Sending the Me Too Movement to Davey Jones’ Locker

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

At last, our long national nightmare is over. On June 1st, 2022, the jury returned with a verdict in the case of Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard and Johnny Deep walked away the winner having been awarded what amounts to $13 million dollars in damages.

The trial lasted most of six weeks and featured the airing of more dirty laundry than a 3 day seminar on the effects of explosive diarrhea held in the party room of an all you can eat bean burrito buffet.

Before I get into the real nuts and bolts of this commentary, allow me to give you the most accurate descriptions I can provide of the two combatants in this case. Johnny Depp is perhaps THE most wildly creative, absurdly talented and quite possibly the ultimate chameleon in the history of cinema having produced out of thin air some of the most iconic characterizations ever seen on the big screen.

From characters like Edward Scissorhands, to Grinelwald, from Tonto to Barnabas Collins, Mad Hatter, Sweeny Todd, Willy Wonka and Ichabod Crane, to his portrayals of real life people like Ed Wood, Hunter S, Thompson, James “Whitey” Bulger and John Dillinger, Depp has showcased a range of talent never before seen in Hollywood. When you throw in his Captain Jack Sparrow…iconic doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. Have a look at this video.

Amber Heard, on the other hand, is an idiot.

From a legal standpoint, the case was a defamation case brought by Johnny Depp against Amber Heard in which he claimed she defamed him, and falsely so, in an op-ed article she had written some years ago where she claimed to be a “survivor of domestic abuse” and more than implied that Depp was the abuser. Hear counter-sued Depp for defamation based on something Depp’s publicist said about her being a fraud.

To argue the case in court, Johnny Depp, a superstar, hired a superstar team of attorneys.

On the other hand, Amber Heard, an idiot, hired a team of legal idiots to defend her.

That, in a nutshell is the legal description of the case, but in reality, it was much more than that.

What the case really was, what it was beyond the legal aspects of it was a man who had been falsely accused of doing terrible things deciding not only to put the liar on trial, but decided to put the entire “me too” movement on trial at the same time. When Heard made her baseless accusations against Depp, it was at the beginning of the “me too” movement and followed in line with what was attempted against now Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I believe that Heard was seeking relevance by not only attaching herself to the latest liberal craze, but by trying to become its hero…its poster girl.

She claimed she loved Depp. She married Depp but I believe that when she couldn’t find a way to make her light shine brighter, she began to resent Depp’s talent and his fame. Not that she resented it enough to walk away from Depp, but just enough to want what Depp had by any means necessary. To that end, HER jealousy, HER lack of relevance and her RAGE took over making her something other than what Depp signed up for. When he started to turn away from their obtuse relationship, her rage grew and she started lashing out. She wanted to control Johnny Depp, and he wasn’t in the mood to be controlled.

AMBER HEARD became abusive. It was HEARD who engaged in physical, mental and emotional abuse against Depp, not the other way around and when he reached the end of his rope, when she got on his last nerve, HE walked away leaving her to suddenly wallow in her own irrelevance and self-loathing. Amber Heard, in my opinion, is a gold-digger and she had just driven away her golden goose. What she had before her relationship with Depp ended, was Johnny Depp. What she had AFTER it ended was NOTHING and she had grown fond of being in the glow of brilliance even if she couldn’t find the limelight with both hands and Jack Sparrow’s compass.

It was at that point, she set about plotting the ruination of what she could not have…Johnny Depp.

The “me too” movement, as we saw clearly in the Kavanaugh hearings did not require facts. It only required accusations. In that way, it was no different that the Russian collusion hoax, the Steele dossier, the manufactured quid pro quo or baseless charges of racism against President Trump. In the world of liberal idiots, and remember, Heard IS an idiot, the only evidence needed to find someone guilty are accusations and the only place necessary to present said “evidence” is in the court of public opinion.

Heard had won the battle where it counted in her warped world – .in the court of public opinion, She managed to get Wokeny, aka Disney to fire Johnny Depp based only on the false accusations she had aired to a willing liberal media which takes great delight in sordid false rumors and outright lies where celebrities are concerned. Heard had done to Depp what the “me too” movement failed to do to Brett Kavanaugh. Heard had poisoned the well of Depp’s talent to the point that fearing reprisals from the “me too” movement, nobody in Hollywood, a teaming, festering gelatinous mass of wokeness, would go near Johnny Depp.

Those who had for so long protected the ilk of Harvey Weinstein, now fled like scarred rabbits from any and all accusations without so much as asking any single question, but that’s how the court of public opinion works. Accusations equal guilt. Questioning the accusations means getting raked over the coals. And any use of FACTS to counter the LIES means outright cancellation.

REAL court is something different altogether.

Johnny Depp had a laundry list of witnesses to corroborate his side of the story, and his expert witnesses, like the forensic psychologist, Dr. Shannon Curry, who took the stand was a superstar in her own right. Depp, had TRUTH on his side of the equation because he had not done the things Heard had accused him of doing and was therefore his own best witness.

All Heard had was false claims. She had no real evidence. She, like so many others in the ‘me too” movement, had waited years before leveling her false accusations and she didn’t level them until it was expedient for her to do so. Heard had no witnesses she didn’t hire as so-called “experts” and those so-called “experts” simply had no expertise when it came to bolstering false claims. On the stand, Heard became her own worst enemy…because she’s an idiot.

Just as Christine Blasey Ford had nothing but baseless accusations, so too was true of Amber Heard. Just as Blasey Ford couldn’t produce a single credible witness, neither could Heard. Just as Blasey Ford’s timeline and recollection of events seemed to change and shift randomly, so too was true of Heard’s timeline and recollection of events. When it came to salacious copy for tabloids, both Blasey Ford and Heard scored well, but when and where it counted, under oath, they came up shorter than Vern Troyer at the NBA All-Star game.

In the days of antiquity, 2017 to be exact, when liberals such as Amber Heard and the ”me too” movement’s legions of liars were but single-cell amoebas who couldn’t tell their heads from their asses even while their heads were UP their asses, they told us that we must ALWAYS believe the woman because, as though it was part of their genetic make-up, an ingrained part of their DNA, women were somehow incapable of lying. Now, some five years later, liberals having transformed or evolved into sentient beings who are no longer saddled with the archaic, mythological definition of the word “woman” continue to believe that such things as whatever a woman is cannot tell a lie. This is why we MUST believe the ilk of Amber Heard regardless of evidence presented in a court of law.

The jury is still out as to whether or not a man pretending to be a woman must also be believed regardless of facts to the contrary, but that’s a question to be answered in some possible future commentary.

The fact is, Amber Heard lied on the witness stand, repeatedly, and she was terrible at it, not shedding a single tear while pretending to be crying. Not only is she an idiot, but she’s also a rotten actress. Her two primary pieces of evidence consisted of a video of Depp slamming a couple of cabinet doors in the kitchen (hardly qualifying as abuse unless she was accusing him of being abusive to carpentry) and a photo of her with a slight scuff mark on her cheek. For all we know, that scuff may well of come from a couple of white Trump supporters on a street in Chicago at 2am…not that I’m insinuating that Heard Smolletted herself…I’m not that cynical.

Jusse Heard…I mean Amber Heard,  by all accounts and evidence presented in that court of law, was the abuser…not Johnny Depp…and the jury hearing the evidence wasn’t buying what she was selling. Heard, the idiot, just minutes after the verdict was read issued a statement saying, “The disappointment I feel today is beyond words. I’m heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence and sway of my ex husband.”

Heard also said after the verdict came in, “I believe Johnny’s attorneys succeeded in getting the jury to overlook the key issue of Freedom of Speech” and she said, “But I am sadder still that I seemed to have lost a right I thought I had as an American — to speak freely and openly.”

For the love of GAWD…Heard has spent the last 4 years telling her lies – uncensored and unfettered – in rag tabloids, newspapers and all over social media thus exercising her 1st Amendment right to lie freely, and for the past 6 weeks, she was allowed to constitutionally lie in a televised and live-streamed court case. Her 1st Amendment rights seem pretty well intact to me.

After the verdict, Johnny Depp also issued a statement saying, “Six years ago, my life, the life of my children, the lives of those closest to me, and also, the lives of the people, who for many, many years have supported and believed in me were forever changed. All in the blink of an eye.” Depp went on to say, “False, very serious and criminal allegations were levied at me via the media, which triggered an endless barrage of hateful content, although no charges were ever brought against me. The jury gave me my life back. I am truly humbled.”

So, what happens next?

Amber Heard says she plans to appeal the ruling, and for the very life of me I can find nothing whatsoever appealing about her but, in MY opinion, Wokeny, aka Disney should (but most likely won’t) issue an immediate prime-time televised apology and give Captain Jack Sparrow back the compass and the keys to the Black Pearl along with 20% of a new Pirates 6 box office gate while wallowing about in the money they’ll make, because Johnny Depp may well be the greatest actor of his generation.

On the other hand, Amber Heard should sell her house and her belongings, send a certified check in the amount of $13 million dollars to Johnny Depp, and then get herself a job selling fake jewelry at a kiosk in a mall in Tarzana because…she’s an idiot.

Long live Captain Jack Sparrow who just sent the “me too” movement to Davey Jones’ locker.

Drink up me hearties..yo ho.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Channeling 44



Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 14th from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘Channeling 44’; ‘Sending the Me Too Movement to Davey Jones’ Locker’; and important news of the day. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with show beginning at 7pm EST.

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