Obama Poll Numbers Dropping in Key Areas

The latest Fox News poll just came out and in it, a few things jump out. Obama, campaigning and pandering nearly nonstop, simply isn’t making progress. In fact, he’s losing ground.

With less than a year to go before ballots are cast, Obama is in it deep and quite possibly, too deep to get out. This is no time for conservatives to relax however, rather, to kick things into high gear. The pressure must be kept on and increased at every turn.

As I have said over and over again, if republican candidates continue to take shots at one another, it diverts attention away from the real issue and that issue IS Obama.

Here are a few of the latest poll results.

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Obama Job Approval at 45.4% and That Begs a Question…

Today is November 6th, 2011. One year from today will be November 6th, 2012, and that is “take out the garbage” day in America. On November 6th, 2012, we head to the polls and cast out ballots and if history is any indicator, that will be the day we give Obama notice that he is out of a job.

In our history, no individual has won reelection as President when, one year out from that election, the incumbent has an approval rating of 47% or lower.

Today, according to Real Clear Politics, Obama is at 45. 4% and that seriously makes me scratch my head.

45.4% approve of the job Obama has done up to now.

Who ARE these people??

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