When Biden Talks, Nobody Listens

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

On Friday, April 12th, intel in both Israel and in the U.S. stated unequivocally  that an attack from Iran against Israel was about to take place. With that, Joe Biden, in CornPop mode, issued a stern warning to Iran.


On Saturday evening, Iran ignored the man who claims to have defeated CornPop, and DID.

Jump forward to Saturday night, April 13th, Sunday, April 14th, and Monday morning, April 15th, and Joe Biden claims to have told Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu, and urged the leaders of the G-7 to tell Netanyahu to in essence, “stand down” and not respond militarily to Iran.


By Monday evening, April 15th, Israel let it be known that they will, in fact NOT stand down and will indeed respond militarily in a place and manner of THEIR choosing against Iran thus ignoring the G-7, the United Nations of Thugs, Thieves and Despots, and most assuredly, ignoring the weak mess and laughing-stock that is Joe Biden.

There are reports, unsubstantiated at least for now, that Biden may have helped orchestrate the Iranian attack on Israel. Those reports claim that Iran informed Turkey of the impending attack against Israel, and that the Biden regime was well aware of the timeline. The report also claims that Turkey was reportedly instructed to relay a message to Tehran from Biden officials to keep the attacks “within certain limits”

Furthermore, according to Townhall, “The Turkish source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had spoken to both his US and Iranian counterparts in the past week to discuss the planned Iranian operation, adding Ankara had been made aware of possible developments.”

While many dismiss the report and claims out of hand because it came from an unnamed Turkish source, one does have to wonder if there might be some truth to it. I’m not outright saying it’s true, but there were signs.

Turkey and Iran ARE allies, and both have been supporting Hamas in their war against Israel, but some of the signs go much deeper. Biden is, after all, trying to win back base voters by backing off his support of Israel, and pandering to the pro-Hamas wing of his party. Allowing such an attack from Iranian soil might help him in that regard, but is Joe smart enough to pull something like that off?


Turkey is supposedly a U.S. ally, but that is tenuous at best. Turkey is part of NATO, that’s true, and they have been trying to broker a deal between Russia and Ukraine as they are allied with both those countries. When it comes to Israel however, Turkey has hosted Hamas within Turkish borders since 2011, and has a shared interest, despite their differences with Iran, in bringing Israel down.

As I said, Biden isn’t smart enough to pull something like this off, and he lacks any standing whatsoever on the world stage, but there is someone who is smart enough, has a presence on the world stage where the ilk of Iran and Turkey are concerned, and also has contacts within the Turkish government that have acted as conduits on his behalf before.

Barack Hussein Obama.

And what was Obama doing in 2011, when Turkey began hosting Hamas within Turkish borders? Well, he was orchestrating a gun-running program between Libyan rebels and Syria…using the Turks as the middlemen leading up to the attack against our Consulate in Benghazi in 2012 as I outlined in a commentary back on April, 7th, 2014.

It would be no stretch of the imagination to believe that those old lines of communications remain open between the Turks and Obama, and we all know that Biden is Obama’s puppet.

But wait, there’s more.

The Biden regime completely missed the intel on October, 7th, 2023, but they knew exactly what, when and where the Iranian attack against Israel would take place. That’s convenient. And after issuing his stern warning of “don’t”, Biden went to rest and relax in Delaware…knowing exactly what Iran was about to do, and when. That too is convenient, and smacks of Biden potentially being told by his puppet master to go sit in the basement and wait.

Then there was the statement issued by Biden Saturday night, as the Iranian attack was still in progress: “Earlier today, Iran—and its proxies operating out of Yemen, Syria and Iraq—launched an unprecedented air attack against military facilities in Israel. I condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms.”

Oh, how interesting. As the Iranian attack against Israel was taking place, Biden claimed that the targets within Israel were “military facilities.” No, no they weren’t, at least not all of them as we now know that roughly 99% of Iran’s missiles and drones were blasted out of the air before they could reach their targets, but clearly, a good deal of those missiles and drones were heading directly into civilian areas. Now then, that tells me that Biden may well have been TOLD that the targets were going to be “military facilities,” and that rather than wait for any conformation (as the attack was ongoing) he issued a pre-prepared statement based on what he had been told to say.

Biden’s Saturday night statement went on to say: “Tomorrow, I will convene my fellow G7 leaders to coordinate a united diplomatic response to Iran’s brazen attack.  My team will engage with their counterparts across the region.”

A DIPLOMATIC response? The U.S. has no diplomatic relationship with the leadership of Iran, and Iran’s leadership wants US wiped from the map, just as they want Israel wiped from the map…but guess who just might still have connections in Iran…Obama, who sent Iran a plane full of pallets of U.S. dollars, at least $400 million to Iran in 2016, and then struck a deal with Iran so that Iran could build nuclear weapons. Add to that the $6 billion dollars given to Iran by Joe Biden, along with the lifting of sanctions so that Iran can make billions selling their oil to Russia and China, and what we have, via Obama and Biden is a sugar-daddy relationship with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Is it any wonder that Biden, dancing on strings being pulled by Obama doesn’t want Israel to retaliate…maybe by bombing Iran’s oil facilities, thus cutting off funding to Iran? If any of the scenario I put forth is true, and if any entity would know if it’s true Israel would, is it any wonder that Bibi Netanyahu is ignoring anti-Israel world leaders and Obama’s puppet?

So, why would Biden, potentially on Obama’s word, allow Iran to launch more than 300 missiles and drones at Israel? Simple…by giving Israel the heads up, Israel, with their defense systems…Iron Dome, Patriots missiles, David’s Sling and David’s Arrow, combined with the capabilities of our military and those of allies in the region would be able to repel and render neutral such an attack then allow Biden to try to stem the bleeding of votes from the pro-Hamas wing of his party by publicly instructing Israel NOT to retaliate.

Obviously, Biden isn’t capable of running such an operation, but Obama is, and pulling those pro-Hamas votes back in is a key to Obama getting his fourth term in office from behind the curtain. In fact, my guess is that Biden was not even allowed to know the complexities of such an operation, but it would require coordination with Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense, and be honest…do you really think Austin, who didn’t tell Biden that he was absent from his post for more than a week due to medical treatments really takes his orders from Biden?

Here’s yet another piece of the puzzle…as Iran’s attack began, U.S. forces hit and destroyed seven drones and one ballistic missile at their launch pads in Yemen before they could even be launched. In YEMEN…not in Iran. Those were the Houthis, and while they are an Iranian proxy, it wasn’t Iran proper, and in Biden’s statement urging Israel not to retaliate, Biden made sure to state that the U.S. would NOT participate in an attack against Iran.

That too smacks of Obama’s direction.

After Iran’s attack against Israel, Netanyahu needs neither Biden’s permission nor assistance to attack Iran, and unlike Iran’s failed attempt, Israel’s retaliation will be targeted, limited and most likely directed at Iran’s command and control centers, oil production facilities or other key targets such as the nuclear facilities or air defense sites within Iran like what they did last Thursday night, April 18th, 2024. That strike by Israel against Iran may well have been just one stage of several to come in order to more accurately assess Iran’s capabilities to defend such sites, but even if that’s all Israel does, they have sent two very important messages…first to Iran that they will take action and they aren’t bowing to Iran’s threats, and second, to Joe Biden in that Israel will take care of business and Biden should mind his own business.

Iran, after all, is the primary destabilizing force in the region whether directly, or via their proxies, and Israel has had enough of showing restraint and turning the other cheek.

Netanyahu is 100% correct in ignoring Biden’s orders, as he, better than anyone knows that currently, the U.S., in Obama’s third term with Biden as a shill, is no longer Israel’s friend, and no longer a player of consequence on the world stage.

Joe Biden can say, “DON’T” all he wants to, but nobody is listening.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Signed, Sealed, and Delivered


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23rd from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Signed, Sealed, and Delivered’; ‘When Biden Talks, Nobody Listens’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST

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