O Christmas Cups, O Christmas Cups…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

cup 1The whole world, it seems, is going to hell in a handbag.

Look around…Syria, Russia, Ukraine…Iran is getting nukes for the love of God. Iraq is a disaster, Afghanistan is too and nearly every Butt-Crackistan in the region is either fighting some absurd 7th century civil war or all their jihadis are invading Europe.

China is building islands…THEY’RE BUILDING ISLANDS…in the South China Sea and threatening us and Japan over them and that little sawed-off twerp over in North Diarrhea keeps promising to attack South Korea and US with HIS nukes.

The Palestinians, who are really Jordanians, are attacking Israelis because Israelis keep building homes…IN ISRAEL.

And now…Paris and Mali with ISIS making global threats…

Here at home…the economy still stinks…job participation is at an all-time low…welfare participation is at an all-time HIGH…Obamacare is predictably failing at warp speed, violent crime is UP…WAY UP in our most LIBERAL cities and taxes are going up higher than pants at a “Black Lives Matter” protest are getting lower.

If there’s really a correlation there…perhaps we should lower taxes to get those idiots on the street to pull up their damn pants and while I’m on that topic…note to all common street thugs…wearing the waste of your pants below your ass is not a fashion statement…it’s an I.Q statement that screams you’re so damn stupid you don’t know how to get dressed when you get out of bed at the crack of noon.

The whole world is going to hell and what did the Evangelical holier-than-thou Christians have their saintly skivvies all wadded up over last week?

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Weekend Edition: Nobody Knows…The Troubles They’ve Seen…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

The Obami…plural for more than one idiot…apparently are the victims of such overt racism it’s a wonder they can go on with their lives.rac 1

Oh…the humanity…

In a published by People magazine interview, they have recounted some of THE most horrific acts of racism perpetrated against them and we, as a nation, should be ASHAMED of our collective selves.


The interview, racistly printed in dirty black ink on crisp, clean white pages in the nation’s leading cultural investigative journal is so fraught man’s inhumanity toward man that it’s a wonder either of them hasn’t simply gone on to engage in a lifestyle of high crimes and misdemeanors…

Oh wait…never mind.

Trust me…when you hear what happened to the Obami…you will have a whole new understanding of why it was necessary to burn that Ferguson BITCH to da GROUND!!!

Liberals and liberal race baiters…sit down and hold onto something more substantial than your lies ‘cause THIS is about to get REAL…know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout?

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