Earthquake in Wyoming – The Geyser, The Geezer And The RINO

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Wyoming is a wonderful state and it is home to wondrous things. In Wyoming you will find great expanses of prairies, impressive mountains like the Tetons, geologic wonders like Yellowstone National Park and the Devil’s Tower, a multitude of hot springs, wide open spaces and rivers and lakes galore.

Wyoming is also home to nearly 5,000 bison, roughly 320 wolves, 581,348 people, an old geyser that’s faithful, an old geezer named Dick and a RINO.

Last Tuesday night, the vast majority of Wyoming’s republican voters, which is comprised of 75 percent of the Wyoming population fired the RINO, ended the old geezer’s dynasty and sent a message throughout the land that there’s no place for the old political establishment that has been far too content with going along to get along with a party hell-bent on the destruction of American exceptionalism.

In the grand scheme of things, from a political viewpoint, Wyoming has traditionally had little impact on the national election scene. Always bright red on any election map, Wyoming only has one representative in Congress, and with only about 280,000 registered voters in total, they’ve never made a ripple in the pool. In fact, in the last midterm election, the one in 2018, only 31.6 percent of registered voters in Wyoming cast a ballot.

This time, the midterm in Wyoming was an earthquake.

Dick Cheney, a key figure on the Bush/Cheney dynasty, used to be as good as gold in the state of Wyoming and his daughter, Liz, was extending that dynasty until…Donald Trump got into the race in 2016. During the debates in a crowded field, Trump went after everybody. That’s what you do when you want to win and Trump wanted to win. One of those he took apart on one debate stage after another, was Jeb Bush, the son of another part of the Bush/Cheney dynasty. Jeb thought, by virtue of his last name, that he was entitled to become the president. After all, his dad, George H.W. Bush and his brother, George W. Bush had held the highest office in the land, and both of the elder Bush’s had Dick Cheney beside them.

Dick was H.W.’s Secretary of Defense, and W.’s Vice President.

Was Jeb planning to extend the dynasty by winning the nomination and having Liz Cheney as his running mate? Who knows, and for that matter…who cares. Jeb failed to measure up on the national stage and eventually dropped out only to watch Trump not only gain the nomination, but win the White House.

None of that sat well with either the Bush’s or the Cheney’s and their personal grudge went deep state the moment Trump was elected.

In the broader view, the Bush/Cheney dynasty represents the old republican establishment and thus represented a globalist vision of the world. Think about it. The elder Bush went to war in Iraq, but didn’t do so until he had assembled a coalition of global partners guided by the U.N. and played by THEIR rules. That’s not a war…that’s militarized posturing and that’s not what our military was designed to do. George the younger, went back to war in Iraq, with a smaller coalition and still played by the U.N.’s rules. We didn’t win either time, we didn’t lose either time…but that was the whole idea wasn’t it? Make a lot of noise, slap some people around, pretend to be in it to win it, spout rhetoric and bolster the military industrial complex.

That mindset, coupled with Obama’s hatred of America is what brought us Trump to begin with. It was a nation sick and tired of the status quo, economic stagnation, anti-American sentiment and a lack of transparency that convinced Trump to run, and got him elected.

Political ideologies have shifted. What used to be Kennedy democrats have, over the past 50 years, become liberal Marxists and what used to be Republicans, over the past 50 years have become blue dog democrats. That means that the further to the left the democrat party shifted, the further to the left the Republicans shifted to appease the status quo.

Trump sensed that, and to be honest, he sensed it years before ever throwing his hat into the ring. It took Obama to make Republican voters realize what Trump already knew, and faced with extending the Bush/Cheney establishment status quo, voters in Wyoming with 70 percent in for Donald Trump with the hope that Liz Cheney would see the light.

She never did, and quite frankly, she still doesn’t.

The RINO went full anti-Trump as soon as Trump threatened the old geezer’s establishment dynasty and she never looked back. She voted to impeach Trump, not once but twice, and she threw in with the liberal Marxists on the January 6th committee…a kangaroo court set up in a Soviet star chamber.

Trump challenged the ESTABLISHMENT after putting America FIRST, making us energy independent, lowering taxes, empowering the American spirit, championing American exceptionalism, standing up to our enemies, embracing our allies and insisting that the rest of the free world pay THEIR fair share of the peace through strength burden. Trump was bringing peace and stability to the Middle East, realigning our trade with foreign countries to OUR advantage, sending clear messages to nemesis nations that America wasn’t to be messed with and at the southern border…well…he was putting an end to decades of open border policies that put our national economic and security interests in peril.

Liz Cheney, in her rabid offensive against Donald Trump has NOT been fighting against the fall of democracy, she’s been fighting against the fall of the globalist establishment that she felt entitled to inherit from the Bush/Cheney dynasty.

How bad has it been really? Well, Liz Cheney, since the day Trump won the 2016 election, has thrown in with the very party that used to refer to her own father as a “NAZI” and a “war criminal.” Remember, this is the very political party that called the Bush/Cheney win in 2000 illegitimate” and clung to that belief for their entire time in office, and the very political party that wanted to have her father sent to prison.

Not only that, but Liz Cheney, over the past seven years, has shown utter disregard, utter contempt and utter condescendence to her constituents by ignoring what they sent her to Washington to do, and instead laser-focusing on the establishment’s and her family’s dynastic condemnation of Trump. That aspect of her rabidness was on full display last week, after her primary shellacking when she said…”now the real work can begin.”

The “REAL WORK?” As opposed to what…the silly job of representing the will of the people of Wyoming who sent her to congress to oppose the party she joined to evict a sitting president who her constituents voted for by 70 percent?

Last week, in the Wyoming primary, the RINO’s constituents sent her packing. Leading up to that primary, the RINO’s father, the old geezer, unleashed a flurry of television ads that put the empty husk of both the dynasty and the establishment on full display.

To be honest, the Russia collusion was a hoax and the whole world knew it. The quid-pro-quo was a hoax and the whole world knew it. Trump was right about Hillary, the spying, the witch hunt, Hunter’s laptop, the border, China, Afghanistan, Israel, the Middle East, energy independence and everything else and the whole world, including the RINO and the geezer knew it. More to the point, Trump was right about the swamp and the role of the establishment  republicans in it – and the RINO and the geezer knew that too.

Cheney lost that primary vote by a whopping 37 points but she still doesn’t get it.

In her speech before a small handful of establishment supporters, Cheney said, “We must be very clear-eyed about the threat we face and about what is required to defeat it. I have said since January 6, that I will do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office.”

She claims that she “will do whatever it takes to make sure Donald Trump is never again anywhere near the Oval Office.” “WHATEVER IT TAKES…” That sounds like a clear threat to me. Clearly, it’s far closer to a threat of violence than when Trump said, on January 6th, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” yet the RINO who says she’ll “DO WHATEVER IT TAKES” to stop Trump sits on the committee trying to hang the man.

Cheney also said during her speech, “To believe Donald Trump’s election lies, you must believe that dozens of federal and state courts who ruled against him, including many judges he appointed, were all corrupted and biased, that all manner of crazy conspiracy theories stole our election from us and that Donald Trump actually remains president today. As of last week, you must also believe that 30 career FBI agents, who have spent their lives working to serve our country, abandoned their honor and their oath and went to Mar-a-Lago, not to perform a lawful search or address a national security threat, but instead with a secret plan to plant fake incriminating documents in the boxes they seized. This is yet another insidious lie.”

That from the RINO who has bought into every fake conspiracy manufactured by the liberal Marxists since the day Trump was elected including the Steele dossier, the quid-pro-quo, the Russian bank, and Hunter’s laptop being Russian disinformation. I mean, after all that the FBI has done regarding Trump for the past seven years, including ginning up a fake dossier to use to get four fake FISA warrants with which to spy on Trump, burying the Hunter laptop story and no losing track of the laptop itself to the DOJ not going after Hillary and HER email and server scandals coming on the heels of the IRS targeting scandal…how can anyone with a working brain cell NOT believe that the FBI is corrupt NOW?

Also, in that farce of a concession speech, Cheney compared herself to ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

Hey, RINO…your dad (the old geezer) actually KNEW Abraham Lincoln…and you’re no Abraham Lincoln.

The morning after issuing what amounts to a threat against the life of Donald Trump, the morning after a 37 point shellacking, Liz Cheney said her loss was “certainly the beginning of a battle that is going to continue to go on.”

That reminds me of something…

And she thinks Trump can’t admit defeat?

So, why is the 37 plus point defeat of Liz Cheney in a sparsely populated bright red state an earthquake? Because, while Wyoming will never be considered a swing state, it is a bellweather primary election leading up to the November midterm election. For decades, if Dick Cheney said “jump” in Wyoming, the people there would ask, “how high.” This time, it was different. Heading into last week’s Wyoming primary, it was speculated that Liz Cheney would lose by something like 20 points, but after Dick Cheney released that ad telling Wyoming voters to “jump,” she lost by 37.4 points. He told them to jump, and they told him to get lost.

It’s a clear sign that republican voters are done with the establishment, done with the globalism, done with old dynasties and done with appeasing the liberal Marxist machine to their own detriment. Those voters may not have liked Trump’s approach, may not have embraced his “mean tweets” and may not have taken to his brashness, but they sure as hell liked what he did for this country, our economy, our standing on the world stage and their own personal financial stability…and they want more of that to the detriment of the establishment.

After the earthquake in Wyoming, the geezer and the RINO have fallen, and only the geyser remains…faithful.

Note: Where does Liz Cheney go from here? Tune into RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS and we’ll discuss that after covering this commentary on the show.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed An Unclassified Raid  



Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23rd from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘An Unclassified Raid’; ‘Earthquake in Wyoming – The Geyser, The Geezer And The RINO’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

4 thoughts on “Earthquake in Wyoming – The Geyser, The Geezer And The RINO

  1. Thank you, O Erudite One. I always look forward to your next patriotic installment. You deal in truth with no holds barred.

    “If ever the time should come, when vain & aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”—Samuel Adams

  2. This is a brilliant essay, and I hope many millions of Americans read it, and understand what a dangerous precipice America is at this time in history. Our votes in October and in 2024 will decide if we remain a free and independent ‘Shining City Upon a Hill’ or an old worn out dynasty committed to communism and a New World Order. MAGA

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