No Answers Expected, But I have Questions

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

As our country, and our culture devolves further into the abyss the more questions I have. I don’t really expect answers as most of the questions seem to be directed to abject idiots, but ask them I will.

For instance, a couple of weeks ago, Jill Biden and Tony Blinkin presented the “Women” of Courage award…on International Women’s Day…to a dude. Now I realize that liberals have a collective brain fart when it comes to defining the word “woman” but seriously, shouldn’t one of the main criteria for receiving a “women” of courage award be having made it through at least one period?

For that matter, shouldn’t a couple of the primary considerations for being in the running for that particular award be never in  your life having a pair of attached balls or having garned the nickname “Testiculese” in gym class after getting nutted while playing dodge ball?

I’ll get back to the whole “trans” thing before I’m done, but here a few other things that make me ask questions of abject idiots…

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Voter Fraud- A Time to Fight

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

As the counting of votes continues, and the court challenges mount, over the weekend, dementia ridden Joe Biden was declared the presumptive winner of the 2020 election over President Donald Trump. Given the nature of this race, and its challenged outcome, an outcome that is anything but certain, why declare a winner, presumptive or otherwise?

The answer to that is transparently simple.

The liberal elite must be very nervous indeed. They must fear that their hold on the White House is shaky, and may well not bear scrutiny. for the liberal elite and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media, to claim in the long run that Trump is an “illegitimate” president, they would HAVE to declare Biden the winner NOW, or they would never be able to claim that Trump “stole” the election later.

On August 26th, some two plus months before this election, Hillary Clinton said, and I quote…

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