 2011. From the day after until today, what have we learned in the 10 year span? What have we REALLY learned?

10 years ago today, we still stared at the TV and listened to radio reports. We were still in shock. The twin towers were gone, the Pentagon had been hit, there was a hole in the ground in PA where another plane had crashed and we watched and listened.

Across the country, airplanes sat on runways, most of them were not anywhere near their point of origin or destination. Tens of thousands of passengers were stranded.

10 years ago today, Americans wanted to help and thinking surely there would be hundreds if not thousands of injured survivors, we donated blood. Fire and rescue crews from cities towns and rural areas found a way to get to New York and help in the ground zero efforts.

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Giving Obama His Due Respect!!

Never has such an anticipated speech by a President been so completely forgettable before it’s even been presented. Obama will deliver his great jobs speech before a joint session of congress and while liberals will no doubt stand and applaud at every little thing and will cheer each at every spending measure Obama announces, the response will be silent and that silence will be deafening!!

Republicans expect so little from this ballyhooed speech that they have already decided not to even offer a rebuttal.

Nancy Pelosi, deposed from the speaker’s chair last November is not happy about it either. Nancy has her former speaker’s panties all wadded up as she has let it be known that such a non rebuttal is an affront to the President.

Oh my.

Presidents speak before a joint session of congress for the State of the Union or if they want to wage war. Outside of that, such a speech is rarely given especially on matters of domestic economics.

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DNC Unleashes New Attack Poodle: Debbie Wasserman Shultz

In May of 2011, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz became the current Democratic National Committee National Chairperson (DNC National Chairperson).  As such, she is the public face of the Democratic Party and it is her responsibility to implement successful campaign strategies for her democratic comrades in the pending elections.

As the new National Chairperson, according to the Miami Herald, she pledged to “work every single day to re-elect President Barack Obama and Democrats up and down the ballot.”

And for this reason, little Debbie has been especially busy lately.  She is vigorously fulfilling her duty as the latest DNC attack poodle.

And while no one can find fault with anyone for doing their job, the trouble is, how she does her job.  She has potential. She has potential because there is no level of unethical practice that she will not stoop to on behalf of her party in order to insure its success.

Her favorite weapon is to attack any perceived threat to her party with misleading propaganda and character assaults. Character assaults against the Republican Party as a whole and against individuals such as Congressman West who pose a grave threat to the success of the left wing Democratic Party.

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