The Only Path Forward

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

There is no path by which Nikki Haley can win the Republican nomination, and if she doesn’t know that as a fact, she’s not smart enough to be the nominee, much less the President.

In Iowa, in what was essentially a four person race, Haley came in second to last and yet she claimed it was then a two person race. Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out, and so too did Ron DeSantis thus making it truly a two person race.

In New Hampshire, in exactly what Haley wanted, a two person race, she came in dead last.

In Nevada, also in a two person race, Haley again came in dead last.

Now, facing the potential embarrassment in her own home state, again in a two person race, Nikki Haley is about to come in dead last…again.

Rinse and repeat for as long as she remains in this two person race for the Republican nomination.

What’s keeping her in last place in a two person race for the nomination is money from liberal donors, and the votes of liberals in states like New Hampshire that have open primaries…not money being donated to her last place campaign by Republicans and clearly not votes from Republican voters. More to the point, virtually all of the liberals casting Nikki Haley ballots in open primary states, and I believe most independent, left-leaning voters who have cast Haley ballots in those states will in fact cast their general election ballots for Joe Biden, or whoever potentially would replace Biden which is a distinct possibility.

Joe Biden, or whoever might replace him will have to face off in November against Donald Trump, a former President with a pretty good track record on the issues and policies that matter most to voters across party lines. That’s not to say that Trump will be pulling in democrat votes in November, but there are signs that terrify the liberal machine and their propagandists in the mainstream media.

Liberalism is bleeding minority voters from their once rock-solid blocs in black and Hispanic communities, and most of those who are turning their backs on the failed policies of Biden and so many other elected liberals are signaling that they intend to vote for Trump. Why? Because, in the four years Trump was at the helm, they saw what liberals had for decades promised, and failed to deliver becoming reality. Record high employment in minority communities. Record low unemployment. Record high minority owned business start-ups, record high female employment, rising wages, fewer minorities living in poverty conditions…and then, there are the other big things.

Let’s forget DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) for now, and concentrate on what I call BEER…Border, Economy, Energy and Regulations.

The Border.

Under Trump, we had the most secure border in history. It wasn’t perfect, but it was far, FAR better than it is now, and even democrats have had it with Biden’s open border policies.

Biden isn’t just allowing millions upon millions of completely unvetted illegal aliens to stroll across our border, he’s paying them to come here illegally. He’s trafficking them all over our country, he and liberal blue states are providing housing, healthcare and free education to illegal aliens and while they do all of that for those who shouldn’t even be here, Biden and liberals in general are turning their backs on American citizens.

For nearly a decade, sanctuary cities and sanctuary states, deep blue all, have virtue-signaled that illegal aliens were welcome there, but as nearly nine million illegals have poured into our country under Biden’s open border policy, even sanctuary cities and states are sick of it. They can’t handle what they virtue-signaled that they wanted, because when the virtue-signaling became reality, they had no place to put the illegals, and no money to pay for them.

Not only do liberals want millions and millions of more liberal voters…not only do they know that giving illegal aliens free housing, free healthcare and free educations is literally paying illegals to eventually vote for the party that paid them…but it’s also a societal re-engineering tactic designed to “brown” America and more importantly, to hasten their “fundamental transformation of America” into a socialist entity.

The Economy.

During Trump’s four years in the White House, not only did our nation’s economy stabilize from the Obama decline, it also grew at a record pace. Leading up to the 2016 election, in June of that year, Obama said that manufacturing jobs, that under his watch had moved overseas, simply would not be coming back. Trump, in his campaign speeches claimed that he WOULD bring those jobs back home, to which Obama quipped, “When somebody says . . . that he’s going to bring all these jobs back, well, how exactly are you going to do that?  What are you going to do? There’s no answer to it…What magic wand do you have?

As it turned out, Trump’s magic wand was tax cuts, and not only did manufacturing jobs come home, but the GDP under Trump skyrocketed even after the COVID set-backs. While there are many liberal sites claiming Trump had dismal GDP numbers, the truth of the matter is that real GDP grew at an annualized rate of 33.1% in the third quarter of 2020 thus beating all expectations and setting an all-time record that was almost double the previous 70 year old record.

In 2018, under Trump’s policies and before COVID, our nation’s GDP hit 4.1%…something Obama had said was impossible, and what that translates to is that Trump’s economic policies added more water to the lake thus making all boats float higher.

As soon as Biden occupied the Oval Office, his policies, designed to do away with Trump’s policies quickly led to disaster economically, with rising taxes, skyrocketing inflation and government mandated COVID shut-downs forcing Americans out of work.


Trump, when he was our President, did more than threaten OPEC and other adversarial energy producing nations, he followed through on the threats. Trump’s energy policies made us energy independent.

While “energy independence” is a relative term, it was a fact that under Trump, the U.S. was exporting more oil than we imported, but perhaps more important than the price of gas at the pump, which left more money in the pockets of Americans, was the fact that we were able to fill our nation’s oil reserves at unprecedented low prices, thus adding to our national security.

But it wasn’t just oil…it was also coal and other natural resources that were protected under Trump, but demonized under Biden.

According to the American Energy Alliance, “On energy, President Donald Trump has Made America Great Again. In 2019, after 62 years, the United States achieved energy independence, meaning that as a nation we produced more energy than we consumed. In 2019, the United States produced more oil and more natural gas than either Russia or Saudi Arabia. In fact, in June 2020, the U.S. actually exported oil to Saudi Arabia! “

That’s a pretty bold fact.


Regulations, or deregulation isn’t exactly a common topic at kitchen tables across America, but maybe it should be.

During Trump’s four years in office, he engaged in regulatory reform to the tune of 145 deregulatory actions and 45 significant regulatory actions, for an out-to-in ratio of 3.2 to one. What does that mean exactly?

While the bulk of those reforms and deregulations were aimed at environmental and transportation sectors, it means that in fiscal year 2020, Trump had eliminated $144 billion in overall regulatory costs, across the board, and that from fiscal year 2017, Trump had eliminated some $198.6 billion overall.

And why is deregulation important to individual Americans? Because government regulations reflect an administrative overreach which directly threatens individual liberty at the most basic level, and at the level of private enterprise. Put bluntly, government regulation is an intrusion into the private lives of Americans as individuals, and into private business, and Trump’s massive deregulation efforts signaled a belief that freedom is better than the administrative state.

Naturally, the vast majority of Trump’s deregulations were quickly reversed by the Biden regime because liberalism simply cannot withstand individual freedoms, and insists that once free people become reliant on the government.  There can be no greater examples of this than the Biden regime’s mandates that would force people, once free to make their own decisions, to drive vehicles mandated by the government, cook their meals on stoves mandated by the government, and heat their homes by whatever the government deems permissible as a heat source.

Sure, Trump’s deregulation saved close to $200 billion in enforcing the regulations he did away with, but does that transfer to saving people money from their bank accounts? In a word…yes. From a FOXBusiness report in October of last year, “According to the analysis, recent energy regulations proposed or finalized by the Biden administration would, on average, make water heaters cost $2,800 more, gas stoves as much as $3,250 more expensive, air conditioners $1,100 more expensive, and gas furnaces nearly $500 more expensive. And the Alliance For Consumers added that more efficient products are often less effective than their predecessors. “

Obviously, crime is also on the minds of Americans in this election cycle, as is education and those issues must be dealt with quickly and decisively, but those are topics for a different commentary, perhaps soon to come, but on the BEER issues in this commentary, Trump has a good track record while Nikki Haley is an unknown, especially since she would be beholding to her liberal donors. Appealing to liberals in the primaries is not what Republican voters want, and it would not translate well into votes in a general election.

The longer Haley stays in this two person race, the more times she will come in dead last and frankly, that doesn’t even make her good VP material.

Donald Trump will run away with this nomination, and I predict he’ll win all 50 states on his way to the nomination. That doesn’t mean he’ll win in November, as the liberal machine will once again be looking for, and finding ways to cheat the system. That said, Republican voters, even those who don’t like Trump for personal reasons, need to rally together and vote for him in November, or we’ll all be looking at the last four years as the good old days compared to what’s coming under a second term of Joe Biden, or whoever his replacement might be.

Trump is not without his issues, and he wasn’t perfect during his four years at the helm and he’s no bed of roses but he’s a hell of a lot better than any liberal. There’s no grey area with Trump. You either like him or you hate him, but for Republican “never Trumpers” it’s a matter of left over hurt feeling because he harshly fended off your candidate of choice in 2016, or it’s a personality thing. Clearly, it’s not policy driven because where the policies that matter most around kitchen tables and water coolers are concerned, his policies were good for Americans, and good for America.

Trump is now the only path forward.

Copyright © 2023 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more on the debate, visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article: A Bad Resolution…An Unacceptable Solution…Peace Questionable


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Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 6th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘A Bad Resolution…An Unacceptable Solution…Peace Questionable At Best; ‘The Only Path Foward’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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