Going to Iran to Visit Your Grandmother? Good Luck With That

Iran says that Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a “former” Marine (those of who know, know there is no such thing as a FORMER Marine) is a CIA spy and after a quick trial, they have sentenced him to death.

Hekmati has 20 days to appeal.

I say Hekmati is something quite different but what that is depends on to whom you relate his status.

To understand this, we must go back to the first sentence of this article.

Iran says Amir Mizraei Hekmati, a “former” Marine is a CIA spy.

The key word in that sentence is… “Says.”

They SAY he’s a spy. But what is he REALLY? To THEM…What is Hekmati REALLY?

This I believe is more reflective of reality.

To Iran, Amir Mirzaei Hekmati is a bargaining chip.

Iran is facing stiff sanctions from the United States and a naval presence near the Strait of Hormuz. This, of course, is in response to Iran’s growing nuclear program which, as we learned a month or so ago, is two years or less from developing a nuclear weapon.

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