The War Against Cops – Part 1 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

COPS 1If you want to get shot and killed by the police, just point a gun at one.

Antonio Martin discovered the harsh truth of that statement a week ago but there’s more to it than just the cold dead truth.

I have watched and watched that video. The one that shows 18 year old Antonio Martin’s last moments on this earth. The one from a surveillance camera outside a convenience store just two miles from the spot where Mike Brown played the ultimate game and lost.

To really understand this, to know where I’m going with this, one must step back and see the bigger picture. One must understand the full totality of what preceded that video and the mindset of an 18 year old thug with a long record of arrests.

To start with…

That night, Tuesday December 23rd, Antonio Martin made some fatal decisions. He put a gun in his pocket. He and his thug friend went down to the Mobil gas station in Berkley Missouri and then, they robbed the place.

A kid with a record including three ARMED assaults…ARMED criminal action and ARMED robbery…all since his 17th birthday…went to a gas station and convenience store, with a gun, and robbed it.

What Antonio Martin and his thug pal did next is astonishing really…

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Friday Fume

fume 1In a week that just defies common sense and DEFINES liberal nonsense…We find THIS little gem.


According to Yale University…an asylum of higher indoctrination… ‘Robots Helping Kids,’ will ultimately “deploy” robots into homes and schools to teach English as a second language, and encourage kids to exercise.

Says nerd Brian Scassellati of the asylum, “What we want to do is move these robots out of the laboratory and into schools and homes and clinics, places where we can directly help children on a day-to-day basis. Just like a good personal trainer, we want the robots to be able to guide the child toward a behavior that we desire.”

So…it takes a village to raise a child huh? Now it’s gonna take ROBOTS to raise a VILLAGE of IDIOTS but that’s exactly what liberals want, and as if dumbing down kids wasn’t bad enough…NOW they’re going to start turning out MIND-NUMBED CHILDREN by letting MIND-NUMBED ROBOTS TEACH THEM HOW TO BEHAVE!!!

Patriots and friends…It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

When it comes to border security…do you think that maybe…JUST MAYBE…the Obama regime has their priorities a little SCREWED UP???

Just MAYBE???

While tens of THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL ALIEN minors…INCLUDING GANG MEMBERS…pour across our southern border and get everything from FREE TRANSPORTATION to states and cities from sea to shining sea to A FREE EDUCATION without so much as a second glance…

A troop of two dozen BOY SCOUTS from IOWA had a somewhat DIFFERENT experience last week as they traveled from Canada into ALASKA!!!

That’s when one of the Scouts took a photo of the border station upon which…

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If You’re Not OFFENDED…You’re Not a LIBERAL

They are among us.

They walk, sleep, eat and live among us and, at a glance, they look like us but, they are another breed altogether.


You know who I’m talking about.

Certain segments of many different demographics.

Gays, Liberals, Muslims, PETA people, Anti-Gun Nuts, Black people to whom being black is more important than being people, Illegal Aliens, Atheists, Feminists, tree huggers, global warming alarmists…

THEY know who they are…Any group or seemingly unrelated individuals who act in concert while claiming to all be unique…together…

The TERMINALLY offended.

One would think, the way they carry on about this, and that, that they are on the verge of ceasing to fog a mirror should YOUR behavior not change and, change RADICALLY.

A subset of the terminally offended are those who are…

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The Liberal Party of ZERO Tolerance Policies

There is no doubt that liberals are in charge of public and college education in this country.

There is little doubt that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Therefore, if your children are enrolled in a public school…Guess what?

You have left your children in the hands of the mentally disturbed for the better part of the day…5 days a week.

I have come to the conclusion that I have ZERO tolerance for ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES and, to put a fine point on it, I offer to you, THIS little gem of liberal insanity.

Hunter Yelton has been suspended from his school in Canon City Colorado.

Hunter, it seems, has violated one of the school’s ZERO TOLERANCE policies and, according to his school district’s representatives, they want this suspension to follow Hunter through the rest of his public school career so as to teach him a lesson.

Hunter Yelton’s crime?

Well…He…Ummmmm…Kissed his girlfriend.

Both Hunter Yelton and his girlfriend, whose name is not being revealed to the public for her protection, are…6 years old and, in the 1st grade.

Hunter has been labeled, a serial sexual harasser because, apparently, he has…Kissed her before.

Hunter Yelton, the fiend in question, has copped to the horrible act…

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Molesters and Murderers Welcome in Colorado!!


You know who you are.

Those with evil in their hearts, a lack of respect for life, those devoid of conscience and so easily offended by a sideways glance that you believe the glancer’s life should be ended.


The welcome mat is about to be rolled out for YOU!!!!

It seems that the mind-numbed socialists of the Rocky Mountain High as a Kite state are delusional enough to believe a new law or two will stop you.

Yesterday, some nut, “claiming” to be a Republican stated that HE wants these new Colorado gun bans passed and he wants them passed NOW!!!

According to the foothills fool, if the new gun bans are NOT passed…

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After this past week if you’re not spinning around on circles you must be DEAD. Of course, if you’re dead…WELCOME TO THE LIBERAL SOCIALIST VOTING ROLLS!!!

Actually, being dead is NO excuse for NOT spinning round and round this week as I am POSITIVE our FOUNDERS are spinning in their collective graves.

My friends, take heart…Today is the day we grip reality by the THROAT and choke the liberal stupidity out of it.

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

There was a LOT of…stuff…making BIG headlines this week – and trust me, I’ll get to some of that – but first, there MAY have been a few things that got past you that, in the art gallery of liberal/socialist behavior, should be exhibited.

We’ll start in Colorado where…OH GUESS WHAT…while Supreme Court votes and contempt charges were in play YESTERDAY…Abound Solar…based in Loveland Colorado…


Here’s a big surprise…

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