The Fulton County Liberal Hissy-Fit

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Asking people for phone numbers – Reserving rooms in a Capitol building – Telling people to watch TV – and getting people to attend legislative hearings are all illegal now, so whatever you do, don’t do those things.

Holding meetings – Calling people – Asking people to call special sessions of legislatures – and setting up phone calls are also illegal. Add those things to the list of things you should never, ever do again.

Getting contact information for people – Sending emails – Observing signature match audits on mail in ballots – Asking people to speed up signature match audits – Telling people that there may have been voter fraud – Telling people to watch RSBN – Discussing the election on a phone call – and offering to provide election worker Ruby Freeman with protection…all illegal.

As you go about your day to day activities, whether at work or at home, keep that list handy and before you do ANYTHING, check that list and then just go sit in a corner because, at least for now, sitting in a corner is still legal, unless Donald Trump once sat in a corner.

The above laundry-list items are just some of the things in the list of CRIMES committed by President Trump according to kiss my fat Fani Willis in Fulton County Georgia. Those things are actually spelled out in the Trump indictment du jour.

While the Biden family organized crime syndicate raked in tens of millions of dollars and, as Vice President, Joe engaged in bribery schemes to pad his bank accounts (some of which may well turn out to be off-shore bank accounts) the same ilk that is indicting Trump for making phone calls and having an opinion regarding the last presidential election simply couldn’t care less.

While Trump goes to court, the supposed head of the banana republic, Joe Biden sits on the beach in Delaware on the orders of his puppet master, Barack Hussein Obama.

I know that it’s hard to believe but kiss my fat Fani Willis actually lists certain things in the 98 page indictment out of Georgia as, “overt acts in the furtherance of the conspiracy.” Let’s just see what now constitutes “overt acts in the furtherance of the conspiracy.”

Act 6. “On or about the 21st day of November 2020, MARK RANDALL MEADOWS sent a text message to United States Representative Scott Perry from Pennsylvania and stated, “Can you send me the number for the speaker and the leader of PA Legislature. POTUS wants to chat with them.”

Act 22. “On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, “Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!”

Act 26. “On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, “Wow! Blockbuster testimony taking place right now in Georgia. Ballot stuffing by Dems when Republicans were forced to leave the large counting room. Plenty more coming, but this alone leads to an easy win of the State!”

Act 27.” On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, “People in Georgia got caught cold bringing in massive numbers of ballots and putting them in ‘voting’ machines. Great job @BrianKempGA!”

Act 45. “On or about the 8th day of December 2020, MICHAEL A. ROMAN sent a text message to unindicted co-conspirator individual 4, whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, stated that he had spoken to MISTY HAMPTON, and asked unindicted co-conspirator Individual 4 to “get” MISTY HAMPTON to attend the hearing before the Georgia House of Representatives Governmental Affairs Committee on December 10, 2020.”

Act 57. “On or about the, 11th day of December 2020, DAVID JAMES SHAFER reserved Room 216 at the Georgia State Capitol in Fulton County, Georgia, for the December 14, 2020, meeting of Trump presidential elector nominees in Fulton County, Georgia.”

While this is but a partial list of what are transparently political persecution charges against President Trump and 18 “co-conspirators” what does it all mean?

It means that from the Oval Office to any individual poll watcher, if you’re a Republican, do not DARE to question ANY election outcome where a democrat has been, by hook or by crook, declared the winner lest you be labeled a criminal and hauled into a kangaroo court because your jail cell is ready and waiting.

This is intimidation, and a blatant attempt to interfere with any and all future elections. Challenge the outcome of any election in a blue city or a blue state, and face the very real prospect of criminal charges.

At this point, I believe a history lesson of sorts is called for, and in an effort to provide some context for what we’re seeing play out right now, we need to go back to the very beginning of our nation. The Revolutionary War was fought as much for democracy as it was for independence from the British Crown. Once that war had been won, the question then became, how do we put into place the principles of popular majority rule, for that is what a democracy is, while at the same time protecting and preserving the rights and liberties of all citizens?

The United States was a new, and very fragile nation made up is 13 rather independent states, all of which had their own ideas of how to run things. Several states, in those early years, contemplated splitting off and becoming their own independent countries. To solve the issues of the day, and to handle issues in the future, our Constitution was written and due to the foresight of the Founders and Framers, the Constitution allowed for amendments to be made. Those amendments strengthened the protections and liberties of the citizens.

In reality, our Constitution, with all of its protections for the citizens is really meant as a hard limit on government itself.

Upon leaving the Constitutional Convention after the Constitution had been formally adopted the document, at the age of 81 years, Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens who asked him what sort of government the delegates had created. Franklin’s answer satisfied those citizens but also stood as a warning against exactly what is playing out today where the indictments against Donald Trump and others are concerned.

Franklin’s answer – “A republic, if you can keep it.”

And how does a citizenry keep a republic? By remaining ever vigilant, by remaining always engaged in the process and by never allowing a government or administration to running rough-shod over the rights and liberties of the people.

Our Founders and Framers would be rolling in their graves today, and Franklin, I suspect, would simply say, “I tried to warn you.”

As we look through the growing list of charges and indictments against Trump and others, one thing has become very clear indeed. We have not kept the republic, as it has descended into a banana republic. Ever wonder why the democrats, and far too many Republicans are always referring to our republic as a democracy? It’s because they want exactly what the Founders and Framers were trying to avert – mob rule. Today’s liberals honestly don’t give a rat’s ass about freedom, liberty or individual rights. It’s the prospect of authoritarian power that drives them, and to hell with the people.

Asked about the situation a few days ago, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana said, “I mean this is the sort of thing that happens in countries whose Powerball jackpot is 387 chickens and a goat. I mean we don’t do that in America,” and he was 100% correct. This is third world dictator stuff dressed up as a “democracy” in what is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic, but there is another side to all of this that the liberals may, or may not have considered.

If liberals have NOT considered the consequences of their actions here, what’s good for the goose may someday soon become good for the gander. What I mean is that they are setting a very dangerous precedent here and when the shoe of power changes feet to the right side of the political aisle, it could well then become open season on liberals just as it is now open season on Donald Trump and Republicans.

On the other hand, what if they HAVE considered that possibility? The implications of the liberals knowing full-well the possibility of reprisal and ignoring it is chilling indeed, as that would mean that they have no intention of ever holding fair or open elections again, and the fix is in now and forever more.

That’s the exact sort of thing that will bring about another revolution, or another civil war in this country and considering which side has the overwhelming vast majority of the guns, I rather doubt that the left will enjoy the outcome. But that’s exactly what they want, right? A civil war, so they can declare Martial Law and deploy the military to keep them in power while suspending all elections for as long as it takes to turn free citizens into subjects. But will it work? Yes, our military has been compromised by “woke” leaders, but no, I do not believe that the rank and file of our military will simply do as they’re told should Martial Law be declared against the citizens.

While Trump has become the linchpin in the liberal’s “fundamental transformation of America” they have also turned him into something of a martyr for the Republican and Constitutional Republic voters, and every indictment, and every desperate charge levied against him makes it even more transparent what they are trying to do.

In this latest round of charges from the Georgia indictment, once again we see a genuine lack of legal substance. It’s vitriol, not legitimate criminal activity that they are charging against Trump. In fact, there is virtually nothing Trump is charged with in Georgia that is against the law.  It’s a liberal hissy-fit, not a legal challenge that they’re taking into a kangaroo court.

Challenging an election is not illegal. Asking questions of election officials is not illegal. Booking a room at a capitol is not illegal. Telling people to watch a certain report on TV is not illegal. Asking for someone’s phone number is not illegal. Pointing out the obvious, as in boxes of ballots were brought into Fulton County Georgia election headquarters in the middle of the night is not illegal. Asking someone to attend a hearing is not illegal and neither is it illegal to point out that hearings were taking place or that Republican observers were forced out of the counting room in Fulton County Georgia.

Literally, NONE of what the liberal hissy-fit accuses Trump of doing in regard to Georgia was against ANY law, and yet, just as the fix was in on election night, it seems to be a foregone conclusion that, in Fulton County Georgia, Trump will be found guilty of doing things that were NOT against the law.

Trump will win on appeals in Georgia, as I believe he will in the case in DC as well, but at what cost to the country?

While these liberals may well be able to gain a conviction in their local, Soros-backed kangaroo courts, those convictions will fall apart like a house of cards in a windstorm upon appeal. But one thing should be clear to just about anyone with a working brain cell by now, as Trump continues to be indicted and charged with things that are NOT against the law, and both Hunter and his dad Joe Biden continue to skate scot-free regarding mountains of evidence of ACTUAL lawless activity which leaves our country in serious danger, we are not currently dealing with an administration, but a regime.

With its puppet dictator, and behind the curtain puppet master…welcome to the “Fundamental Transformation of America.”

Copyright © 2023 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Our Republic…A Fleeting Memory Indeed



Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 22nd, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Our Republic…A Fleeting Memory Indeed’; ‘The Fulton County Hissy-Fit’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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