It’s National Because They’re Black Month!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Bernadeia Johnson is a name you might not recognize immediately but I’m sure many of jr 1the readers here will remember who she is shortly.

Johnson was…WAS…the Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent but she resigned last December over flaps with her policies and criticism regarding a $400,000.00 plus no-bid contract she awarded to a political activist group.

Basically, she was forced out of her job but don’t feel sorry for her…Berdadeia Johnson’s severance package entitles her to three months’ worth of her salary, roughly about $47,500, which will be spread out over a 6 month period ending in June and she will ALSO be awarded a juicy consulting contract totaling yet ANOTHER $12,000 PER MONTH that will, as her extended salary does… end in June.

But that’s not all…She is ENTITLED to a principal’s position within the school district from which she just resigned.

That’s a pretty sweet deal isn’t it? Especially for someone who wasn’t exactly playing by the rules. In fact, many of her critics said she was just making up the rules as she went along.

You probably still don’t remember who this woman is but…perhaps THIS will jog your memory…

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Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 3 of 3

 By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

JIH 1The man who toasts himself as a citizen of the world did NOT go to the Paris Unity March because NO one asked him to go or so he says…truth is he chose to watch the NFL playoffs instead.

And so as France continues to deal with the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist attack that has set the world’s consciousness on fire…and while up to six Islamic terrorists from the same cell that carried out last Wednesday’s targeted assassinations at the offices of Charlie Hebdo are running loose in Paris (with two others having been captured…one in Belgium and one in Turkey)…Twitter and other social media are exploding with calls to ban Islam across Europe and here in the United States.

Social media is also ablaze with support for Islamic terrorism and the Islamic terrorists who carried out last week’s attack…NO big surprise there.

However, there are some clear certainties of which the truth must be told…Islam is the enemy and Islamic terror is on the rise. On the rise with NO terrorist organization being decimated regardless of what name they are going by this week and…most importantly…Islam is a clear and present danger to these United States.

Sorry Obama…sorry liberals…but those are the simple facts and NO amount of sniveling…NO amount of appeasement…and NO amount of political correctness can alter those facts.

Islam is Islam and…

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Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 2 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

eno 1Yesterday, in “Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 1 of 3” my Right Side Patriots partner and friend Diane Sori outlined the awakening in France and across Europe to the clear and present, deadly scourge of Islam and how, despite the threat we face in our country, we, as a nation, continue to hit the snooze button.

It was beyond shameful that, while the world’s leaders, nearly 50 of them and even the likes of Abbas and the King of Jordan…wolves in sheep’s clothing…attended the march against Islam in Paris…OUR so-called leader…did not.

While the French press and the European press spoke out against Islam…OUR press continued to shill FOR Islam by coddling the ideology of death and destruction, to cover Obama’s ass and by playing a dangerous and fatal game of political correctness.

I am sick and tired of being told the lie by our mainstream media that the threat posed by Islam is somehow not dire and that, at the drop of a hat, how the majority OF Islam is…a peaceful…”religion.”

NOTHING could be further from the truth.

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Defeating Islam Starts With the Truth

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

heb 1Let’s start with the bottom line…what happened in Paris will happen here we just do NOT know exactly when and where. And it will happen because we have a president who caters to, acquiesces to, and condones the actions of those out to kill us all. Remember, Barack HUSSEIN Obama while sometimes using the word ‘terrorism’ refuses to call the majority of the vast acts of terrorism what they are… Islamic terrorism…because he dare NOT offend his own chosen ideology.

Now lets cut to the chase and tell a truth that few want to hear…Islam wants war with the West so lets give it to them and end this once and for all. Remember, Islam is NOT a religion so perish the thought that we are waging war on the religion of Islam for Islam is an ideology, a political cult if you will, and has NOTHING to do with God for Allah is but a made-up deity of a perverted pedophile called Mohammed.

Simply, this would be a war of civilization against the barbaric.

And this is key because one must understand that NO matter how some want you to believe that radical Islam and Islam itself are two totally different entities NOTHING could be further from the truth. In fact, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, a Muslim leader in his own right, said, “Islam cannot be classified as moderate or not…These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult o our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”

In other words…

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More Lipstick for the Islamic Pig

mus 1Liberals and socialists, as we all know, get their little panties in a wad anytime religion enters our schools.

Say “Under God” in the pledge and liberals get an instant wedgie. Point to the sky after scoring a touchdown in a high school game and liberals have kittens. Say a prayer, read a bible during open reading time, mention the Almighty during a graduation…liberals and socialists are fit to be tied, lawsuits are filed, the Uncivil Liberties Union goes on a rampage and the whole world must stop until the situation is resolved.

Hell, they have been known to take their wadded panty cases all the way to the Supreme Court.


Let ISLAM drift into the curriculum and all you hear from the left side of the aisle is…crickets.

Liberals and socialists, those running nearly all government centers of indoctrination will bend over backwards to tell you that ISLAM is the RELIGION of peace. They well run about screeching like a turpentined cat telling you that RELIGION is VERBOTEN in our schools and then…liberals and socialists will CRAM their “RELIGION” of peace down the throats of your children AT SCHOOL.

Just look at what is transpiring right now in Jenison, Michigan at a government center of youth indoctrination…

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Friday Fume

fume 1Day by day…minute by minute…Liberals IQ’s are PLUMMETING!!!

Every Friday, I let off a little steam and THIS Friday is no exception. I mean really…did you SEE this from a couple of days ago???

Obama, the dictator, stood at a press conference and actually had THIS to say about whipping out his anti-constitutional PEN and taking voter registration action regarding ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!

“The American people don’t want me just standing around twiddling my thumbs and waiting for Congress to get something done.”

He’s right you know…we DON’T want him standing around twiddling his thumbs…


Well…here’s your week in review…WITH A LITTLE ATTITUDE…

Friends and Patriots…

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Liberal congresswoman, Julia Brownley from the Socialist Repiblik of Kalifornia sent out a campaign flyer a week ago, trying to convince those in her 26th District that she’s all about the family and…THE MILITARY and along with photos of some kids and a family…most likely none of them her own…was one very particular image…

A woman, dressed in what, at first glance, looked like a NAVY uniform but…NOT to some VETERANS who received the flyer.

Veterans should be IMPORTANT to the politburo wannabe congresswoman as she IS on the House Committee for Veteran Affairs IS ranking member on the House’s Subcommittee on Health, which oversees the VA AND…HER DISTRICT INCLUDES…THE NAVAL BASE IN VENTURA but…

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Friday Fume

fume 1It’s never a matter of what to write for the Fume…quite the opposite in fact.

The HARD part is narrowing it DOWN but if we can’t find a way to laugh at liberal insanity…we’ll all go screaming into the night.

It’s been a rough week folks so, let’s dive right in…

It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

So, this is interesting…and telling.

Members of our military are reporting that they were told not to eat or drink…in front of Muslims…during the month of Ramadan.


Apparently, Ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong is the month of FASTING for TERRORIST BARBARIANS and according to Bridge Commander Col. Kevin Glasz, while THEY observe fasting…WE must observe…POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!!

According to an email from Glasz to the troops…“This is a period of great personal restraint and commitment in addition to renewed focus on worship. I’d like to encourage you to learn just a little more about this religion, but more importantly, I’m asking you to be considerate and do not consume food or drink in front of our Muslim colleagues; it is a simple, yet respectful action.”

Let me try to put this in terms this BRASS ASS might understand…

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Common Core is Nothing But Ideological Paste

core 1aCommon Core is a fool’s curriculum but it IS necessary for the liberal ideology to of complete government control of the people to become the accepted method of governance.

Let me explain.

Too many years ago, when I was a public school student, 2+2 equaled 4. Everybody knew it and if you happened to write down 5 as your answer you were docked for it. If you stood your ground and argued the point long enough and without reservation, there was a good chance you would find yourself taking the same math class over next year while all your friends moved on.

Today, thanks to Common Core, you can proudly say that 2+2 equals 5 and get a plaque and a pat on the head if you simply explain WHY you think the answer is 5. Nobody will criticize you, nobody will dock your grade and along you go to the next level of common core math.

At this point in a rather nutshell sort of way, it should be noted that during those early years of my public school education…we sent a man to the moon and returned him safely to the earth and while it was Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins who made the trip…they were sent there by people who knew damn well that 2+2 equaled 4…NOT 5 and were considered to be at the top of their class.

Common core math is but a singular example but know that Common Core encompasses the entire curriculum from math to social studies, history to science and everything in between. It is meant to change the way children think thus, changing the way future ADULTS think and make them all part of the collective and while some states are dumping it, far too many are not.

Remember…“It takes a village to raise a child.”

What we are watching as it happens in our country today is…

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Enemies Foreign and Domestic – TYRANNY is TYRANNY

henry 1Yesterday, I outlined the transparent nature of this regime’s ploy to force upon the people a single payer, 100% socialistic healthcare system and, at the end of that piece I stated, “I for one would rather go down fighting to get my country back with my life on the line than to submit my life to the hands of a GOVERNMENT that will decide whether I live or die and, I believe that is exactly what the founders and framers intended.”

In 1775, an incomparable Patriot stood tall and delivered perhaps THE most poignant speech ever directed at men of political standing.

Patrick Henry was addressing tyranny perpetrated against We the People by the British monarchy and whether or not we should succumb TO it or fight to the death against it.

I submit to you that should you simply remove the references to the British and their King and replace them with your choice of “liberals, progressives, or socialists and Obama…Patrick Henry could just as well have been addressing TODAY’S tyrannical regime in Washington.

It doesn’t matter whether the enemy is foreign or domestic…


I ask you to read those words, poignant in his day and equally timely today with the Obama regime in mind and all their desires from socialismcare (Obamacare) to rule by an executive order pen and the liberal/socialist demands to remove our 1st and 2nd Amendment protections.


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The Liberal Party of ZERO Tolerance Policies

There is no doubt that liberals are in charge of public and college education in this country.

There is little doubt that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Therefore, if your children are enrolled in a public school…Guess what?

You have left your children in the hands of the mentally disturbed for the better part of the day…5 days a week.

I have come to the conclusion that I have ZERO tolerance for ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES and, to put a fine point on it, I offer to you, THIS little gem of liberal insanity.

Hunter Yelton has been suspended from his school in Canon City Colorado.

Hunter, it seems, has violated one of the school’s ZERO TOLERANCE policies and, according to his school district’s representatives, they want this suspension to follow Hunter through the rest of his public school career so as to teach him a lesson.

Hunter Yelton’s crime?

Well…He…Ummmmm…Kissed his girlfriend.

Both Hunter Yelton and his girlfriend, whose name is not being revealed to the public for her protection, are…6 years old and, in the 1st grade.

Hunter has been labeled, a serial sexual harasser because, apparently, he has…Kissed her before.

Hunter Yelton, the fiend in question, has copped to the horrible act…

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