Obama’s GENIUS Knows NO Bounds

In light of the most recent spin thrown against the wall by this current, corrupt administration and their minions in the mainstream media, I think it’s time we take a look at just SOME of what has transpired over the last 4 ½ years.

In no particular order…

This administration engineered Fast and Furious in which they ran guns to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them.

Those weapons have, so far, led to the murders of HUNDREDS of Mexicans as well as the murder of U.S. Border Agent, Brian Terry and quite likely, that of Agent Jamie Zapata as well.

So stupid was the operation and so inept the cover-up of it that the Dictator had to seal away the evidence with Executive Privilege.

Dumber than a box of rocks.

This administration “invested” taxpayer dollars…HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars in green energy companies which ended up folding faster than you could say, “SOLYNDRA.”

One after another, green energy companies lauded by and spent on by the Dictator closed their doors and yet, to this day, he still insists that green is better than fossil fuels.

Good grief…

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I’m Waiting…By My Phone…

There’s something I feel I need to get off my chest.

I’m tired of living in the shadows and tired of being shunned by politically correct Members of society.

What I’m about to tell you may come as a shock to some but, nonetheless, it needs to be said. Needs to be told and, I believe, the time is ripe.

Please, sit down.

I’m straight.


That’s right.


I think I’ve known it since I was in kindergarten or the first grade.

That’s when I used to walk Marty Epp home from school. We’d hold hands as we walked across the back playground and crossed the street to her house.

Sometimes, I’d kiss her.

Marty was my first girlfriend.


I have felt, for some time, that I needed to make this statement in order to live a full and open life. I was tired of hiding it and, in today’s society, well…I just wanted to get it out there.

But wait, there’s more…

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Illegals Are NOT Illegal Just Because They’re Illegal

Well, we CERTAINLY wouldn’t want to offend those who break our laws would we?

ILLEGAL ALIENS, it seems, will suffer hurt feelings if we CITIZENS continue the practice of referring to them as…ILLEGAL.

Boo hoo.

They are henceforth to be referred to as UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS.

Not Illegal aliens. Not illegal immigrants.

NOT undocumented immigrants either.


So says the AP…American Pravda.

What was it that Jon Conyers called them just 2 months ago?

Oh yes…

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Desperation in the Words of the Dictator

If you are a minority, gay, illegal immigrant from a communist country, yesterday’s coronation of the Dictator was your dog and pony show.

Politically direct enough for ya?

The orification from the Orifice in Chief was a deep courtesy to the ilk of Lenin, Mao, Castro and Gay Guevara.

Look…I realize that I have mentioned “gay” in 2 out of the first 3 sentences but, before anyone comes unhinged, yesterday’s unhinged ceremony included the divisiveness of gays and straights in the body of the Dictator’s speech AND  in its closing prayer not to mention the divisiveness of race and class standing to boot.

The Dictator used his coronation to draw a clear line that he only sees ONE side of what divides this nation…THE SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST side.

Don’t think so?

How about THIS quote?

“Preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.”

If you thought the last 4 years made you sick…You have not yet begun to vomit.

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Debate 1 – Here We Go!!!

Domestic Policy.

That’s the topic of tonight’s first debate between the contenders for the presidency.

Domestic Policy.

Obama will be spinning faster than the centrifuges in Iran. He’s tried NOT to talk about Domestic Policy as the economy continues to drag itself along, barely alive.

For weeks. If not months, Obama has preferred to talk about his FOREIGN policy because…he felt that was a much shinier ball than his domestic policy.

That all changed 3 weeks ago.


Now he’s pulled the cover-up covers up over his head.

4 Americans dead. A terrorist attack. Failed attempts to divert, as liberals are want to do, the attention to a stupid You Tube Video.

He dodged and ducked, did the View and Letterman…spoke at the U.N. and ran away from even having lunch there not to mention his snubbing of Netanyahu.

He hung with Beyonce and Jay-Z…did a radio show…Pimp with a Limp…The morning after the terrorist attack, he flew to Vegas for a fund raiser.

The foreign policy ain’t got that sparkle anymore does it?

So…Domestic Policy…

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Friday Fume

As the polls start to shift, the liberal LOONS are getting twitchier by the minute!!!

They’re seeing their grip on power slip faster t than their GRIP ON SANITY!!!

In desperation, they are grasping the thinnest of threads as they dangle over the abyss and knowing they are about to take the plunge…they seem more and more bent on trying to take us all with them!!!

But guess what?

We’ve GOT all our marbles and we believe in our values…AMERICAN VALUES and unlike the liberal lemmings…WE WILL NOT GO WILLINGLY OVER THE CLIFF!!!

My friends and fellow Patriots…Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

For GOD’s sake…

The Freedom From Religion Foundation dipsticks are at it again.

This time, all the way from Wisconsin, they are trying to force an investigation into a GEORGIA high school because the football coach ALLOWED LOCAL CHURCHES TO PREPARE PRE-GAME MEALS FOR THE TEAM!!!

HEAVEN forbid…

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Friday Fume

It’s that time again friends.

Time to sit back, take that load off your shoulders and let it out.

We’ve survived another week of liberal/socialist mayhem and the only way to keep it from driving us all over the edge, is to have a bit of a laugh.

While there’s no telling WHAT the liberals have in store for us NEXT week, we’ll find a way to make fun of that when the time comes.

For now, it’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Last week, SPECIAL U.N. ENVOY…KOFI ANNAN…said…”My presence here proves that I believe Iran can play a positive role and should therefore be a part of the solution in the Syrian crisis.”

“If we don’t make a real effort to resolve this issue peacefully and it were to get out of hand and spread in the region, it can lead to consequences that none of us could imagine.”


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Long Term Solutions to a 1 Term Problem

Yesterday, in our article, “Obama’s Tax Plan Unicorn” we pointed out the extreme short term thinking of the Emperor and its negative effects on small businesses. We also promised a long term solution.

To understand the long term solutions we must look back a little.

While Obama’s excuse for the economic disaster has always been, and continues to be George W. Bush, it is clearly a false notion.

Congress switched hands in the midterm election of 2006 with liberals taking control in January of 2007. Obama ran on false promises of fixing the economy and from the time he took office until the midterm 2010 election, HIS party controlled both the House and the Senate but, rather than working on the economy, Obama took advantage of his party’s control of congress to ram through Obamacare.

The following chart shows employment statistics from 2004 to the present.

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What has been seen as the key provision in Arizona’s SB 1070, Section 2B, requiring law enforcement officers to check immigration status of those in contact with law enforcement for other reasons HAS been upheld by the United States Supreme Court!

The high court today basically allowed Section 2B to stand but also remanded it back to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

THAT means that, as soon as an Arizona Law Enforcement officer proceeds with such an immigration status check, it is very likely that a court challenge OF it will ensue and THAT case will proceed quickly to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The case is far from settled.

Basically, what the Supreme Court said was, regarding Section 2B, it cannot be ruled upon until it is in play IN Arizona and a challenge TO it has made its way back TO the Supreme Court.

3 other provisions of SB 1070 including making it illegal in Arizona for illegal aliens to seek work were struck down by the Supreme Court.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer HAS stated that her state WOULD, if portions of SB 1070 were struck down, begin to REDRAFT those provisions into a new law.

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Friday Fume

GEEEEEZ…What a week.

I don’t know about the rest of you but, THIS has been one LOOOOONG week of liberal/socialist STUPIDITY.

November can’t come soon enough but, until then, I’ll just take it all in and do my level best not to explode. Thank GOD I have a pressure valve.

It’s called…FRIDAY…and my friends…

I’m fuming!!!!

We start today, in the Asylum by the Bay…San Francisco!!!

This will be the home of next year’s, America’s Cup yacht race but….before they unfurl their SAILS…

SAN FRAN FREAK SHOW has agreed to spend…$150,000.00 of TAXPAYERS money to find out whether or not…




Not only that but, these BIRD BRAINS will ALSO spend $75,000.00 on ATTORNEYS to make sure it all done legally!!!

Correct me if I’m wrong but…since birds can’t talk, how will anybody actually know if they’re SCARED or if they are just…annoyed?


For the love of GOD…don’t tell these liberal IDIOTS that there are…FISH in the bay…

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