DNC Unleashes New Attack Poodle: Debbie Wasserman Shultz

In May of 2011, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz became the current Democratic National Committee National Chairperson (DNC National Chairperson).  As such, she is the public face of the Democratic Party and it is her responsibility to implement successful campaign strategies for her democratic comrades in the pending elections.

As the new National Chairperson, according to the Miami Herald, she pledged to “work every single day to re-elect President Barack Obama and Democrats up and down the ballot.”

And for this reason, little Debbie has been especially busy lately.  She is vigorously fulfilling her duty as the latest DNC attack poodle.

And while no one can find fault with anyone for doing their job, the trouble is, how she does her job.  She has potential. She has potential because there is no level of unethical practice that she will not stoop to on behalf of her party in order to insure its success.

Her favorite weapon is to attack any perceived threat to her party with misleading propaganda and character assaults. Character assaults against the Republican Party as a whole and against individuals such as Congressman West who pose a grave threat to the success of the left wing Democratic Party.

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