We’re More Sick Of It Than From It

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Enough already.



Honestly, I’m more sick OF coronavirus than I could ever be FROM it.

By now, I think pretty much everybody has just about had it with this whole coronavirus manufactured mess, and it is now time for some pretty plain talk, some common sense, and what may to some seem like brutal honesty.

Has it been fun while it lasted?

Well, maybe at first when people were sent home to work in their underwear, and it has been fun to make fun of various aspects of it throughout, but it is now high-time to put our pants on and get back to life as we knew it before this whole thing got blown way out of proportion.

Let’s start with this…

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Democrat Party Set for Self-Destruction

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

Right now, the democrat party has more problems on their plate than Carter has liver pills, and they have no entity but themselves to blame for their own impending implosion.

The party of manufactured doom and gloom has been reeling over the failed coup attempts of the Mueller Russia collusion hoax, and the debacle of impeachment they tried so desperately to tie to a simple phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s President Zelenski.

While neither of those epic political failures are anything to sneeze at, the democrat party’s latest attempt to manufacture a coup against President Trump is about to sneeze right in their faces.

Yes, it is true that with the help of the democrat party’s propaganda machine, the liberal mainstream media, they have managed to reverse a booming economy which they hope is so terrible that it sinks Trump’s reelection hopes, but the bad news for the democrats is that the COVID-19 infected economy we have at this moment is only a temporary setback, and it is still sitting above the high point of the Obama/Biden economy.

Last week…

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The Pandemic Panic in Proper Perspective

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

The coronavirus, COVID-19 or the Chinese virus shouldn’t scare you. It should concern you, especially if you happen to be in a high-risk category.

What should scare the bejesus out of you is how people that hoard toilet paper for a respiratory virus are going to vote this November.

It’s easy to make fun of certain aspects of this COVID-19 media driven, and liberal weaponized outbreak of the uncommon cold, and I have done just that in previous articles. It is also easy to poke fun at the terminally inane dolts who went panic shopping for toilet paper and hand sanitizer and I have also done plenty of that.

But maybe it is now time to put a lot of the panic over the pandemic into its proper perspective and try to provide some much needed common sense to the situation.

Here we go…

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COVID-19 for Dummies

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

I should like to address those amongst us who have been, for the past few of weeks, hording toilet paper. You know who you are.

We have seen you on the news and splashed about on social media with your shopping carts piled with a mountain of toilet paper in such a fashion that one would require a Sherpa to reach the summit were one so inclined to plant a flag atop Mount Charmin.

This, you claim, is because of the coronavirus, otherwise known as COVID-19.

COVID-19 is a RESPIRATORY illness.

For those amongst you who seem woefully unaware of what a RESPIRATORY illness is…it affects the lungs. That is the UPLOADING system, not the DOWNLOADING system. That is to say that contracting COVID-19 will not, I repeat NOT give you a case of the galloping guano however, HAD you contracted a virus with galloping guano as a symptom, to be perfectly honest, and giving due consideration to your mental state at this point you would now most likely be hoarding…

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Barbarians Have Breached The Gate

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Despite the claims of liberals today, the United States is the greatest nation on Earth, and one could well argue, perhaps one of the most civilized nations in all of history.

That’s not to say that our great nation is perfect. It isn’t, and frankly, it never has been, but unlike all other countries, this country, thanks to the wisdom and foresight of its Founders and Framers, has built-in mechanisms designed for self-correction without the need to utterly destroy it in the process.

Over nearly 244 years, the United States has utilized such mechanisms countless times to right itself when at various tipping points that would lay waste to most other nations.

The very foundation of our greatness comes from our founding documents, specifically the Constitution, and its incorporated Bill of Rights, both of which are the envy of the world.

Ben Franklin once said, “What you have, is a Republic if you can keep it.”

Ronald Reagan said,

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Democrats…In the Middle of Their Own Minefield

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

By now, I think we can all agree that the democrat debates are somewhere between a joke, and a pissing contest facing the wind, and even democrats who bothered to watch would agree if they are being honest.

They can’t possibly see anything on that stage that resembles a potential winner, and they have to be going to bed with the song ‘Send in the Clowns’ stuck in their heads.

Sure, I could go into detail regarding democrat debate number 4 which took place last Tuesday night, but why bother? It was just more of the same old stinky crap…hate Trump, and try to outbid the rest of the circus as to how much of other people’s money they intend to spend, and how much “free” stuff they promise to use to bribe people to vote for them.

There was no new ground broken, no bombshells, and no new ideas…no plan, no substance and no American flags.

There was something that did strike me however…

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Patriotically Correct and Proud of It

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay, I admit it. I’m confused.

Not the sort of confused in that I don’t know which bathroom I’m supposed to use…that’s liberal confused, and if I ever go down that particular manhole, I hope someone has the common decency to put me out of my misery.

Manholes. We can’t call them manholes any more, at least not in Berkeley, California because they just passed a city ordinance dictating that manholes must now be called “maintenance holes.” Apparently, the women of Berkeley are feeling left out by not having something named after them that leads to a sewer.

In Berkeley, you are no longer allowed to be somebody’s brother or sister. You are only allowed to be a “sibling.” By the dictate of the new ordinance, such gendered pronouns as “he” and “she” are be replaced by “they” or “them,” which no doubt will cause no end of issues in certain circumstances.

Let me explain…

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Liberals Taking the Bullet Train to Pandersville

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

With now some 21 official 2020 liberal presidential candidates having thrown their wadded up panties into the ring, and with liberals having neither core values nor any legitimate planks in their socialist collective platform…there is something they all both share, and are trying desperately to one up each other on…

Pandering for votes.

What we have here are a whole gaggle-o-idiots who know that they don’t stand a chance on the real issues, and given where they do stand on real issues, it’s no wonder.

Take taxes for instance…

Liberals want to hike your taxes into the stratosphere. They would have to in order to pay for all the free crap they’re trying to bribe voters with. Free college tuition, paying off student loans, free healthcare for all, free this, free that and one of them is even offering free cash.


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Crap We Learned in 2018

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Okay…its 2019…a new year full of new possibilities and new opportunities, and it’s time to look back at some of the crap we learned in 2018.

While liberals continue to pee themselves over Hillary’s loss in 2016, and spew their socialist collective hatred at President Trump, and at Conservatives…desperately trying to take both down…we Conservatives continue to wallow about in all the winning our country is experiencing.

The real difference between liberals and Conservatives as we begin a new year, is nothing new…as Conservatives, we love our country…liberals don’t…and while we actually learn from things related to last year…liberals just never seem to get a grip on reality.

So…here we go…crap we learned last year…

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The Mainstream Media’s Blurred 20/20 Vision

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Obviously, there has been a mountain of things going on in the world over the past couple of weeks, and in a 24/7 news cycle, one would think that the mainstream media would have plenty of hard-hitting, current and relevant things to cover.

Take ABC’s news magazine, 20/20 for instance…

The name of the program suggests it has a clear, sharp vision of what’s important, relevant and news worthy. One would expect current topics, in-depth analysis and introspective investigative reporting…right?

Well…before I tell you what they hyped since Christmas for their first show of the new year this Friday, January 4th, 2019…let me tell you a few of the things they didn’t cover on that show.

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