Jefferson – 17 Days To Immortality

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Imagine if you will, going to work one day where you had become known as the quiet one who hardly ever spoke out. On that day, you were appointed to a committee and that committee’s task was to prepare a major report which would set the direction of your company for years to come.

Daunting though that might seem, now, imagine being given a deadline of less than 3 weeks to compile that report.

Oh, it gets better.

The little committee tells you that YOU’RE in charge of the project. Oh, they’ll HELP but, YOU get to write it and THEY’LL look it over, maybe give you a little advice or make a change or two but it’s YOUR baby.

Feeling the pressure yet?

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