The Obama Plan Finally Revealed

The Obama plan for the economy is now clear. It’s a 3 part plan.

1)      Retreat

2)      Lecture

3)      Campaign

That’s it…lock stock and barrel. It’s as easy as 1,2,3…A,B,C…

On Friday, S&P dropped the United States from the AAA rating we’ve held since 1917. We held AAA through the 1ts World War…through the Great Depression…through the 2nd World War…through the malaise of Jimmy Carter. The United States has been able to withstand everything thrown at her…everything until…Obama.

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CREDIT DOWNGRADE…The Ripple Effect & Who’s at Fault

By Craig Andresen

On Friday, August 5th 2011, for the first time in history, the United States credit rating was downgraded. This unprecedented event will have political ripples as well as consumer ripples. This IS a serious event and the current administration KNOWS it despite their actions.

Before we get to the dodge and weave being suggested by many pundits, in regard to how Obama should react to this news, we should look at what this means to the average American consumer.

If you have a mortgage, a car loan, or you’re thinking of such in the near future, expect to pay a higher interest rate. Those who have a locked in mortgage are safe in that regard but those with variable rate mortgages, will find their interest rates going up.

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Some Illegal Immigrants Must Be More Equal Than Others

Does anyone else see the irony (at best) or flat out hypocrisy that the country of Mexico and some its neighbors are displaying by filing a suit against Alabama for passing laws to protect the state and its citizens from illegal immigrants?

According to The Washington Times:

Under the Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony, punishable by up to two years in prison. Immigrants who are deported and attempt to re-enter can be imprisoned for 10 years. Visa violators can be sentenced to six-year terms. Mexicans who help illegal immigrants are considered criminals.

The law also says Mexico can deport foreigners who are deemed detrimental to “economic or national interests,” violate Mexican law, are not “physically or mentally healthy” or lack the “necessary funds for their sustenance” and for their dependents.

Hmm, I don’t see anything wrong with their law. No country nor its people should be asked to absorb and support illegal immigrants.

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FDA Should Be Crying Over Spilled Milk

First, they went after the Amish…and spilled the milk.

Now they’ve gone after a private raw food group…and cut the cheese.

Watch out, all producers of natural food, the FDA nannies are on their way to plan a sting operation on your small family business! And we, the taxpayers, have paid for one-year investigations into these providers of raw products to knowledgeable and informed buyers!!

What I have learned from these raids is that it is legal to sell these raw products in 10 states, illegal in 11 and DC – but it is the Feds who enforce it through their thugs in the Food and Drug Administration! That means that even if you live in a state where it is legal, you get to foot the bill for these bureaucrats and their teams of law enforcement personnel to pose as purchasers for more than a year (“to gather evidence”) and then obtain warrants and raid Amish farms! Hmmmm – aren’t there more important uses for our taxpayer dollars and the time of our law enforcement officers?

And why, as consumers, are we being denied the right to eat what we want? I wonder how long it will be before they come knocking on our doors to inspect the contents of our refrigerators for contraband raw milk and fresh cheese…

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Logical Thinking or Ideological Thinking

By Craig Andresen 8-2-11

With the passage in the House of the debt deal yesterday and its passage in the Senate today party faithful from both sides of the political spectrum, elected officials and voters alike seem to be hopping mad. Even some who voted yes aren’t happy. What is everybody thinking? Maybe a better question would be…HOW are they thinking?

To answer this latter question one must examine from where they’re coming.

Democrats are really on fire over this. Their ideology is spend, entitle, tax, spend some more and grow government. Anything which gets in the way of that is deemed more despicable than building an off ramp across the environment inhabited by snail darters. Further, they see this legislation as being devised under the direction and strictly for the gain of, gasp, the Tea Party…their arch enemy.

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EPA’s Choke Hold On Economic Growth! by Margaret Smith

My last posting was an eye opener to the chains which our government places on business via “helping” with Regulations. After spending numerous hours on research and reading about Regulations, I realized I was a new born in the world of Government Regulations. I decided it was time to skip the first steps of walking, grow up, ascertain as much information I could to the affects this government has placed on our economic prosperity. I was shocked to find there are many who would place the life cycle of a fish ahead of the life of a human. I was shocked to discover that there are people in our country who would rather support an environmental department that is funded by taxpayers instead of supporting a business that would create more revenue. The most distressing discovery to this date is our (including mine) lack of knowledge for which the Environmental Government Agency known as the EPA has been responsible in destroying American jobs. I offer the following tidbits of information. I hope the citizens who are reading this take the time to get fired up and start firing back at this department; for surly it will be the demise of any industry surviving in America.

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Debt Deal…Roll the Dice or No Dice?

By Craig Andresen 8-1-11

The great debt deal announced Sunday evening may well be no deal at all. In fact, as Members of Congress pour through it, it may wind up as no dice.

There are many troubling elements of the “deal” which must be carefully considered before the vote can take place, possibly later today and Members from BOTH parties are starting to sound more and more negative regarding their individual votes.

Here are just SOME of the troubling issues:

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Winners, Losers and the Lack of Leadership

By Craig Andresen 7-31-11

In a week and a weekend when the war of words in Washington DC rose to extreme caliber as deadlines approached and rhetoric led the day, there were indeed winners and losers.

While the American people are still looking for leadership from the hallowed halls and the White House few if any feel like winners. Congress continues to conduct their business regardless of the prevailing wishes of We The People. In recent polls, 66% of the people have indicated THEY want or demand a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

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