Friday Fume

fume 1Oh my, it’s been another bad week for liberal nut jobs. Email trails leading to the oval office…Obama’s IRS puppet being held in contempt…Ketchup boy Kerry proclaiming HE’S gonna ignore a subpoena and a SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE has been employed to get to the bottom of Benghazi with TREY GOWDY heading it up.

And you know how liberals are…When things are looking down for them at home…they turn to their counterparts in other lands for support…you know… to make the ideology of idiots look good.

Psssssssst…hey socialists…They’re just as nutty over there as you squirrel turds are over here…

Here WE go FOLKS…2 cases AND THE point ARE AT HAND!!! Today IS Friday after all and…

I’m fuming.

Well…THIS is certainly interesting…

Vladimir Putty Pants has signed off on a bill that will ban…


Any movie that contains profanity will NO LONGER BE DISTRIBUTED in Russia when this bill goes into effect on July 1st. MUSIC with cuss words will be sold ONLY in EXPLICITLY LABELED…SEALED PACKAGES and the same for books and magazines.

Should a Russian BUSINESS owner suddenly drop an “F” bomb are utter some other swear word like…oh, I don’t know…

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Obama’s Free-Range, Illegal Alien Decree

Just a few days ago, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Michael Fisher, issued a NEW DIRECTIVE called, “Use of safe tactics and techniques.”

Before I get into it…Allow me to bring up something which, on first blush, would seem to be totally unrelated.

Free-Range Chickens.

Those are chicken dinners running amok without any supervision…Free to roam fruited plains from sea to shining sea.

They are not to be confused with SMART chickens which, were they really, wouldn’t be caught dead in the frozen foods section at your local market.

Now then, back to the NEW DIRECTIVE as issued by the U.S. Border Patrol.

It is an engraved invitation for “FREE-RANGE ILLEGAL ALIENS” that permits them to RUN AMOK without fear of being rounded up any time soon.

Here are the lily-livered details…

(1)    In accordance with CBP’s current Use of Force policy, agents shall not discharge their firearms at a moving vehicle unless the agent has a reasonable belief, based on the totality of the circumstances that deadly force is being used against an agent or another person present; such deadly force may include a moving vehicle aimed at agents or others present, but would not include a moving vehicle merely fleeing from agents. Further, agents should not place themselves in the path of a moving vehicle or use their body to block a vehicle’s path.

But wait, there’s more…

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From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.


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Obama keeps telling us how the economy is improving. He continues to brag about how HIS POLICIES are working.

Why then, is he demanding an EMERGENCY measure to EXTEND UNEMPLOYMENT benefits?

I’ll tell you why…

Because there are nearly 4 million available jobs out there between the shining seas and this obtuse Dictator, bent on the destruction of America, doesn’t want those who are unemployed to become self-sustaining contributors to the economy.

He wants them to collect UNEMPLOYMENT benefits from the GOVERNMENT in order to survive so that they will continue to VOTE for those most willing to keep the taxpayer’s tap open.

That’s why.

Notice how Obama placed sole blame on REPUBLICANS while enjoying his 20 million dollar private retreat Hawaiian vacation?

“Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job. Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all.”

Oh, yes…The LIBERALS were right there, in Washington…WAITING on the Republicans to scurry back and vote for more unemployment benefits.

The LIBERALS had THEIR collective nostrils to the GRINDSTONE during the Christmas/New Year’s break…Right???

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Income Equality and the Buttholeosaurus in Chief

With But 11 months to go until the 2014 midterm elections and, with elected liberals running like turpentined cats away from Obamacare…The left is desperately looking for something around which THEIR core, low to no information voters, can rally.

As things stand now…Not even their steadfastly deceased voting bloc can muster up support for Obamacare.

It’s clear what that “thing” will be as liberals tipped their collective hands last week.


In case you missed the DeBlasio coronation in NYC a week ago…

The new Marxist Mayor of the city that never dozes off except when it comes to vetting their candidates, made the following statement:

“We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love. And so today, we commit to a new progressive direction in New York. And that same progressive impulse has written our city’s history. It’s in our DNA.”

Economic and social inequalities.

That, to socialists, is the problem that threatens to unravel…Not only the city of New York but…By extension…The nation!!!

Seriously, they can’t help it.

After all…It’s IN THEIR DNA…So says Marxist Billy.

I believe, were they to undergo a DNA test, they would discover what we’ve suspected all along…

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Tea Party Rising

The stakes have never been higher.

With the 2014 midterm election but a year away, 47% of Americans will be faced with one of the hardest choices they will ever make in a voting booth.

Will they side with the GOP Republicans or will they join the Tea Party Republicans?

Here is what they face.

The GOP…The ESTABLISHMENT Republicans or, as I and many fellow writers call them…RINO’s…have set the terms of their 2014 midterm races.

They want to crush the Tea Party.

Congressman Steve LaTourette of Ohio…a RINO…Puts it this way: “We’re going to be very aggressive and we’re going to get in their faces.” La Tourteet claims he and his fellow RINO’S intend to raise $8 million dollars to beat the Tea Party in his state.

Across the nation, the Establishment plans on running ATTACK ads AGAINST Tea Party Candidates.

They plan to AGGRESSIVELY attack such CONSERVATIVE organizations as the Heritage Action, Freedom Works and the Club for Growth.

In short…The GOP plans to do exactly what LIBERALS plan to do…


Therefore…I submit this question:

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Meet the REAL Extortionists

Liberals and socialists have a habit of ignoring the real situations that plague them and an overwhelming desire to blame others for their own shortfalls.

There are 2 very telling quotes that provide a basis for this article.


Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

How true for, everywhere socialism has been tried, it has failed and it fails because, once other people’s money runs out, the entire framework for it collapses.

The second quote comes from Albert Einstein.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Feel free to argue with Einstein over this premise but, you will lose the debate.

Okay, keep both those sage and spot on quotes in mind as we proceed as they will ring even more true for any with common sense.

Let’s take the case that Karen Lewis tried to make earlier this year.

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Obama Is Giving Your 2nd Amendment Rights to Terrorists

Let’s have a look at the pattern of behavior regarding our 2nd Amendment presented by the Obama administration for a moment.

We know these things are happening, that they are consistent and that the list of them continues to grow but, sometimes, until we see it in writing, the overall danger of the pattern is dismissed.

It shouldn’t be.

To fully understand the Obama concept of our 2nd Amendment, one needs to go back to the beginning.

In this case, the beginning is when Obama was a “professor” at the university of Chicago teaching, of all things, Constitutional Law to young and impressionable, government school indoctrinated youth.

That is where economist, then a professor himself and now author, John R. Lott Jr. met Barack Hussein Obama.

In his book, “At the Brink” in the 3rd chapter, Lott tells of when he and Obama had a discussion regarding guns and the 2nd Amendment.

What, according to Lott, Obama said was stunning and important to his current stance on guns.

Said Obama…

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Obamacare Govt. Home Visits – One Nation Under Socialism

What you are about to read will affect socialists, liberals and Conservatives alike. Read it to the end and share the link to this article.

And now we are able to connect more dots in the evolving, disgusting, anti-American picture of socialism in our nation under the oppressive regime of Obama.

This will set your teeth on fire.

Remember all the socialist outcry for more gun control in the wake of Newtown?

Remember the demands for gun confiscation and the socialist compromise of registration?

Now we know why.

Connect the dots.

Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c. buried deep within the OBAMACARE bill makes it ILLEGAL for doctors to “collect any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.”

That is exactly why socialists and their leader, Obama, have been putting the pressure ON lawmakers to MANDATE registrations of weapons and ammo and exactly why they want to EXPAND the list of “weapons” which must be registered.

Even conservatives and the NRA have said they have no problem with background checks but…They are WRONG to do so.

The skunk in the gun registration woodpile is…


Here is why.

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When Core Values are Replaced by Street Cred

As we continue to deal with the stupidity of those who believe that, somehow, Treyvon Martin, a punk wannabe, a drug user and a thief, was an innocent, angelic little child, we find another case of woefully misguided wailing going on.

In NY last weekend, cops responded to an incident.

It was 3am on Sunday morning.

Nothing good happens on the streets of ANY city at 3am and the one that never sleeps is no exception.

The 2 rookie cops, on the force since January, 2013, heard shots ring out and, as they were on foot patrol, ran to the scene.

That’s where they discovered 14 year old Shaaliver Douse, with a 9 mm handgun, firing at a man who was running away from the front of a bodega.

The cops IDENTIFIED themselves AS cops, ORDERED the kid to DROP THE WEAPON and then, as the fleeing man ran past them, Shaaliver Douse fired a 4th time.

It would be the last thing he ever did.

One of the rookie cops fired a single shot, hitting Douse in the face and the 14 year old was dead.

That’s where Douse’s Aunt, Quwana Barcene, comes in.

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