Uncle Bosie and Other Biden BS

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

I know it’s been a few weeks, but there’s been so much going on lately that I haven’t had time to deal with this in a proper manner, but I just have NOT been able to get it out of my mind.

Joe Biden has told some whoppers over the years from being a truck driver, to having recent conversations with people who died years, or decades ago. He fought off Corn Pop, he’s been raised by Irish, Peurto Ricans in a black church, and he’s even gone so far as to claim he’s as sharp as a tack, but the story he told back on April, 19th, may well take the cake.

Now you know I’m a stickler for details and facts, and the details and facts surrounding that story don’t even come close to the version Biden told but…according to the official Pentagon records regarding the incident, it was a twin engine plane…not a single engine plane…Biden’s uncle was a passenger, not the pilot…the plane developed engine failure shortly after takeoff, it wasn’t shot down…and it went into the ocean hard, not crashed on the island.

How do we know for sure what happened? Because one of the crew members survived the crash, and I suspect he knew the difference between going nose first into the ocean after a double engine failure, and getting shot down over the All you Can Eat Finnegan Buffet. In fact, the only three parts of Joe’s version that more or less match with the facts are that it happened in New Guinea, it was during WWII, and it involved his uncle.

Here’s how Joe told it…

“And my uncle, they called him — Ambrose, they called him Bosie… and he became an Army Air Corps, before the Air Force came along, he flew those single engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones. And he got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals — for real — in that part of the New Guinea.”

Joe told the tale in Pennsylvania at an event for military veterans, and he told it not once, but twice.

Sorry…not sorry, but I can’t hear a story like that and just let it go because I believe there just has to be more to it than that.

It’s not every day that the bumbling, stumbling, “leader of the free world” spins such a yarn and the sad part of it is that he believes it’s true. I honestly can’t remember hearing any family stories regarding cannibalism that didn’t involve the Donner Party, Jeffery Dahmer, that plane that crashed in the Andes or Alfie Packer, the Colorado Cannibal.

Now, to be fair, in the early 1980’s, while in Bolder to cover a Nebraska football game, I happened into the University of Colorado Student Union and had lunch at the Alfie Packer Grill where a good deal of the menu featured items named after body parts.

Great finger sandwiches by the way, but to my recollection, no occupant of the Oval Office has ever related a story about a family member that was eaten by cannibals..

So, here’s how it MUST have gone down, in the addled mind of Joe Biden.

It was a lovely morning, May 14th, 1944 when 2nd Lt Ambrose J Finnegan Jr. boarded an A-20 Havoc plane with a crew of three making a courier flight to an airfield in New Guinea. Uncle Bosie, in those moments, was only thinking of arriving at his destination, and sitting down to a good meal.

After the pre-flight checklist had been completed, Uncle Bosie sniffed the flight attendant’s hair one last time, tripped up the stairs and then settled in to pilot the single engine plane which suspiciously, had an extra engine. The plane taxied to the end of the runway, Uncle Bosie closed the cockpit window lest any important documents blew away, revved the engine and the A-something LGBTQ-EIEIO began to roll towards the end of the sidewalk before doing, oh you know…the thing.

Airborne, on a special, super double top secret mission to get an ice cream cone, uncle Bosie suddenly remembered he had no idea which way to go and began flying in circles hoping beyond hope that somebody would come along and help him get off the island. Sadly, Uncle Bosie had no concept that he was, indeed above an island, and that if he were to fly in ANY direction for more than a minute or two, he would, in fact, get away from the island.

Meanwhile, at the edge of a jungle clearing, sat two of New Guinea’s vast population of cannibals, armed as were all cannibals, with an anti-aircraft gun, just waiting for an unsuspecting dinner to pass overhead. These weren’t your garden variety cannibals, these were ‘the first mainstream African-Guineas who were articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guys,’ not at all the type that one would think would someday turn schools into “racial jungles.”

Looks can be deceiving. One of them went by the name, “Coconut Pop.”

Willing to risk having to clean blonde hair off the drumsticks, Coconut Pop, and his friend Cletus opened up on poor, unsuspecting Uncle Bosie with their Japanese issued Type 96 25 mm AA (that’s the size of batteries they used…no joke…) and all Uncle Bosie could do then was send a radio message that he’d been hit, was going down in the jungle, and not to hold dinner for him.

Uncle Bosie then did what anybody would have done in that situation…he bailed out. Uncle Bosie jumped with everything he needed…salt, pepper, an emergency corkscrew and dipping sauce…everything he needed…except his parachute.

2nd Lt Ambrose J Finnegan Jr., Uncle Bosie, was lost to the ages, shot down over the New Guinea jungle and devoured by cannibals, a true American hero who served with distinction…and WAS served with biscuits, mashed potatoes, a side of slaw and a Coke…and for the rest of the week, leftover Finnegan Stew was on the menu.

Of course, none of that actually happened, but facts have never gotten in the way when Joe Biden tells stories. That was never more evident than when he sat down a week ago with Howard Stern and started telling tales.

During that interview, Biden claimed that his mother once reminded him…”Remember when they were desegregating Lynnfield, the neighborhood … suburbia — and I told you — and there was a Black family moving in and there was — people were down there protesting; I told you not to go down there, and you went down, remember that? And you got arrested standing on the porch with a Black family? And they brought you back, the police?’ And I said, ‘Yeah, Mom, I remember that.’”

Joe would have been a hairy-legged teenager at the time, and there is absolutely ZERO evidence that he was EVER arrested at ANY civil rights protest in Delaware. Naturally, it wasn’t the first time he told the tale, as it was also investigated in 2022 resulting in debunking the story back then.

After having to be reminded of what a lifeguard does and what they wear by Stern, Biden also claimed to have saved the lives of six kids…apparently when they weren’t petting his hairy blonde legs, but that wasn’t the end of the tall tales.

Joe also related a story of when he was a senator in the 1970’s, telling Stern, “I got put in that ten most eligible bachelors list … and a lot of lovely women… would send very salacious pictures, and I’d just give them to the Secret Service. I thought somebody would think I was —,”

Um…Joe…senators don’t have a Secret Service detail, and he didn’t have one until 2008. That dog don’t hunt.

Also, in what amounted to being licked all over by Howard Stern, Biden once again claimed to have been state runner up in scoring while playing high school football in the 1960’s. It should come as no surprise that a guy who finished 76th in a class of 85 students at Syracuse University College of Law in 1968, and was caught when in 1965, he plagiarized 5-pages from a law review journal “without quotation or attribution,” then plagiarized from speeches by British politician Neil Kinnock, Robert Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy during his failed 1988 presidential run, plagiarized exact language from other groups as part of his climate and education policy papers in 2020, and directly plagiarized from both Bernie Sanders AND Bill Clinton would be laying claim to somebody else’s high school football accomplishments.

Joe Biden was NOT the state runner up in scoring during his brief high school football stint…according to official records…he came in FIFTH.

Every time Joe Biden opens his pie-hole and starts talking about his life, he lies because, by all accounts based in reality, he’s always been an unremarkable putz. He wasn’t raised in a black church, he was not on the forefront of the Civil Rights movement, he wasn’t reared by Puerto Ricans, he didn’t drive a truck, he didn’t write his own college papers, he didn’t save the lives of six kids while he was a lifeguard, he hasn’t had recent conversations with dead people, he didn’t witness a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh, and that goofy Amtrack story he’s been telling for years is complete BS.

Biden was NOT at Ground Zero the day after the towers fell, he did NOT finish in the top half of his law school class, he was NOT a liaison to Golda Meir, he was NOT appointed to the Naval Academy, he did NOT get cancer from an oil refinery, he was NEVER a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania, his great grandpop was NEVER a coal miner, he was never arrested with Nelson Mandela and his Uncle Bosie was never eaten by cannibals.

One more thing…that unremarkable putz never got 81 million real votes in 2020 either. We’ll just add that the list of Joe Biden’s obtuse lies.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Closing The Covid Circle


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 7th from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Closing The Covid Circle ‘; ‘Uncle Bosie and Other Biden BS’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.


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