Are YOUR Boots Firmly Planted?

An American Patriot from Great Britain Takes a Stand!

The expression “Boots on the ground” is a military one, meaning troops are in evidence; and they are there to do a job, be it keeping the peace or fighting insurgents, etc.
America is in a dire situation where she has a leader who doesn’t lead and an administration that is hell bent on removing the rights of her patriotic citizens. Those in charge are intent by one political move or another in destroying the great Constitution of the Founding Fathers.
If America is to win back her freedom – her liberty – and IF she is to retain her incomparable Constitution and the Bill of Rights, then she needs “BOOTS ON THE GROUND.”  She needs Patriots to fight for her. She cannot win the battle alone!

How can this be done, you ask? First of all join any conservative group that is like minded. Now is NOT the time to be finicky about who you ally yourself with politically. NOW is the time to UNITE under the Flag of the Republic for the GOOD of the Republic. This fight is NOT about Democrat or Republican or Independent; it is about AMERICA and her DREAM!
Over many years, Americans have become complacent, as more and more they have been forced to rely on Federal Government for aid and legislation. Each State is an entity on its own, it has the right to leave the Union of States as it will and become independent of Federal Government.
It is the DUTY of every Patriot to motivate themselves in the fight against the Tyranny of Federal Government. It is their bounden duty to stand firmly behind the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and it is their bounden duty to fight against the Tyranny that is now coming from the White House.
There is more than one way to skin a cat, as the saying goes, and politically this would be at the Ballot Box at Election Time, but this needs those BOOTS ON THE GROUND that I mentioned earlier. It is no good talking the walk if’n you AIN’T walkin’ the talk … each one needs to be out on the streets talking to people, motivating people to take an interest in their future and that of their children, and their children’s children.
Telling people about the things they will lose if they don’t vote against Obama this time, won’t be much good if your enthusiasm is missing. Mumbling words don’t make any difference at all. I mentioned a long time ago when I was first involved and people were for getting Allen West to run for president, that organizing rallies would help greatly. Inviting people to BBQs would also be a great idea. Using such methods brings people together and people talk better when enjoying themselves – their motivation levels are amplified.
Boots on the ground make all the difference. Going door to door educating people, getting them to join the local republican group is the kind of boots on the ground work can be the difference between Victory or Defeat. Two things lead to the first and they are Unity and the Determination to win whatever the cost. The latter needs only one thing and that is complacency. The idea that you don’t need to get involved because Joe down the road is doing that for you is just being complacent. Relying on others to do the work makes you lazy and bone idle; and the lazy and bone idle get nothing but misery and chaos. The more boots on the ground, the more ground gets covered, and the more people hear about the cause.
I will tell you this for free: IF YOU WANT TO SEE AMERICA END UP LIKE ENGLAND, then carry on being complacent and bone idle. America WILL end up that way if you the Patriots do nothing. If you do not unite in the common cause, you will be slaves – owning nothing, being nothing, and every nickel you earn will feed the Tyranny of Federal Government, along with those who do not deserve it. What happened to England happened virtually overnight. By that I mean the changes were made without our knowledge and compliance. Before we knew it we were bound by laws that we didn’t know were being made; and only after they were on the statute books did we find out.
England cannot be saved without America being saved first. America is the LAST Bastion of Freedom in the world. IF America can remain free, then England with America’s help can regain her freedom.
So I beseech you most humbly to join any group that is intent on saving America, attend your local and county republican meetings, work for them, volunteer if that’s the only way, donate a dollar or two to their battle funds. Anything you can do that will help save America no matter how small will be a gigantic contribution to the cause of freedom and liberty.

IF you still want to see that Star Spangled Banner flying over the Land of the FREE and Home of the BRAVE , be prepared to fight to keep it there. The founding Fathers and those first Patriots fought long and hard so you could be free. Don’t throw it all away through Complacency and disunity!
I warn you all, though, that should you NOT UNITE as one people against Obama and his army of minions, then you will have to fight them physically with weaponry, and another civil war, bloodier than the last will ensue. There will be no blue and grey to identify your enemy, nor will there be two Flags flying.

Publisher’s Note: Manny is a contributor to The National Patriot who hails from Great Britain. Manny is living proof that American Patriots exist across the pond and we at The National Patriot applaud his heartfelt embrace of our American values!

This entry was posted in Conservative, Constitution and Amendments, Economy, Election 2012, Emmanuel Etchells-Ayre, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Obama, Tea Party by Emmanuel Etchells-Ayre. Bookmark the permalink.

About Emmanuel Etchells-Ayre

65 year old Englishman,who is a fervent supporter of Israel and of America,so much so,that I am what could be called a frustrated Cowboy,America has always been my Favourite Nation,and the bulk of my childhood heroes are American Patriots,had I followed my dream of fifty years ago,I would be there now,standing shoulder to shoulder with Tea Party against the Federal Tyrant ,instead of being here where the Government is weak and feeble,where the Politicians bow to Islam,and Christians are afraid to be recognised in the street for fear of offending some Muslim,or some brainless Liberal Wazzock! I am married to Jane,whom I met on-line in an AOL Chatroom for Christians,I have two son's of my own, one who is as bent as a nine dollar bill,and the other as straight as a die Christian young man. I have two great stepchildren,both married and two fantastic step-grandchildren ... life is good .... .

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