Booger Sugar, Lies and Common Sense

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Here’s what we’re being told to believe as per the Official Statement on the Investigation of a Substance Found in the White House published by the U.S. Secret Service Media Relations on July 13th, 2023…

On the evening of July 2, officers from the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division found an unknown substance inside a vestibule leading to the lobby area of the West Executive Avenue entrance to the White House. 

The substance was located inside a receptacle used to temporarily store electronic and personal devices prior to entering the West Wing. 

Following the discovery, safety closures were implemented around the White House. This response was designed to ensure that the found substance was not a chemical or radiological material that threatened the security of the White House. As such, the substance was field tested and preliminarily determined to not be a hazardous compound. 

Testing conducted by the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department indicated that the found powder tested preliminarily positive for the presence of cocaine. The substance and packaging were treated as evidence and sent to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, which analyzed the item for any biothreats. Tests conducted at this facility came back negative and gave formal confirmation that the substance was not biological in nature. 

The substance and packaging underwent further forensic testing. The substance was analyzed for its chemical composition. The packaging was subjected to advanced fingerprint and DNA analysis. Both of these analyses were conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s crime laboratory given their expertise in this area and independence from the investigation. 

While awaiting the FBl’s results, the Secret Service investigation into how this item entered the White House continued. The investigation included a methodical review of security systems and protocols. This review included a backwards examination that spanned several days prior to the discovery of the substance and developed an index of several hundred individuals who may have accessed the area where the substance was found. The focal point of these actions developed a pool of known persons for comparison of forensic evidence gleaned from the FBI’s analysis of the substance’s packaging. 

On July 12, the Secret Service received the FBI’s laboratory results, which did not develop latent fingerprints and insufficient DNA was present for investigative comparisons.  Therefore, the Secret Service is not able to compare evidence against the known pool of individuals. The FBl’s evaluation of the substance also confirmed that it was cocaine. 

There was no surveillance video footage found that provided investigative leads or any other means for investigators to identify who may have deposited the found substance in this area. Without physical evidence, the investigation will not be able to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered. At this time, the Secret Service’s investigation is closed due to a lack of physical evidence.

That’s word for word from the official document – and it is 100% crap.

There is no way they don’t know who that cocaine belonged to. We’re talking about THE most secure residence on Earth. We’re talking about the Secret Service here, which outside of the Mossad in Israel is the world’s leading security force. We’re talking about advanced technical security systems that can hear a gnat fart and tell you the color of that gnat’s eyes from half a mile away…and nobody can figure out who the cocaine belonged to?

Allow me to dismantle the load of crap from that official document.

The substance was located inside a receptacle used to temporarily store electronic and personal devices prior to entering the West Wing.” Are we to believe that there aren’t cameras in that location that can see who puts what into those receptacles? Come on. It’s the West Wing, perhaps THE most secure part of THE most secure residence on the planet.

 “The substance and packaging were treated as evidence and sent to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, which analyzed the item for any biothreats.” Treated as evidence means that everything about that plastic package was preserved better than anything found in Tut’s tomb.

The substance and packaging underwent further forensic testing…” Forensic testing of the packaging would of course include testing for fingerprints and DNA of which, they claim, neither was found. The packaging was subjected to advanced fingerprint and DNA analysis. Both of these analyses were conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s crime laboratory given their expertise in this area and independence from the investigation.” Advanced fingerprint and DNA analysis means that said analysis was more detailed and more sensitive that any garden variety analysis done by garden variety law enforcement agencies but it was conducted by the FBI which over the past several years has developed expertise in covering up the truth where the Biden’s are concerned.

“On July 12, the Secret Service received the FBI’s laboratory results, which did not develop latent fingerprints and insufficient DNA was present for investigative comparisons.” Now then, why would there be no fingerprints or DNA on that little plastic baggie? Either the person who placed the baggie into the cubby was wearing gloves, the packaging was NOT treated as evidence as we are being told and had so many people pawing at it that fingerprints and DNA were compromised, or it was wiped cleaner than Hillary’s server.

Of course they claim there is no video of that particular area but we’re not talking about a camera malfunction here. This is the White House and the West Wing, not Epstein’s cell and had the person responsible been wearing gloves so as not to leave fingerprints or DNA on the baggie, security video of the entry into the West Wing, in the hallway, or anywhere else would have clearly shown that and thus identified anyone of the some 500 or so people who traipsed in and out of there who was…WEARING GLOVES… in late June or early July.

We’re being told that in the week leading up to the cocaine discovery, there were some 500 people in and out of the West Wing, and frankly, I find that number hard to believe. The only way to experience a West Wing Tour is by invitation from the White House or through a personal connection to a White House staffer willing to lead you on an after-hours tour. Are we to believe that roughly 70 people per day in the week leading to cocainegate were invited to the West Wing or got such an after-hours tour?

All White House visitors, including those visiting the West Wing must submit personal information to the Secret Service, including their Social Security number and date of birth. How about going through those logs and comparing names of the visitors to known drug offenders, those to whom coke is something more than a belch-inducing beverage and cross referencing those names with people known to leave valuable items behind, forgetting where they left them?

Perhaps someone on that rather short list has been known to engage in illicit activity over a lengthy period of time, perhaps even engaging with people of questionable morals and who has a habit of taking selfies of said behavior. Perhaps the list of likely suspects could be narrowed down even more by looking into background information including, who may have been in the West Wing after at least 10 failed rehabs in the past 20 years, and who started sniffing booger sugar at the age of 18. I might also suggest looking for someone who managed to get kicked out of the Navy after testing cocaine positive.

Maybe, just maybe the cocaine belonged to someone who has this laundry list of rehab stints followed by relapses. Investigative reporter Paul Sperry found such a record including: 2003: Crossroads Centre Antigua 2010: Crossroads 2014: Tijuana clinic 2015: Penn Presbyterian 2015: Philly center 2016: Esalen Institute 2016: Grace Grove 2017: Brentwood Center 2018: Boston center 2019: Maryland center. Maybe, just maybe the cocaine belonged to someone who in 2020 checked into the Grace Grove Lifestyle Rehab Center and then checked out a week later, and who, in 2022, lived across the street from a high-end rehab center.

I’m guessing, just guessing that such a cross-referencing investigation would narrow the list of possible suspects from 500 to maybe less than 20, and for further culling of the list, I would be looking for someone who strode in and out of the West Wing in the days leading to the discovery of that cocaine who is known far and wide for having the same cocaine dealer for the past 20 years in Washington D.C.. Maybe someone known as Rhea, aka “Bicycles,” and who actually lived with their dealer for a 5 month stint.

A couple of weeks ago, investigators used a single hair found on a discarded pizza crust and linked it to a hair discovered on a murder victim’s body from a decade ago to arrest the Gilgo Beach killer in a case that began in 2010. Unlike the case involving the discovery of cocaine in the White House, those investigators never gave up.

I’m willing to bet good money that had the Secret Service or the FBI allowed a drug-sniffing poodle give the nasal appraisal to that little plastic bag, it would have immediately sought out Hunter Biden and started humping his leg, but after an exhaustive 10 day “thorough investigation” the second most elite security force on the planet, and the cover-up experts at the FBI were completely unable to single out a person of interest from the hundreds of individuals who passed through the vestibule where the cocaine was discovered.”

 Have I become so cynical that I believe the Secret Service and the FBI know full-well who the cocaine in the White House belonged to but they just won’t tell us so as to cover for Hunter “Booger Sugar” Biden and the rest of the Biden family crime syndicate?

Certainly not.

But I do have common sense, and I know how to use it.

Copyright © 2021 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Go Away Obama…Please Just Go Away



Tuesday, July 25th, from 7-8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Go Away Obama…Please Just Go Away’; ‘Booger Sugar, Lies and Common Sense’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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