Why So Grumpy…Trumpy?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Oh, my…his Trumpness, lord of the lies, Emperor of the realm of low-information voters gru 1and the bloviating buffoon of bombast is having another bad week and he’s got his panties all wadded up something fierce.

Out of the last 160 delegates, Ted Cruz has picked up 152 to Trumpy Grumpy Pants’ 8 and Grumpy Trumpy is throwing yet another Trumper tantrum , especially over Cruz’s 34 delegate total sweep in Colorado.

Social media is full of angry little low-information Trumpkins who are following the lead of their Emperor in crying foul, that Cruz stole the delegates in the Rocky Mountain state and that somehow, the GOP establishment rigged the process there, and just to squash Trump, Colorado disenfranchised the voters by not allowing them to cast a single ballot.

Dear Trumpkins…that decision was made by the Colorado Republican party…last August…not last week and the rules for candidates, as to how they could secure those 34 delegates, have been public for 7 months. Nothing about it was hidden, and as each state’s political parties can design their own system for the primaries, there was nothing underhanded or unethical about it.

Of course, there are plenty of little Trumpkins out there, like Rebecca Overton-Hooker who are all too giddy to show off their low-information agenda…

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Trump’s Liberal Agenda, Money Trail – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Since 2011, Donald Trump has given some $358.700 to Republicans, that much is true tru 1and a figure oft cited by his blind following so as to offset any mention of Trump’s donations to liberals but it falls completely flat when put in factual perspective.

As matters of easily researched public records, Donald Trump has stood for and financially supported liberals and the liberal agenda to a point his followers would much rather not admit.

To be exact…between 1989 and 2010, Trump’s political donations were nearly evenly split between both sides of the aisle with slightly more, $314,300.00 going to the left than the $290,600 that he donated to the right but that all changed radically as Trump himself became more immersed in political aspirations of his own.

After Trump’s inglorious presidential run on the Reform ticket in 2000, Donald J. Trump and his son, Donald Jr., donated $77,200.00 to liberals compared to only $24,250.00 to Republicans during the 2006 midterm elections.

But there’s more…much more…

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Trump’s Liberal Agenda, Money Trail – Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Facts are foreign to Trumpers as they continue to ignore them one after the other as they fac 1pertain to the true nature of their one and only candidate. Low-information voters are one thing but screw-the-facts to preserve a blind following voters are something else entirely.

It has been more than interesting, and quite telling, to watch as his Trumpness’s blind followers excuse one thing after another like their candidate’s position on abortion. When confronted with video of Trump making his pro-choice agenda known, Trumpers excuse it because it was “so long ago it is no longer relevant” and besides, they claim, he’s changed…evolved.

Then they ignore completely his stand on the topic from just 2 years ago when he again made his true liberal agenda known by tweeting…”7 months, 8 months, 9 months pregnant, it doesn’t matter. Women should have the choice to abortion.”

Just last Wednesday, the Trumpers darling candidate advocated for punishments of any women who get abortions if abortions are made illegal but that men should not be held in any way responsible.  His Trumpness was quite clear on the subject even after further questioning by Chris Matthews…

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