Hillary’s Radioactive Scandal – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

trea 1Yesterday, in part 1 of this expose, I related the background info compiled by Peter Schweizer, author of “Clinton Cash” and by the NY Times but there is, I believe, more…MUCH more to all of this than the “donations” for “deals” we have all heard of by now.

Let’s get right to it.

The biggest player in the uranium mining ‘deal’ engineered by the Clintons and approved of by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is Rosatom…the Russian uranium company that now, thanks to Hillary, controls 20% of all uranium mining in the United States. How big IS Rosatam?

HUGE…on the world stage.

Rosatom builds more nuclear power plants worldwide than any other company. Right now…Rosatom has projects in China, Vietnam, India, TURKEY and…IRAN. But that simply is not the scope of what they do. Rosatom is ALSO the primary EXPORTER of uranium in Russia and Russia controls not only 20% of OUR uranium mining but…since Russia holds sway over Kazakhstan and as Kazakhistan is the world’s TOP PRODUCER of uranium…Russia controls more of the world’s supply than anyone else.

Here’s a little something else…

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Hillary’s Radioactive Scandal – Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

clin 1The ‘deal’ was kept quiet. The terms OF the ‘deal’ were undisclosed despite assurances that ALL terms of ANY dealings WOULD be disclosed.

The ‘deal’ has now been exposed but, according to Josh Earnest, Obama’s town liar…the fault FOR the ‘deal’ is found NOT in the ‘deal’ maker but, in true liberal fashion, in the EXPOSER of the ‘deal.’

“I’ve been in a position where there have been other, to put it mildly, conservative authors that have launched, written books based on what they report to be serious allegations against the president of the United States. And I’m often in the position of responding to those incidents and trying to defend the president from accusations that are not rooted or accompanied by any evidence. Right now, that is what is happening to Secretary Clinton.”

Does that sound vaguely familiar?

It should…

January 27, 1998…in response to a question posed by Matt Lauer on the Today Show…THIS was the answer…

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Weekend Edition: Operation Resignation Desperation

tnp eagleFriday was a banner day for rodents leaping from Obama’s sinking ship of state.

The USS Obama, a dingy carrying an ass, is now swirling a little higher in the toilet bowl as first, Eric Shinseki, the head turd in the VA punchbowl resigned, only to be immediately replaced by his deputy and Assistant Director of deadly misdeeds, Sloan Gibson.

Let me tell you something…as the fraudulent and fatal scandal at the VA is systemic, and as Sloan Gibson has been Shinseki’s right hand for all of three months. That is the depth of his experience…3 months but IN those three months…did Gibson ever blow the whistle?

Our veterans are just as screwed now as they were on Thursday. Nothing has changed.

Then there was the bald-faced liar, Obama’s version of Baghdad Bob…Jay Carney who decided to “step down” and get off the Tidy Bowl Man’s yacht before it disappears altogether.

Carney, who has become the laughingstock of the press corps over the past 5 plus years. Carney who has hemmed and hawed, stuttered and stammered his way through daily press briefings, trying to tap dance his way around the truth with all the agility of a one legged, spasmatic weasel… to the point where even Pinocchio doesn’t take him seriously anymore…has called it quits.

Carney’s future memoirs are no doubt, destined for the bargain bin in the fiction section on Amazon.

By the way, Jay carney’s family was recently featured in a Washingtonian magazine spread complete with a photo from their own family kitchen in which can be seen two wonderful examples of communist propaganda art lurking on the back wall.

Perhaps Vladimir Putin is hiring?

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“Public Lands” are the Product of Government Extortion

land 1As I stated in yesterday’s article, ‘A Government Against the People,’ taking this country back will not be an easy task nor one that can be accomplished in one election or with one president.

That is because, the problem, in this particular case, land grabs BY the federal government, is not a new issue. It’s one that has been decades in the making and one which will require at least a decade to unravel.

Federal government land grabs, such as the microcosm we saw at the Bundy Ranch, have been perpetrated upon the people by administrations from both sides of the aisle and, at the root of the problem, is that dirty word…”extortion.”

When the mob or, today’s neighborhood gangs threaten business owners into paying protection money in order not to be robbed BY the mob or neighborhood gangs…it’s extortion and what the federal government has been doing for far too long amounts to the exact same thing.

Here’s how it works…

The federal government “gifts” to the states, and for the purpose of this scenario, we’ll use the western states as the primary example as that is where the overwhelming vast majority of federal land grabs have taken place…”gifts” the states with federal dollars for such as roads, bridges, levies and other infrastructure projects.

In return for the federal government’s acts of kindness and “protection” from having to fund repairs on their own, the feds then “ask” for and have received over the years, more and more access to the land OF those western states.

The federal government then bamboozles the people of those states by calling those lands…

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Cain Accuser CLEARLY Not Acting Like an ASSAULT Victim

Yesterday, I said I smelled a skunk. If you missed that article, you can read it by clicking here. I was referring to the “case” of Sharon Bialek, the woman who stepped forward yesterday with her celebrity-chasing, self-promoting attorney, Gloria Allred, to level accusations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain.

According to Bialek, what happened was not at all sexual harassment, it was sexual assault.

Bialek claimed that Cain reached under her skirt, tried to touch her genitals and pulled her head towards his crotch.

I said I smelled a skunk because she had to READ a first person account of the alleged event, she stammered her way through it, awkwardly pause to flip pages, stumbled through words and sentences and even had to read the portion of why, some 14 years later, she decided to come forward.

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