The Federal Government and King George

This article is an exploration on many of the charges listed in the Declaration of Independence against King George and how they apply to the Federal Government.  I had been thinking of this for quite some time, as had many others before me apparently.  There are a few decent articles written on this subject on the internet, from which I have gained some inspiration.  I purposefully tried to eliminate the idea that our current “President” has committed the same offenses and rather decided that the behemoth of our Federal Government is at fault.

The reason it is at fault can be summed up in the Declaration of Independence.  The condition of American society with regard to the power the Federal Government has on all of us shows “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”  This is just as true today as it was over 200 years ago.  It is not just the fault of the President, but of the government as a whole.  The checks and balances system is broken, and few have the moral compass to keep the nation pointed in the right direction even if it means they will not see another term.  We have become accustomed to Federal involvement in our daily lives.  Whereas the Constitution used to provide the guidepost to which all politicians used to face, it is now carved up, interpreted and reinterpreted to justify any and all actions against liberty.

With that, I give you the following charges against King George, and the actions of the Federal Government that mirror the justification of those charges (not inclusive of all charges, just the ones I could justify):


King George: “He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”
Federal Government: The most blatant in recent years was the federal lawsuit against Arizona over SB1070.  Signing statements and executive orders issued by this administration, and the administrations of the past, are used in place of the legislative process to continually subvert the Constitution.  Another example of subjugating state and individual freedoms is our current financial system which has as its root the Federal Reserve.  The Federal Government bypassed the States, the 10th Amendment, and the amendment process when it instituted the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  This act took advantage of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 2 in order to subvert Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution.  Technically, since it was never amended properly we SHOULD still be able to use Gold and Silver as currency, but price manipulation through inflation has made this all but impossible as the day to day values of those metals are in such a state of flux as to prevent them from being a stable choice.  “Free Speech Zones” slap in the face of the 1st Amendment ability to protest, though protesting today is a far cry from what the founders intended given the violent nature of some OWS protests (near riots may be a better way to describe them).  The Fast and Furious scandal was an attempt at an end run around the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment and falls under this charge.  This administration attempted use the 14th Amendment as justification for debt ceiling increase without congressional approval.  I imagine many others out there can find many other examples that would fit under this heading.

King George: “He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.”
Federal Government: Again, for suing Arizona for SB1070 and even inviting other nations (Mexico being one) to join in the suit.  The Federal Government asserted that immigration was the sole responsibility of the Federal Government, but don’t States have the responsibility to protect citizens and the interests of those citizens?  The fact that “sanctuary cities” are even ALLOWED to exist is proof that this government has no intention of properly dealing with the illegal immigration issue.  It has pandered to the special interest groups and allowed areas of known energy deposits (think ANWAR) to be off limits to energy exploration and exploitation.  Off the coast of Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico, exists one of the world’s largest known sources of natural gas.  However we cannot drill to access that source, thanks to the offshore drilling moratorium.  However, that has not stopped foreign countries from doing so and thereby affecting national energy security.

King George: “He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.”
Federal Government: One word…Czars.  It is not so much that the Executive branch appoints czars, HOW they are used and how much power they have is another story, though it doesn’t take away from the fact that “czars” are outside the Senate confirmation process.  As such, they should hold no power to issue legislation in the form of regulation upon the public, but instead should be nothing more than advisors to the President with Congressional oversight of the recommendations presented to the President.  Given that Czars are not held to general transparency rules, as are formally appointed cabinet secretaries, we may never know what kind of power they really have.

King George: “He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.”
Federal Government: The establishment of the EPA was indeed a noble effort, if only it were nothing more than an advisory body with no regulatory ability to fine and manage the actions of people.  To say you cannot do something with the property that you rightfully purchased due to a classification by the EPA is tantamount to property seizure without due process (5th Amendment).  To set federal standards, and thus fines for disobeying those standards, the EPA is shaping how people behave.  The FDA is now telling us what food we can and cannot buy and even telling us what food actually IS and prosecuting those who endeavor to engage in organic farming and the selling of those products. The Department of Education essentially dictates to the states what should and should not be taught. The DoE even has an armed enforcement branch.  The 17th Amendment stripped states of control over the STATE representation at the Federal level.  Previously, states could, if needed, recall Senators if the Senator acted against his States interests.  All of these, and many more, infringe upon state and individual sovereignty and shackle us to servitude through the use of force.

King George: “He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.”
Federal Government:  The Federal Government is the single owner of the largest amount of American Land.  This prevents growth and development by constricting the areas in which free people are allowed to live.  Combined with the lack of immigration enforcement this has created an environment where America’s available resources are being depleted (money being a resource as well) and controlling where people may live.

King George: “He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.”
Federal Government: Again, we come to oil drilling and the Federal Government’s refusal to lift the moratorium on drilling even with a Court Order demand.  This essentially has put the Executive Branch in contempt of court.

King George: “He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature. He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.”
Federal Government:  The most blatant of these new offices set up by the Federal Government is the Transportation Safety Administration that was set up after 9/11 with the charge of protecting our airways; however, they are not technically Law Enforcement Officers, and therefore should have no legal authority to detain or arrest.  This agency has essentially nullified the 4th Amendment.

King George: “He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:”
Federal Government: Our government has no place in using foreign law when deciding domestic cases.  This was brought up during the Kagan confirmation hearings.  Sharia Law is creeping into our government and way of life, starting at the local level.  Sharia Law is incompatible with our system of law, and will take over if allowed entry.

King George: “For imposing taxes on us without our consent.”
Federal Government:  Government has sought, ever since the passage of the 16th Amendment, to tax everything that moves simply for the reason that money gained by a person through whatever means is considered “income” according to the Government.  Any increase in taxes upon the rich will result in higher prices for goods and services through the passage of those taxes on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.  Obamacare will necessarily raise prices because of that and impose fines, even allowing the IRS to essentially garnish your wages if you do not comply with the law.  Even the administrative cost will be borne on the backs of everyone who actually has a job.  Every debt ceiling increase dilutes the dollar through inflation, and inflation is nothing more than a hidden tax on the people.  In a way, the debt ceiling is borrowing on the capital of those existing and the potential capital of those yet to be born.  Essentially every US citizen represents the collateral of the credit of the United States as well as the ultimate holders of the debt.

King George: “For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses.”
Federal Government: The NDAA has essentially extended the battlefield to the United States, rather unnecessarily.  Every sworn-in member of the military, law enforcement and politician takes an oath to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  This implies a duty to confront enemies, even in the United States.  The NDAA DOES define what constitutes a domestic enemy, but does so rather loosely.  Given the rhetoric in today’s politically charged media, anyone believing in liberty can be falsely marked an extremist and thereby be subject to rendition.  It may sound as a stretch, just remember the Japanese internment during WWII.  The Japanese community was largely rounded up and put into camps during the war for fear of an internal attack coming from that community.

King George: “For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies.”
Federal Government:  This started with FDR and the establishment of the administrative branch of government.  In fact, it may be said that this administrative branch is essentially a shadow government with powers only dreamed of by dictators.

King George: “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
Federal Government:  OWS movements across the nation were embraced by the administration as a sign of American rights, when in fact they were largely a huge attempt at pushing a socialist/statist agenda based on Marxist teachings.  Many of these protests are ongoing.


The shield of the Constitution and the image of Lady Liberty are tarnished and faded.  While it is true America is more free than almost any country in the world, we are still a chained people, and the chains are tightening.  I do not believe it is too late for us to right the course, but it will not happen all at once.  We have suffered nearly 100 years of progressive marching towards abolishing the Constitution by administrative fiat.  It will take at least that long to right the ship.

Can we do it?  I believe we can.  What will it take?  It will take ALL OF US, “WE THE PEOPLE,” taking back the power stolen from us.  How do we do that?  Through education.  We MUST educate ourselves, and pass that knowledge on to our children.  We must become involved in local politics, as that is the level that most directly affects us.  We must hold our elected officials responsible for their actions and not let them spin liberty-negative legislation into something positive.  I recognize that we have limited tools with which to do so, as the only real power we continue to have over the government is the power of the vote (only within the state as we do not directly elect the President).

Get smarter.  Make your kids smarter than you.  Be involved in their lives.  Get involved with local politics.  Speak out when you see injustices.  If we do that, and encourage our kids to continue to do that, we will have a chance.  Or, you can keep silent, and continue to suffer the evils of an increasingly oppressive government.

That is all for now.  Shadow out.