Obama’s Iran “Deal” Nothing But Caliphate Cover…Part 3 of 3

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

dd 1“There is not value to our allies to see there is a split here in Congress or between Congress and the executive on this issue.”

– Republican turncoat Senator Jeff Flake on why he sold out to the Democratic supporters of Iran’s nuclear weapons ambition

Well it’s over…’We the People’ lost…America lost…and Israel lost. And who won…Iran won…Barack HUSSEIN Obama won…and all who hate America and Israel won…as Senate Democrats, as expected, blocked Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) late addition amendment #2656 53-45…an amendment “to prohibit Obama from waiving, suspending, reducing, providing relief from, or otherwise limiting the application of sanctions pursuant to an agreement related to the nuclear program of Iran”… which would basically stop in full Obama’s lifting sanctions on Iran until they released the five Americans hostages they hold as well as their formally recognizing the Jewish State of Israel’s right to exist before this ‘very bad deal’…surrender actually…would go into effect.

And thanks to turncoats like Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) who voted with the GOP on last week’s procedural vote but sided with Obama’s fellow Democratic traitors when it mattered most, Flake opposed McConnell’s amendment saying that “conditions are not serious enough to make this a prerequisite for entering into a deal.” And he said this even though he knows that releasing the hostages as well as supporting Israel’s right to exist should have been a non-negotiable must be included item for any deal to go forward from the start. Stating that,“Should a whole agreement be based on those two items? No.” Flake is misguided at best…outright traitorous at worst…as this is not an agreement made in good faith but a surrender to the enemy and he knows it.

And so with Flake’s sellout…

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Obama’s Iran “Deal” Nothing But Caliphate Cover…Part 1 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

nd 1This bit of information was barely a blip on the 24 hour news cycle last week and the mainstream media dropped it like it was radioactive.

Iran, after acquiring the full capitulation of the Obama regime and only after the Obama regime had acquired enough votes to uphold Obama’s planned veto of a vote to deep-six the “deal” with Iran has Iran announced that, lo and behold, they have discovered new, substantial deposits of uranium ore.

During the “deal” making…it was widely distributed than Iran LACKED sufficient uranium deposits from which to mine enough of the stuff to supply their “peaceful” application of nuclear energy much less, supply the building of nuclear weapons and that they would likely have to IMPORT uranium just to keep their program up and running.

Then…with the “deal” done and the votes in hand…SURPRISE…Iran has JUST DISCOVERED more uranium than they apparently know with what to do.

They didn’t JUST DISCOVER this new source of uranium and if you believe they diid…allow me to make you a great deal on Arizona oceanfront property. They knew exactly where this stuff was all along. They knew, they hid it and THEN…they discovered it which is a pretty clear indicator of how they will be running their nuclear facility…Parchin…the one that THEY and ONLY they are allowed to inspect.

The “deal,” being voted on here in the U.S. this week, already has Iran playing the hide and seek game yet liberals in congress, and surrender simps from the right side of the aisle, are willing to let the “deal” stand.

But there’s more to this than simply new found uranium that really isn’t newly found at all…

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A Surrender of Epic Proportions

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

In timing eerily reminiscent of the start of the ’67 Yom Kippur War, yesterday after a surr 1one-day extension, as both Passover and Good Friday were mere hours away, suddenly and miraculously a preliminary deal…a ‘framework’ for moving Iran closer to becoming armed with nuclear weapons…has been reached. And it was reached quite coincidentally as most of the deal-contesting P5+1 members had already gone home to their respective countries.

And so it seems that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has gotten his wish of selling out both America and Israel to those wishing to kill us all as both John ‘Swiftboat’ Kerry and the Obama regime itself further bow down and make concessions to the demands of Iran…demands which should leave nobody wondering just exactly who, in all of this ‘negotiating,’ has been calling the shots all along.

NOT quite negotiating puts it mildly as Iran had recently demanded that all sanctions against them be lifted, especially those that had been most effective in crippling their economy and that the near decade of imposed watching over their nuclear program by the IAEA also be eliminated as a term of any ‘deal’ to be reached. Other demands made by the Islamic Republic of Iran have included that they not be forced to send their already refined and stockpiled uranium to Russia for ‘safe keeping’ if you will…to keep it from being used and incorporated into nuclear weapons.

What should have been a deal breaker…

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The True Power Behind Islam’s Perfect Storm

Article Co-Written by Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on cprworldwidemedia.com

power 1Fact: they who control the U.N. and they who control the White House control the world. And that fact is one of the reasons why Barack HUSSEIN Obama does not want to stop ISIS. Obama is well aware that while ISIS can build the caliphate by force ISIS lacks the capability to manage the affairs of a dictatorship, and know that the caliphate is nothing but a dictatorship in disguise…just as Islam is a political system in the guise of a religion.

A brutal and barbaric dictatorship such as the caliphate would have no interest in seeking recognition or legitimacy from the United Nations nor from any of its members, however, control of the United Nations and one of its most influential and powerful members would indeed fit their agenda. Enter center stage Barack HUSSEIN Obama and the United States of America which, we believe, his intention is to make the 58th Islamic state.

And how would he do this…know that when this, his last term as president is up, Barack HUSSEIN Obama will NOT ‘fade away’ as some presidents do for his entire presidency has been orchestrated as a stepping stone to bigger things…to bigger things involving the one-world government of the caliphate. And he intends, we believe, to do this by using the U.N. to reach that goal.

But to use the U.N. Obama needs someone by his side who can craft deals, manipulate heads of state, and who can lie and cheat with abandon, and who can cavalierly throw aside those who get in the way of the ultimate goal. And one person alone comes to mind…Obama’s puppet master…Iranian born, Muslim Brotherhood supporter, and Iranian.com’s ‘person of the day’…

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Friday Fume

fume 1Day by day…minute by minute…Liberals IQ’s are PLUMMETING!!!

Every Friday, I let off a little steam and THIS Friday is no exception. I mean really…did you SEE this from a couple of days ago???

Obama, the dictator, stood at a press conference and actually had THIS to say about whipping out his anti-constitutional PEN and taking voter registration action regarding ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!

“The American people don’t want me just standing around twiddling my thumbs and waiting for Congress to get something done.”

He’s right you know…we DON’T want him standing around twiddling his thumbs…


Well…here’s your week in review…WITH A LITTLE ATTITUDE…

Friends and Patriots…

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Liberal congresswoman, Julia Brownley from the Socialist Repiblik of Kalifornia sent out a campaign flyer a week ago, trying to convince those in her 26th District that she’s all about the family and…THE MILITARY and along with photos of some kids and a family…most likely none of them her own…was one very particular image…

A woman, dressed in what, at first glance, looked like a NAVY uniform but…NOT to some VETERANS who received the flyer.

Veterans should be IMPORTANT to the politburo wannabe congresswoman as she IS on the House Committee for Veteran Affairs IS ranking member on the House’s Subcommittee on Health, which oversees the VA AND…HER DISTRICT INCLUDES…THE NAVAL BASE IN VENTURA but…

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Gun Control – By Decree or by Treaty

Call it what you will.

The Obama Doctrine.

Agenda 21.

New World Order.

Theater of the Absurd.

The name assigned to it really no longer matters. The actions speak for themselves.

Just 2 days ago, John Kerry signed the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. Yes, he did, He signed it and rather than ink dripping from his pen, it was hypocrisy.

The document signed by Kerry is in direct opposition to a document signed just a week ago by his Dictator boss. THAT document, by executive order, cleared the way for Obama to supply arms to al Qaeda.

Obama gave arms to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious.

He supplied arms to al Qaeda in Libya.

He gifted weapons both large and small to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now, he has absolved himself, as Dictators are always want to do, from any breach of law, so that he can supply weapons to al Qaeda in Syria.

Think about it for a moment…

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Weekend Edition: Between Barack and a Hard Place – Obama’s Options

Barack Hussein Obama, from behind, has led the United States once great and respected position on the world stage, down the path of destruction.

We have, in 5 years, gone from the world’s only remaining superpower to…

Super powerless.

It didn’t start with Syria and, it won’t end there either.

To understand the available options in this Obama Syrian disaster, we must first, know how we got to this point.

It started with the appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, a position for which, aside from traveling to different countries while Bill was in office, she was unqualified to hold.

Hillary blew the Russian reset, accepted a handshake from North Korea, ignored Libya, hired our enemies as security, allowed her own security team to run drugs and hookers and mismanaged every last thing that she touched including, having as her top aide…Huma Abedin…Whose family is deeply connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama began the free-fall when he opted NOT to assist the freedom and democracy movement in Iran THUS SENDING A CLEAR MESSAGE to the Mullahs that Iran could proceed unhindered.

He exacerbated it further when he told Israel to fall back to their pre-1967 indefensible borders thus telling Israel’s enemies that THEY need not fear U.S. protection or assistance to Israel.

By leading from behind in Libya, Obama sent a clear and unmistakable message to al Qaeda that he was prepared to assist them in the conquest of a country and he provided them the arms with which to do so.

In fabricating the You Tube video story after the al Qaeda attacks in Benghazi, repeating that lie for 3 weeks, keeping the FBI from investigating IN Benghazi and the subsequent cover up OF Benghazi, Obama has sent the message to our enemies that they have nothing to fear even when they kill our diplomats.

In Egypt, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood, thus giving terrorism’s only political arm control of an entire nation and one which HAD kept the peace accord with Israel intact for more than 3 decades thus sending the clear message that the United States, under his rule, would turn our backs on our friends.

And so…Syria…

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s Syrian Disaster

Next Tuesday evening, as things stand now, Obama will make what is likely to be regarded, by history, as the most desperate, pathetic plea for war ever made by a United States president.

On the eve of 9/11…A date of dual significance to Americans, Obama will take his sad, anemic case for striking Syria, in effect, declaring war ON Syria, to the American people in a last ditch and what is most likely to be a deeply flawed and failed attempt, to sway the votes of congress.

The case he is planning to present is that the United States has a “moral obligation” to strike and enter Syria’s civil war and he must, again, try to convince the American people and congress that it was Assad who launched a chemical attack on August 21st but, that will be a tall order as more and more evidence is belittling that argument.

 Carla  del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria and someone who should know the truth, has let it be known, in the face of Obama’s claims, that, “Our investigators have been in neighbouring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.”

And then, the bombshell if one can employ that word under these circumstances.

“This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

Obama and John Kerry have told us that it was Assad’s government and Kerry has even referred to “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” that have been declassified and made available.

It seems, those “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” are likely in the form of social media and twitter posts from the region and are backed up by no hard evidence whatsoever while, Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria, tells us that, “This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

It makes one wonder, doesn’t it, just what the CLASSIFIED reports contain that he has shown to only a handful of house and senate members and where, exactly, his “CLASSIFIED” material came from.

Obama, from his setting of the “red line” a year ago to what will be his desperate plea to congress next Tuesday to what is looking more and more like a sound defeat when it comes to a vote in the house and senate, has made a mess of this whole thing.

It’s worse than a mess.

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Weekend Edition: How Stopping Iran Starts in Gaza

According to the State Department:

“Designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization since 1997, HAMAS has carried out attacks – such as suicide bombings, rocket launches, improvised explosive device attacks, and shootings – against civilian targets inside Israel.”

Hamas has been designated as a terrorist organization since 1997 but, the broadcast networks, ABC, NBC and CBS simply refuse to use the designation in reports of the war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza.


You shouldn’t be.

The attack carried out at Fort Hood has been labeled by the Obama administration as, “Workplace Violence.”

Remember “Man Made Disasters?”

Benghazi they tried to convince us, was the result of film critics panning a bad You Tube video.

The politically correct term for Hamas TERRORISTS is now…

“Militants” or…“Militant Islamic leaders.”

They are terrorists. Hamas is a terrorist organization and the rockets they continue to fire into Israel are acts of terror.

The world’s most corrupt organization, the United Nations, condemns ISRAEL over Israel’s reaction TO these acts of terror perpetrated against them. Israel fights back. Defends herself. The world’s collection of despots, thieves and thugs are beside themselves.


Because “Palestinian” civilians are being killed?

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Weekend Edition: Israel’s Defensible Position

As rockets fly, launched from Gaza into Israel, at Tel Aviv, at Jerusalem and elsewhere, the near future seems clear and I will Stand With Israel.

Israel will soon be at full on war with Hamas.

I don’t quite know where to start.

Perhaps with Egypt.

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president is condemning Israel for their offensive.


Yes, for that is exactly how those bent on the destruction of Israel view Israel defending itself. An offensive.

Rockets, hundreds and hundreds of them, launched by Hama from Gaza and raining death and destruction from the shy in Israel has drawn the response OF Israel and for putting up a defense, for firing into Gaza as a response, Islamists deem Israel as being on the offensive.

It’s Absurd Squared.

Israel has every right to defend itself and its people against such deadly aggression and frankly, their ability to contain themselves to the extent they have is astounding to me.

Israel is also being condemned by the corrupt United Nations. This, naturally, comes as no surprise.

Also joining the anti-Israel chorus, and disgustingly so, are Obama’s voters. This too should come as no surprise as Obama’s foreign policy, as we have outlined on countless occasions, is designed to embolden our enemies and the enemies of our allies. Namely, Israel.

Yesterday, Kim Kardashian tweeted support FOR Israel and immediately, her throngs of liberal/socialist tweeps descended upon her like a pack of wolves. They wished HER dead. Wished the destruction of Israel and leveled at her, vile names and comments.

Within 5 minutes, the woman famous for being famous removed her tweet, having no intestinal fortitude for standing with Israel.

Such is the life of the rich and vapid.

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