Giorgia Meloni – The Italian Trump

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The Britannica Dictionary definition of FASCISM. 1. or Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. Fascism is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

While those are the dictionary definitions of Fascism, they are not the liberal definition of it.

To liberals, Fascism is any person or party that fails to fall into lock-step with the liberal agenda.

That’s why liberals are trying to label Conservatives as Fascists, and it has become all the rage in every liberal circle you care to mention. From elected liberals, to members of the liberal mainstream media, to indoctrination centers also known as public schools to asylums of higher indoctrination…our colleges and universities, every Conservative is a Fascist, and the republican party is a bee-hive of fascism.

Trump supporters?


Another term floated about by Joe Biden is “semi-Fascists” – whatever the hell that is.

Are Republicans, or are Conservatives and Trump supporters REALLY Fascists? Of course not. Not when you look at the dictionary definition they’re not, but should one consider the liberal definition of any person or party that fails to fall into lock-step with the liberal agenda, well then…yeah.

The next obvious question should be, IS there a fascist party in the United States, and the answer, if you look at the dictionary definition of Fascism is…yep. The party that comes as close as possible to the dictionary definition of Fascism would be the democrat party which has been infested by socialists and is hell bent on socialism.  Think about it…is the democrat party trying to organize SOCIETY into a situation whereby the people are RULED by dictatorial decrees designed to CONTROL THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE who are not allowed to disagree with the government?


Disagree with the liberal agenda or the liberal government and the current regime will have you banned from social media, banned from speaking in the public square (think school board meetings) and they will sure as hell try to ban you from employment via the cancel culture. You say that during the manufactured COVID pandemic panic that you wanted to attend your church of choice? You say you wanted to attend a loved one’s funeral? You say you wanted your kids to attend a school? No way. Not under the RULE of the Biden regime.

Maybe you just wanted to go to work and earn a living so that you could put food on the table and pay your bills. NOT ALLOWED under the Biden regime. Perhaps you WERE in the military, and you had an objection to getting vaccinated by something that was untested and unknown. Well…the Biden regime booted you OUT of the military for thinking that way.

However…if you were an illegal alien, or ran a pot shop, or were a stripper in a club…your lives weren’t put on indefinite hold…you were allowed to go about your business.

If you DARED to question the outcome of the 2020 election via social media…POOF…your accounts were deleted. If you DARED to try and discuss Hunter Biden’s laptop on social media…POOF…your accounts disappeared.

If you were or are a Trump supporter, and you DARED to be in D.C. on January 6th, 2021, or DARED to NOT be there yet you had a Trump sign in your yard…knock, knock. Who’s there? THE FBI…THAT’S WHO.

You’re a kid, on a field trip visiting the Lincoln Memorial and some idiot starts YELLING at you from less that a foot from your face, and all you do is stand there…smiling…and what does the liberal Media label you? A NAZI. You’re a kid trying to help people in a city during a RIOT where LIBERALS are burning businesses to the ground, and liberals start chasing you through the darkened streets trying to harm or KILL you…what do you do? Well, if you’re armed…you DEFEND YOURSELF…and what does the liberal media call you? A NAZI.

Wear a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat, advocate for lower taxes, stand against foolishness like the green new deal, voice your opposition to mail in ballots and voice your support for voter ID and what are you – according to liberals? You’re a racist, NAZI Fascist.

America First? FASCIST!

ALL lives matter? FASCIST RACIST!!

No vax for you? Fauci lied? No masks? The world’s not going to end in 10 years due to climate change? Wind and solar don’t work? Close the border? Clean up the streets of crazy homeless drug addicts? Put criminals in prisons? Energy independence?


Trump 2024?


You either get into lock-step with the liberal agenda or you’re in grave danger of being investigated by the FBI and audited by 87,000 new IRS agents. You’ll never see the light of a free day again.

That’s fascism.

That’s the liberal game-plan. You either do what they tell you, or you’re finished.

The flip-side of that coin is that if you DO fall into liberal agenda lock-step you’ll soon be begging the government to provide for you, to take care of you from cradle to grave, and you’ll end up completely reliant on the government for your every need. Want to fight off cancer? Sorry…you supported Trump. Go to hell.

That’s why liberals are melting down over Italy’s new leader. Gioria Meloni was recently elected as first female prime minister in Italy. Her party, the Brothers of Italy party won the election. She’s a Conservative. Her party is Conservative. Other Conservative parties in Italy and coming together to form a government that might be 45% Conservative giving Conservatives control of Italy’s government. Meloni’s slogan throughout the election process was, God, Family and Country. She and the Brothers of Italy believe in conservatism, nationalism, nativism, soft euroscepticism, and opposition to immigration.

Our liberal media, and for that matter, the liberal media in Europe are incredulous over Meloni’s victory, and they are calling her, and her party…FASCISTS!!

So, what party currently controls Italy? Which Party did the people of Italy vote OUT of power? The Democratic Party Partito Democratico. The liberals. They are socialist democrats who stress national and social cohesion, progressivism, a moderate social liberalism, green issues, progressive taxation, pro-Europeanism (read globalism) and their primary source of inspiration just happens to be…American liberalism. The Italian liberal party of socialists, like the liberals in our country have basically thrown open their borders to the point that the influx of other cultures having no desire to integrate into the Italian culture is tearing apart the cultural fabric OF Italy.

Under the liberal leadership of the Democratic Party Partito Democratico, the people of that great nation are paying higher and higher taxes, have less and less say in the affairs of government, are being overwhelmed by immigration from countries and people who want to turn Italy into the lands they left, and the bent towards green energy is destroying the Italian economy.

Giorgia Meloni wants to right the ship of state by putting Italy first. She wants to mend the fabric of her nation by stemming the flow of immigrants and placing strict controls on who, and how many can apply for citizenship. She wants to lower taxes and provide the people of Italy with the opportunity to raise themselves up. Meloni sees green energy for exactly what it is – a drain on the economy and a mechanism by which the government can extract more and more taxes while exerting more and more control over the people.

Liberals in our country, and in Europe are calling Meloni a fascist, and they’re all likening her to Benito Mussolini. They say she’s the leader of a party that descends from the neofascist Italian Social Movement, which was formed by supporters of former dictator Benito Mussolini after the Second World War, but they won’t provide you with the facts surrounding Mussolini. It’s been said that “Mussolini’s attitudes were highly theatrical, his opinions were contradictory, his facts were often wrong, and his attacks were frequently malicious and misdirected.” Mussolini had no intention of putting Ital or the Italian people first. He was all about Mussolini first. Mussolini sent goon squads throughout Italy to intimidate the people opposed to him, he had his supporters ridicule and harass those opposed to him.

Mussolini, as a Fascist, soon inaugurated ambitious programs of public works that came at a staggering cost to his country and to the Italian people. To further quell opposition, Mussolini abolished the two party system in Italy in favor of a ONE party system. HIS party. Opposition parties, and the free press were outlawed while free speech was crushed and soon, a network of spies and secret policemen under the control of the Italian government and the Fascist party was invading the privacy of the Italian population.

What Mussolini did then is what the Democratic Party Partito Democratico in Italy is doing today, and for that matter, it’s what Obama began as “the fundamental transformation of America” in 2008, and he’s still trying to do through the façade of Joe Biden today. It’s all straight out of the liberal playbook just as is projecting their own actions onto those who oppose them.

So, why is liberal media in our country and in Europe engaged in the smear campaign against Giorgia Meloni? It’s simple really – she’s the Italian Trump, and they’re terrified that she might undo all their fascist programs in favor of an Italy first agenda.

It’s not fascism those in power there, or here fear, it’s the loss of power they themselves have stolen through the use of fascism. The Italian Democratic Party Partito Democratico, just like our own elected liberals are terrified that once people see the advantages of less reliance on government, and a stronger economy brought about by less government control and more personal freedom…they’ll like it.

What Giorgia Meloni is, is no different than what Donald Trump is – a Nationalist, and being a nationalist is a far cry from being a fascist regardless of what liberals want you to believe. According to authorities on the topic, “Fascism is a government form, Nationalism is the belief that your country is the best and that it’s values need to be protected and spread. While this is a critical point of Fascism too, Fascism is an extension of Militarism, Nationalism, and Socialism.”

Nationalism, on the other hand, is not authoritarian. It is the belief that one’s Nation deserves loyalty, and that the interests of one’s Nation should come before those of other nations. It’s a belief that first and foremost, one’s country should focus on its own problems, solve them and prosper. Fascism upholds a belief in the power of the State to push an agenda toward Imperialism and rule over its people thus making them subjects.

If Giorgio Meloni can do for Italy what Trump did for the United States, raise the standard of living while lowering the cost of living while standing strong against the globalist elite, liberals have a right to be terrified, as it just might catch on in Europe signaling an end to liberal rule in favor of Conservative leadership.

Congratulazioni e auguri (congratulations and best wishes) to Giorgia Meloni. May her victory be a victory for us all.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed The Politicization of Hurricane Ian…Part One



Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 11th, from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘The Politicization of Hurricane Ian..Part One’; ‘Giorgia Meloni – The Italian Trump’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

One thought on “Giorgia Meloni – The Italian Trump

  1. I’m a child of WWll, and my parents came from Italy in the early part of the 20th century. I remember my father listening to the news broadcast on the short wave radio from Italy. I remember what the people did to Mussolini, and in my opinion, it was just. The liberal democrats in the U.S. don’t have a clue of what can happen with a fascist/socialist/ communist government can do to a country. the democratic party of today is the complete opposite of what they were in the days of Harry Truman. It was the “Working Man’s Party” and my parents were democrats and so was I when I was olde enough to vote. Everything has changed, that’s why I’m a republican now and a President Donald Trump supporter.I’ll be 84 at the end of this month, and my eye sight is failing, so it’s hard for me to read the fine print on your commentary above, but I tell everybody that wants to listen, we were so much better off with Trump than any other president before and after him. I strongly believe that it takes a savvy businessman like Trump to run a country because running a country is like running a big business. Trump is NOT a sleazy politician!!!! …..J.T.

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